
My Hero Academia: The Instantaneous Hero Blink

To cope with the problems of the world, Izuku Midoriya runs. He keeps on running till one day he is chosen in order to run to save others. Watch as a boy who lost all hope of being a hero slowly becomes the symbol of hope to those who have lost it. He may not have been the fastest as a child, but with his new gifted powers he will surely save those from harm in a Flash...

X3nr0x_Starfield · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Onwards With The Memories...

Chapter 4 - Onwards With The Memories...

Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap tap tap tap, tap tap tap tap. Izuku, the fastest person in the room, was currently tapping his pencil over and over again on account of having nothing to do. That was actually not completely true if he was being honest, or it was his truth at the moment. Right now he was trying to complete the easy task of figuring out exactly what to do with the remaining two hours and fifty-eight minutes of the three hours that they had given to him. The 'they' that he was referring to was UA and he really hadn't managed to nail the speed of his thought process quite yet despite the time that he had been given to prepare.

Due to this, the speedster had finished practically the entire test before he figured out what he was doing and tried stopping himself. The slowing down of his brain worked in a similar fashion to his running. It took some time to slow down after he had gotten going, which is why he was now simply waiting on the rest of the time to be taken up.

Well, well done Izuku, now you have to wait for the rest of the time and sit here doing nothing...or you could just go over your extremely short life and ponder about what you've done well. Yeah that seemed about right, les just go into your mind and waste time...

It had been about a month and a week after Izuku had stopped the gunman from killing Momo Yaoyorozu. Following the event, the police had come to question both of them while bringing in an ambulance to tend to Izuku's arm...

A Month and a Week ago:

"Son could you please tell me what happened." The officers at the scene were each questioning a separate person as to not confuse any of them by asking them questions together. On top of that, he had also been taken to the hospital as being a minor didn't really give him a choice in the matter. The thing about his quirk was that it had begun the healing as soon as he suffered the injury so there was really no point to this.

A few minutes earlier they had given him some pain medication in order to remove the bullets. In principle that would've been something that worked for every case ever, but of course Izuku had to be the exception like always. He felt the effects of the narcotics take hold for a second before it was gone and he was back to being the same old Izuku, except now with two less pieces of metal within him. Turning back to the officer he began to answer the question.

"Ummm, so you see…. I know that I wasn't suppose to use my quirk in public or upon another human being but the girl's life was at stake and it was just that my feet moved on their own. I'm not even sure how I got over there in the first place." The injured boy continued ranting on before the officer placed a hand on his shoulder signaling him to slow down.

"Son, I'm just here to get your story, not to imprison you for saving someone's life. Do you understand?" With a small nod from the boy the officer continued to speak. "Okay, now that we have that cleared up, please tell me what happened, slowly."

"I was stopping by the store to buy some chocolate bars since my quirk consumes large amounts of my own energy and I'd just come back from a day of training. After I exited the store, I realized that the cashier had given me too much change so I went back to give the extra change back." The officer jotted down notes about what Midoriya told him in order to get a sense of the story."

"Around what time would you say that this occurred?" The kid thought about it for a second before realizing that this had been about an hour previous.

"It was around 6:30 in the evening and when I returned I saw a man and a girl who looked to be my age walking into an alley." The green haired boy ran a hand through his hair before continuing with his story. "I followed into the alley because something just didn't seem right and it turned out that it wasn't. The moment that I got there I saw the man pointing a gun at her chest so I ran to try to stop him from firing. I wasn't able to stop him from going ahead with the shots but I was able to get in the path of the bullets in order so that she would be alright. After that I was out of commission for the rest of the fight in which she conjured a staff from her hand and incapacitated the man before he was able to do any more damage."

Upon hearing the end of the story, the officer took down a handful of more notes before deciding that the kid had been through a lot for the day. He tipped his hat and made his way to leave which Izuku couldn't help but appreciate. It was certainly something that he had wanted since getting these powers, to slow down for just a little bit. He leaned back into the bed that had been provided by the hospital and closed his eyes, waiting until the doctors came to discharge him

His rest was unfortunately interrupted by the girl he had saved earlier, Momo Yaoyorozu. She entered the room as quietly as possible seeing as her savior appeared to be sleeping. She seemed to be coping with all of this pretty well considering that she had almost died if not an hour beforehand. Then again she had been training to be a hero so being resilient was to expected.

"Umm Izuku was it?" The tall girl asked him in a quiet and calm demeanor, not trying to wake him up from his apparent slumber. The speedster opened a single eye and then the other to fully see her.

"I just wanted to say thank you once again for all you did, I froze instead of reacting and you didn't even think twice about helping me. You went straight into it and tackled the problem head on." Her voice became a bit shaky but she maintained her composure.

Seeing as a conversation was about to begin, Izuku sat up and propped pillow under himself. Luckily he had maintained his clothing which he appreciated for this situation seeing as a hospital gown wouldn't have been a good look on him.

"W-Would you like to sit down?" He pointed at the chair that was besides his bed, trying to be hospitable. Momo nodded as she made her way to the indicated seat keeping her eyes on Izuku.

"Why did you take the bullets for me?" This was the main question that had been bothering her for the past hour. Most people who knew about her family name would do it for the money or to get in good graces with her parents. This boy, as far as she knew, had no knowledge of her and had reacted within a second to save her from what would have otherwise been a lethal attack. "I mean...you don't know who I am. You could've ended up in a worse condition than it just hitting your arm."

Izuku's eyes drifted to the air above her head for a second as he thought about the question. Well isn't that the question that everyone always asks? What is the correct answer for that? Is there a correct answer? Unsure what to say, he lowered his gaze once more and answered honestly.

"You looked like you needed help." The simple answer confused her and the boy could tell that from her facial expression. "What type of person would I be if I could do something to help but chose to do nothing. Besides, it's better to have two bullets in me than to wonder where they would have been if they weren't." He gave her a nervous smile trying to lighten the situation which she returned.

"So. umm, are you planning on being a hero or something along those lines?" She wanted to move the conversation to something else that they would hopefully be able to discuss without it turning south. Izuku, being the confident and smart person he was, simply shrugged, not really sure on the answer himself.

"I'm not really sure." His facial expression turned to be that with a slight frown as he thought. "Up until recently I didn't even have that possibility open for me. I'm not even sure if I'll be able to follow my other career path if I do go into heroism."

"Why not?" Momo had obviously thought of something that was a solution to his dilemma. "Other heroes have separate careers besides being professionals. Best Jeanist has a fashion company, Present Mic has a talk show, and All Might has all of his merchandise." She got up from her chair before finishing her sentence. "If you want to be a hero, you can be that and follow whatever other path you want. If you were able to stop a bullet I don't really see what's stopping you."

Izuku smile grew, having someone finally tell him what he had wanted to hear for a long time was really uplifting. He was about to thank her for the uplifting speech when the doctor came in. Looking at him Izuku was able to identify him as the same doctor that had been there to attend him for the week that he had been conscious.

"Oh well it looks like I have to go." Taking out a piece of paper and a pen, Momo quickly wrote down her contact information before handing it to Izuku. "We should stay in contact, text me whenever you get out of the hospital and we'll talk." She then left the room with a small wave, all before the speedster could say anything on his part.

He was a bit sad seeing her go but at least he now had her contact info so that was something. He placed the piece of paper in his pocket before turning to the doctor who didn't appear too interested in his case. After that…. Wait, what did happen after that….?

Losing his train of thought, Izuku's attention returned to the test that was in front of him. Once again, he went through it several times and tried figuring out how else to spend his time. That short trip down memory lane had taken a total of ten minutes which was nowhere near the time that he needed to waste.

Looking around, the green-haired boy spotted a head full of blue hair that could only belong to one person he knew. He had gotten to Tenya Iida quite well over the past months asince he had met him that that he had begun training his quirk. The boy had been a very good person to talk to and was also very interesting

Izuku smiled as he departed in the memory train once more. Going towards a memory that was made with Iida the day after he had met him. It was quite fun and both of the boys had gotten much out of each other's company, especially Izuku who had no experience in dealing with quirks beforehand.

It wasn't like he had anything else to do, right now all he wanted to do was get rid of the time that he did have. Hopefully it was enough to get him through the rest of this test, probably wouldn't happen, but still, one could hope.

Izuku had been discharged from the hospital that same night after his mother scolded him for trying to be a hero. She was glad that he was alright, but it was still hard for her seeing her son's green hoodie with two holes in it. Needless to say, Izuku was sure to be more careful about dealing with bullets from now on.

That night Izuku put a lot of thought into what Momo had told him earlier of having two careers instead of sticking to just one. It was interesting and something that he hadn't thought as a possibility at all. Sure he knew that some heroes did it, but he certainly hadn't expected it to be something he could do before now.

He thought of giving Momo a text but he was unsure of where exactly he put his cell phone. He checked in his pockets, bag and every other place in his room but he was unsure of where he had put it. Wanting this to be over quickly, he went over to the home phone and decided to call it. If it were in his home he would most likely be able to find it from its ringing. One ring, two rings…

"Hello who is this?" The voice on the other side sounded familiar but he couldn't quite place it yet.

"Umm, s-sorry to be troublesome but I was wondering if I could…get my phone back. I'm not sure where I left it but I would be most thankful if I got it back relatively soon."

"Midoriya? Is that you?" Ohhh, that's why the voice sounds so familiar, I literally met him earlier today when he wanted to race.

"Yeah! Iida right?" His voice was slowly increasing in pitch from the embarrassment that he felt towards losing his phone.

"Yes I found your phone under the tree where you were resting after I returned to see if you were still there? Would you like to meet tomorrow in order to get your phone back? Maybe at the same track from today? It would be most convenient for me there if it's possible. If not I can probably go to around where you live.?

"No. the track is fine. I don't want to cause you any more trouble than I already have. At around eight in the morning would be a good time"

Now...how did I lose that phone? I'm positive that I put it inside my pocket but if it fell then it must have been the hoodie pocket since it offers less room to hold objects in a reliable fashion. That added to my sudden take off must've led to the flying out of the phone which puts me in my current situation….

"Midoriya?" The voice on the other side of the phone called out in confusion. "Are you still there? All I can hear from my side is something resembling a quiet engine."

If Iida could have seen him at the moment, he would have seen Izuku's face turn into a similar shade of red as his shoes. This was but another time that someone had called him out on his habit of muttering. To make matters worse, it appeared to have become faster due to his quirk.

"Yeah! Thanks again Iida, see you tomorrow!" Izuku wanted to end that before his embarrassment went up to a lethal level.

The following morning, Izuku did everything as quickly as possible in order to get his phone as soon as possible. That actually wasn't really a statement based on facts considering that he arrived at the chosen location ten minutes before eight. To top that off, he was still suffering issues on slowing down after activating his quirk and was incapable of doing anything.

Trying to use his time effectively, the quickened boy looked around and saw the grave condition this track was in. It certainly needed a bit of work to bring it up to functional use again and right now he didn't think he had anything else to do. Mend a fence, sweep the dirt of the track to even it, fix the pull-up bars on the side, mow the unruly grass that had conquered the center of the field.

After seemingly hours of hard work, the boy was done and more confused than ever. Five minutes had passed since he had arrived here, but luckily he was slowing down and time was returning to its usual flow. On the other end of the field he could see Iida walking towards him taking in his new surrounding. The boy with glasses looked extremely surprised by the sudden renovation of the field.

"Hey Iida over here!" Midoriya called out for his engine quirk friend as he sat below the same tree that he had lost his phone at. He smirked at the obvious confusion that was on his face. Iida handed him the phone and began asking him a question.

"Midoriya, did you do all this? Yesterday this place was a complete mess now it looks like a professional track worthy of a runner such as yourself." Like always, his hands served as an indicator his character.

"Well you see, I got here a little early and I wanted to clean this place up a little." He scratched his head in slight embarrassment from the praise that he had received from the taller boy. "It was nothing, I just wanted to make this a place that people could come and actually use again." Apart from the fact that I was extremely bored.

"This isn't nothing Midoriya." The other boy exclaimed with his arms stretched around him. "That quirk of yours really is something else."

"Hey Iida, on the topic of quirks...how do you use yours for offense? Mine is just a simple speed enhancing quirk but I want to know if I can use it for other things." The other teen adjusted glasses before continuing the topic about his own quirk.

"My quirk is also a speed enhancing known as engine, it serves as a car allowing me to, over time, increase my speed more and more. My hands themselves don't have the same force that my legs do so when I fight, my legs are my main source of damage. The increased acceleration of them allows for more damage and also for a faster disengage."

Izuku nodded as he pulled out a notebook and began jotting down even more notes on the same page as the previous day. Once he was satisfied by the quality of his notes, he turned to Iida and gave one more request.

"Could you possibly show me, against me that is?" This baffled Iida, seeing someone who actually wanted one of his kicks. "I want to see if it is something applicable to myself or not, you know call it a test run." Looking at him in deep thought, almost as if sizing him up, Iida gave him a small nod.

"Alright Midoriya, I'll use my quirk against you only if you agree to do the same." He wants me to what now? "From your face I believe that you are confused by my request. All I ask of you is that you return the favor and use your quirk against me as well." With a short nod the two smiled at each other and made their way onto the field.

This time Iida was dressed in what appeared to be a blue leotard that covered the thighs and shoulders. Unlike last time, Izuku was able to fully see the back of his legs and saw what he could only describe as pipes coming out of his calfs. This intrigued him and it would be the next subject in the conversation that was held next.

Izuku himself had decided against wearing any loose clothing and had switched his track suit for a skin tight one that didn't cover his arms and the majority of his legs. To improve his speed it would be necessary to show a bit more skin than he usually did, but he had determined that it would be worth it in the long run of his training.

Without warning, Tenya Iida charged at Izuku Midoriya. He raised his right leg high while maintaining the left one grounded. His quirk was used to increase the speed of the leg mid-kick and as a result exerted a greater force. Izuku knew this last bit because he had been too busy admiring the mechanics of his opponent's fighting style to realize that it was being used on him.

Iida's kick caught him in the stomach and caused the wind to be knocked out of him while at the same time sending him flying back. As he did fly backwards, Izuku saw Tenya ground his right leg before continuing after him to likely finish off what he had started. He did notice that to maintain a good flow Iida needed to turn a full 360 degrees to not have any abrupt stops.

Had Izuku been a normal person, he would have flown through the air just like any other person. He would have been subject to the same laws of physics and gravity as everyone else who walked the planet, quirked and , however, wasn't the case for the resident speedster. He, like in his fight with Eraserhead, willed himself to fall at a faster rate and so he did. Rolling backwards he managed to regain his footing and face his charging foe with a look of grim determination.

He ran straight at the engine quirk user using only half of the speed that he currently had at his disposal. This was to make things more even and to keep a few cards in his sleeve for future use.

Watching the rival speed quirk user carefully, Iida watched in wonder as MIdoriya fell backwards and rolled away at an incredible speed. Normally he would've pulled off such maneuver and caught his opponent before they reached the ground. He guessed that this was part of the speed enhancing quirk, but he ad thought that it was only physical. Regardless, he continued charging at him till...he disappeared?

One moment he was there and the next he had flickered out of his view. Perhaps flicker wasn't the right word, it was more of a blur more than anything else. A green blur that made itself directly behind him and caught him by surprise. He reacted at the words 'Peek A Boo' with trying to swing his ouster leg a full 180 degrees around. This was too much time for Izuku who was able to dodge the attack while at the same time dropping down and sweeping his legs.

You know, I'm really starting to like this sweep kick that works so often. The winner of the spar watched as Tenya fell onto his back with closed eyes. He hit the ground with a pretty loud thud that mustn't have been pleasant. This of course only worsened as his own momentum had added more speed to the fall.

"That's quite a kick that you have there Iida! Knocked the air straight out of my lungs!" Izuku praised his friend knowing that he was too self critical of himself. It was one of those things that was obvious at first glance that anyone could see about Iida. He offered his hand to help get up and Iida took it. "One recommendation I have for you is that after you kicked me you did a complete turn which took a few seconds. You might want to replace this with jumping off your supporting leg and using the momentum to keep on running.

"Thank you Midoriya! I will take your advice into great consideration!" The boy gave him a bow in order to show his gratitude "I would like to continue training alongside you if possible in order to better use my quirk." His sudden desire came as a bit of a surprise to Izuku who had only just started with the use of a quirk.

"Umm sure. I mean I can come back in like a half an hour to bring lunch and a water bottle since I didn't plan on staying long. Would that be fine?" Tenya Iida nodded and went ahead to say one more thing to his newest friend.

"My quirk may not be as strong as yours, I don't know if it ever will, but I promise you that with your help I will try my best in order to be the best hero that I can be. I will not disappoint you my friend!"

After that, Izuku and Tenya had trained most days of the week in order to better themselves and their quirks. The friendship between them had gotten stronger and Iida began to see Izuku in the same standard that he saw Tensei (his older brother). A figure that inspired him to be better and someone that helped those around him instead of himself.

Izuku chuckled lightly at the memory but quickly disguised it as a cough after seeing Iida's head shoot up and looked around. He might be a fun person to hang around, but when it came to tests, Iida was sure to be the most serious person in the room. Looking at the large clock in the font of the room, the 'patiently waiting test taker' saw that this time he had spent a good twenty minutes going over past experiences. Sure this wasn't perfect, but it was getting there, slowly.

Two hours and twenty odd minutes was all the time that was the other test takers this was obviously a problem that they needed to work against. They didn't have the speed that Izuku had and thus didn't have the same undying boredom that rested upon the boy's shoulders. It was a trade off that he was glad for he just wished could go the other way as well.

He inwardly groaned as he attempted to find another memory within his head that would serve his time there seemed to be none that worked in his favor. At least last time he was bored he was able to read...all the books in Momo's library. That was the one, the one memory that should bring him even closer to his goal of three hours!

A bit after practicing with Iida, Izuku sent a text to Momo apologizing for the inconvenience. He explained to her the situation in which he had lost his phone and that he had found it once again. She understood this and told him that there really was nothing to worry about.

Following this, the two were in frequent communication talking about things that all people talked about. School, hobbies, what their plans were for after middle school, and between then and the entrance exam this topic reached houses in where Momo then invited Izuku over in order to talk to him further about his quirk...Needless to say, Izuku was more nervous than he'd ever been in his life.

Upon arriving at her 'house' the green speedster was even more nervous upon seeing the large estate which Momo called home. You know….It would have been a bit helpful knowing a little bit more about her before coming. Not saying I regret this, just saying that this is a total mind-blown.

Luckily there wasn't a servant waiting at the door to mess with Izuku's mind any more than it already had been. It had been the girl of the house herself wearing a red t-shirt and some shorts. Like a good hostess should, she invited him in and asked him if he required any refreshments before guiding him into the library.

Yeah library was a good term for it. What else can you call a room filled wall to wall with books. That's not even the library she was referring to, this one was just known as 'the hall'. Well, if I'm ever a hero I now know what to look forward to, or maybe not to this extreme.

"Woah, this place is huge!" Izuku said it before he even truly thought it. Momo blushed slightly, many people said the same thing whenever they did come over to her house.

"Sorry for not telling you about all this." Izuku noted that she apologized for something that really didn't need an apology. "I should have told you, but most people tend to treat me differently after they find out about my family's wealth. Are you alright?" She noticed the look of being completely lost, a look she knew from too much exposure.

"Y-Yeah…"His voice was shaky and his throat was a bit dry from the sensory overload. "I'm just a bit overwhelmed at the moment, should be alright in a few minutes. Maybe hours." The last bit was in a mutter which she assumed was a cough.

"Well, have a look around while I fetch the tea." She made her way to the doors they had come through before turning back. "I'll only be gone for a few minutes, grab a book if you'd like." She motioned to the walls before closing the door and running off.

Well looks like I have to wait for one of my friends once again. This worked out great last time. Lets see what we have here, The Old Man by the Sea. Never read it let's start here, like they always say 'You can't go wrong with Hemingway.'

The book itself was alright for him, a bit dry in some areas, but overall it was a book that had made it to be a book which couldn't be said for countless of other things. Looking at a watch that he had recently gotten for himself, Izuku saw that about five seconds had passed. This was after he had taken a break from the book in order to go read another few books that were adjacent to this one. With his hostess still not returning, the guest when on ahead to read another book, and another, and another.

When Momo did return with the tea, she yelped quite loudly at the mountain of books that had accumulated onto the table. Not since she had been here had she seen all of the books placed onto the table in such a way. It looked like it was made to be a mountain which she couldn't really rap her brain around.

"Umm Izuku? Are you there" She called out for him hoping that he hadn't buried himself under the piles of books. As she looked around it looked like every book in the room had been pulled from the shelves and had been forced to join the mountain.

"Yes Momo?' The quick boy had appeared so suddenly that the creation quirk girl reacted instead of thinking. Forming a staff from her hand, she swung it directly to where Izuku had appeared. Had he not been himself, the boy would have ended up with a concussion most likely. Luckily, his 'quick' reflexes allowed him to see the staff coming precisely at his face. His two options were dodge it or catch it. He chose to dodge which ended up having problems of its own.

Momo's swing didn't just end at his location, but it kept going till it hit the cart that she had rolled in moments earlier. The cart was then pushed to its side tossing the steaming hot tea in the direction of the books. Something that would look very bad on his part if it did end up happening.

Not seeing where he went, Izuku rushed to grab the tea cups and pot out of the air as he used them to catch airborne tea. He wasn't completely successful as a bit of tea landed on his skin causing it to hurt quite badly. Upon completing this task, he used his foot to catch the falling cart before placing down all the pieces neatly back on their tray.

He turned around in horror as he saw his hostess and friend falling backwards. This was most likely from being tripped by his attempts to save the tea from falling on the rushed over and aught her jsut as she was about to hit the ground. With his hand wrapped around her wait, time dilated itself back to normalcy.

The slightly alarmed Momo Yaoyorozu's eyes went wide as she finally let go of her staff that flew across the room. She turned her head slightly sideways where her eyes met Izuku's and both of them blushed heavily upon realization of their close proximity.

"What happened?" This was Momo's question to the green-haired speed reader who had caught her a moment earlier. That was the first thing that she wanted to know before anything else. Still embarrassed from his current situation, Izuku's tongue began using the same abilities that his legs had for the past few weeks.

"WellyouseeyoucameinsosuddenlyandIwenttoyoursideusingmyquirksoyoutriedtohitmewithastaffthatyoumadeand…." He stopped himself from going any faster than he had been going. He took a deep breath and repeated himself in a much slower and simpler fashion. "You came in and I used my quirk to get to your side which ended in you trying to hit me with a staff you made. This then led to you hitting the tea cart and I had to scoop it up mid-air so it wouldn't hit any of the books. Also I may have tripped you on my way to saving the books so I had to stop you from falling."

"OK!" Her tone of voice was a bit higher than usual but he expected it to do so. "Why is every book in the room on the table?" Izuku's gaze went up and then down within a second before he responded.

"You told me to grab a book. So I did, a few hundred times.."He gave her a small smile in hopes of lightening the situation which it did. She gave a small laugh before asking her next question.

"Is it possible for me to stand now?" Somehow, Izuku's face became even more red than it already was as he realized that he was still holding her.

"O-of course"He helped her to her feet before she straightened out her clothes. Looking around to her left she saw the tea had already been served, probably by Izuku. She took two of the tea cups and handed one to Izuku.

"Did you really read all of these books?" Turning towards him she saw that he was mid drink. All that he could do was nod and her laugh.

"Examinee number 2234! Examinee number 2234!" What? What's going on? Izuku's head shot up as he saw that a test official was referring to him. "The test is over, please pass it to your right if you could." Hey I did make it past those two hours. He handed the test to the person sitting next to him which was Kachan.

"Stupid Deku," was what he muttered angrily at having to wait because his childhood friend had been lost in thought.

He had survived the written exam easily, not really. Now all that he needed to do in order to make it into UA was pass the practical exam which he was just about to do. After all, he had been spending the better part of an entire month getting ready for the most important test in his life thus far…