
My hero academia the iron hero

jern drage isn't your normal teen why because his has three secrets the first being that he is rich as all hell his parents are pro heros who in enjoy the simple live over luxury. The second this that he is a famous hero tube singer by the name of rust, the third but he doesn't know it that he is the reincarnation of gajeel redfox but the iron dragon slayer magic transforms into a qurik. appearance looks like gajeel but more lean and with shorter hair Hero Costume take a look at yusei fudo closes I do not own mha or any of the songs that I use in this fan fiction please support the official release

reddragon98 · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

chap 2

The day after the funeral

I'm walking through the hallway of school to see bakugo and midoriya but before I can call out to them I set bakugo punch midoriya repeatedly as I get closer "... why do you have to be qurikless we were going to be the best!" I step in between them and catch a fist " Guys stop it." I say solemnly " Why do you care iron-head." I look down at midoriya who is crying " Because a hero doesn't attack innocents." I offer my hand to midoriya which he takes as I pull him to his feet " So qurikless eh?" He nods " Oh well your still the same izuku midoriya we have known that is good enough for me." He smiles as I pat his shoulder " Well I need to go you to mom wants me to homeschool for a while my guys is that she wants to keep me close since dad died." They both nod " Well will we still play?" Midoriya asks as I shurg " I don't know friend put I'll try to." I walk away from them with my hands in my shorts pockets.

10 years later

" Ok everyone its your man Rust here i have another song for you all and thanks for tuning in. Now sit back and enjoy." I say snapping my finger towards the camera as I readjusts the mask on my face.

"This ain't a song for the broken-hearted

No silent prayer for the faith-departed

I ain't gonna be just a face in the crowd

You're gonna hear my voice

When I shout it out loud

It's my life

It's now or never

I ain't gonna live forever

I just want to live while I'm alive

(It's my life)

My heart is like an open highway

Like Frankie said

I did it my way

I just want to live while I'm alive

It's my life

This is for the ones who stood their ground

It's for Tommy and Gina who never backed down

Tomorrow's getting harder, make no mistake

Luck ain't enough

You've got to make your own breaks

It's my life

And it's now or never

I ain't gonna live forever

I just want to live while I'm alive

(It's my life)

My heart is like an open highway

Like Frankie said

I did it my way

I just want to live while I'm alive

It's my life

You better stand tall when they're calling you out

Don't bend, don't break, baby, don't back down

It's my life

And it's now or never

I ain't gonna live forever

I just want to live while I'm alive

(It's my life)

My heart is like an open highway

Like Frankie said

I did it my way

I just want to live while I'm alive

(It's my life)."

I take a deep breath " Hope you all enjoy and tune in next time for another new song and the song is available for download right now on your preferred platform and as always see you all next time." I say as I see the red recording light go out before I walk back to to the studio where my mom is sitting on the control. " Another good song sweetie but good take you a shower you have the UA entrance exam tomorrow. " I pull my mask off with is in the shape off a dragon covering the top half of my face. "Ok mom." I set the mask in a drawer before heading up to my room " Dinner will be ready in abit." I smile and reply " Ok thanks mom." I quickly run into my room and grab a pair of shorts and t-shirt and into the shower as I pull my shirt off I catch a glimpse at my figure ' sigh Mom has been rather strict when it comes to my training.' I think to myself as I notice my well toned 8 pack." Oh well come on jern you have more important things to worry about."

After my shower I walk down as mom sets two plates of curry on the table " Thanks mom." I set down and grab a plastic spoon ' I know why mom won't let me use metal but its still weird.' Not to day sweetie use the metal just don't eat it this time." I smiles and rub my head " I said I was sorry plus I bought you a new sliverwear set." She scoffs and tell me to eat " I still don't get why you don't want to take the recommendation?" I look up after eating a few bites carefully. " Because mom if I learned one thing from dad before... nevermind is to take the path lest traveled sure its harder but that makes the result worth it." She smiles and pats my head " Good boy." My phone vibrates as I look at it I see that 800,000,000 was deposited into a account. " Well that didn't take long." I say before setting my phone down, mom just laughs as we take our empty plates to the sink " I'll do the dishes you go to bed you will next your sleep." I nod and yawn and kisses her check "ok mom love you. " she smiles and tries to kick me " love you to now march." I start to laugh as I jump out of her way and dart up the stairs.

The next morning

"Ok sweetie here we go." Mom says as she putting the car in park " Thanks mom I'll catch a taxi back tonight." She nods " Ok good I'm going to stop by the Yaoyorozu's for a bit so you might have to cook for yourself." I nod as I set out of the car and shut the door and watch the Shelby cobra drive off before I turn and walk into the grounds and make my way to the classroom and finish the written portion rather quickly with a yawn before walking to the assembly hall where everyone was gathered. " ARE YOU ALL READY!!!!!!!" Present Mic yells and I couldn't help it but yell a response " ALRIGHT NOW I GOT A FIRE IN MY BELLY LETS DO THIS!!!!!" The rest look at me as Present mic shoots me a thumbs up " AT LEAST ONE OF YOU HAS SOME SPIRIT NOW ON TO THE EXPLANATIONS!!!!" I smile as he explains the point system and we all get up to go change.

After a few minutes I'm walking towards alpha city and see people pointing at my causing me to look down at my clothes. I'm wearing black combat boot, blue jeans, and a red t-shirt. I shrug and stretch before I see the gates open as I hear Present mac's voice Are you all ready!!" I push of the ground at high-speed nearly flying as I hear " Well then go there are no signals in a realy battle." I sprint towards a group of 2 pointer robots and turn my lower arm in to a sword and start slashing them apart before running off and taking down a few 3 pointers.

I leaning against a building panting ' ok I should have enough.' I think to myself before I hear screaming i run to find people running from the 0 point robot that is swinging it arms destroying buildings and getting people stick i run in and start throwing rumble off and hand injured to the lest " Go run, Get yourself to a medic!" I was yelling trying to save as many as possible before spoting two kids about to get stepped on and I push off again at high-speed and catch the robots foot and struggle to keep it up before falling to a knee. " Go run i got it." I yell at the two as I change my skin to iron for extra support as they crawl out as I hear my stomach growl. ' I wonder.' I push my head up a bite into the robot and swallow and feel the rush off power but I keep eating.

Eventually i push the robot off and change my fist in to a club and slam into the ground yelling " IRON CLUB PRISON!" as multiple club preice thor the robot as the buzzer sounds ending the test. Pulling my arm out the ground I walk out the school and calls a cab. As I sit down the driver asks me where to I just tell him the address and hand him 300 yen and he just shuts up and drive with the radio on " Well sindy they mysterious singer rust has yet again blown the charts with his song it's my life many of us wonder where he comes up with his content..." I just shake my head and pull out at pocket notebook and start writing new ideas for lyrics.

After a few days I collect the mail from the front as mom cooks " Lets see crap, crap, local paper Firestarter, letter from fans of mom..." "Trash!" Mom cuts in causing me to laugh and drop the next 10 letters in the trash " Ok and bills crap , Ua results crap...." both me and mom stop for a sec " WAIT WHAT!!!" we yell as mom runs to the table as I open the letter as a little projector lands on the table and all might shows up " Congratulations young drage you were one of the best performer we seen but still a long way from number one." He says as a score list comes up " You took second place by a struggle but there was a hidden part to the test for something we call hero points and you managed to score 89 hero points but adding your written points you still made the hero course of class 1-A and welcome to your hero academia."

A few days later

I'm getting out of mom's cobra as she drives away for work as I adjust my tie and walk in and make my way to clas to stop at the large door with a sweat drop on my face " Why so big." I just shrug and slide the door open and take a seat and sit down yawning ignoring everyone before I see a familiar green mop " Yo midoriya!" I call lazily as he smiles and walks out before we all feel a pressure on use to see a a man in a yellow sleeping bag. " 24 seconds that won't do I'm shouta aizawa your homeroom teacher any questions?" I raise my hand as he raises a eyebrow " Do you have a spare?" I point to at his sleeping bag as everyone looks at me funny and he gives a shit eating grin " OHHHH I like you." He tosses me a black sleeping bag." But before you get comfortable put these gym uniforms on and meet my at the sports field."

Meanwhile at the sports field

Yawning and stretching i stand as the class looks around " Ok kids qurik assessment the country like to pretend we are all still equal so we are going to see where you stand. " he says as a boy with glasses hollers " But what about the orientation assembly?" Aizawa sighs " My homeroom my rules here we aren't bound to tradition bakugo you had the highest score what was your furthest throw?" "67 meters" aizawa toss him a soft ball now use your qurik." DIE!" He thoss the ball adding a explosion right before it left his hand and aizawa show the score of 659 meters " Need i say more." We all shake our heads " ok 50 meter dash first up drage and iida." We both walk up and take a runner position before pushing off. " iida 3.5 seconds and drage ... 0.5...." the whole class looks at me in shock asi walk back and everyone then takes their turns till all the events is over and it comes to midoriya and I for the ball throw.

" Drage your next." I walk up and toss the ball up and don't in my hand " Hold up have you been using your qurik at all " I just shake my head and everyone goes pale " use your qurik." I nodd with a grin and toss the ball straight up and turn my hand into a metal bat and smack the ball as hard as I can only to her some one giggling I look over to see a girl with a spikey ponytail " 987 meters." The class gulps as the girls crosses her arms with a grin " Alright pal your next." I toss a ball to midoriya as I walk towards the girl " I feel like I know you?" She nods and smiles " Hope so its nice to see you again jern." She punches my shoulder "Nice to see you to momo." We start catching up and I feel a slight chill as I look down to see a small guy with purple hair " How are you so buddy buddy with the hottest girl in class?" I turn my lower arm to a sword and press the trip under his nose " What it to ya." I snarl only to be brought out of in by a grunt.

We all look to see midoriya with a broken finger " I won't give up i worked to hard to get here." Aizawa and I girn as he hand him a slip to see the nurse as my phone vibrates in my pocket. " Hello?" Momo looks at me confused " No this isn't he but I can take a message." The rest of class looks at me while iida looks furious. " So guest staring on the talk show ok ok I'll let the man now but he will probably only want to talk over the phone or by Webcam." I nod and start looking for a peice of paper which momo hands me i quickly right down a number, " Ok then i got it I'll pass it to him." I hang up only for iida to charge up " Why do you have your phone on in class you can get in...ep!" I glare at him as my eyes glow red in rage " Don't lecture me engine boy you have no clue what I have to do outside off school so fuck the fuck off." I close my phone and turn to see that I placed first and walk away and change " Hey jern wait up. " I look back to see momo chasing after me " Need something." She chuckles and shakes her head " what was that phone call you sounded irritated." I feel some sweat roll down my neck " Its nothing just watch the tonight show." I run off before she can say something.