
Ch. 9

( Third Pov )

" Hahaha!! It's fine now! Why!? Because I am here!" All might shouted as he carried numerous people behind his back.

' Gotta get them to safety!'

' Gotta get them to safety!'

" All Might! That's amazing! But I hear another cry from there!" A police officer shouted as he pointed at another direction.

" No problem!" All Might replied as he quickly rushed towards the sounds of a citizens plea.

' Forgive me, Haru! It seems I'll be late for your birthday.' All might thought regretfully.

( All Might Pov )

' Sigh, two years has passed, and I'm ashamed to bring myself in front of Haru.' I thought as I lifted my head at the clear blue sky.

" He turned six yesterday...sigh!"

' And I missed it again.'

" But don't worry! I'll make sure to surprise him next year!!" I shouted with a smile.

" A phone call is here! A phone call is here!"

" Hm?" I noticed my phone ringing as I brought it to my ear.

" Hello?" I asked.

" All might." My good friends David answered.

" David!" I shouted in return.

" Haha, yes, it's me."

" What could I do for you?" I asked.

" Actually... Melissa seemed to be missing you and wanted you to visit. She has been pestering me every chance she could." I smiled as I could feel the helplessness in David's tone.

" Haha! Well, I don't mind visiting, but I'm a little troubled here..."

" Troubled? You? What on earth could trouble the number one hero?" David replied.

" Actually..." I felt a little nervous as I scratched my head.

" I missed my son's birthday yesterday..."

".... A son!?" David shouted in surprise.

I brought my phone far from my ear from how loud he shouted.

" Haha! Yes." I replied as I heard a sigh from the other side.

" All Might! If this information got out, it would be..." David didn't finish, but I knew what he was going to say.

" I know." I replied

" Which is why I have my teacher taking care of him."

" Sigh, does the kid know?" Dabid asked, which made me hesitant before answering.

" No." I heard another sigh again.

" Well...hmm, actually that might work." David spoke to himself.

" Hm? What are you saying?" I asked.

" Why not have your child visit? Melissa could have a friend, and maybe you could even spend time with him." David explained.

" That's... Genius!!" I shouted in excitement.

" Well, I have to go now, Melissa wants me..."

" Hello?" I looked at my phone before hearing a little girls voice.

" Uncle All Might!!"

" Hahaha! If it isn't young, Melissa. Did you steal your dad's phone?" I laughed

" No..."

" Sigh, sorry about All Might, but I'll call you later."

" Haha! Tell your daughter I said hello." I replied.

" I'm sure I will." David replied before hanging up the phone.

" Now... where was I? Oh!" I looked around to see a group of villains being arrested.

' It seemed I unconsciously beat a few villains while I was on the phone.'

" Now that's what I call Plus Ultra!!" I shouted before taking my leave before the reporters could arrive.

" Ah! All might has left!!"

" Nooo!! My autograph!!"

" Sigh. Done!" I shouted before taking off again.

" Woah! He actually signed it!!"

" Woohoo!!"

( Haru Pov )

" He actually defeated the villains while on a phone call..." I looked at Gramps, who was munching on Taiyaki.

" Hmhm." Gramps nodded as he continued to watch the news.

" Wonder what that phone call was about?" I asked curiously.

Gramps shrugged before his phone started ringing.

" Who are you again..." Gramps.made that stupid face again.

' Must be father.' I thought as I loooednat Gramps who continued to torment All might through the phone.

I got off the couch and went to get something to drink.

I came back to see Gramps back to watching the news.

" Hm? What was the call about?" I asked.

" Hm? I don't know what you're talking about?" He replied.

I gave him a blank stare before ignoring him.

' I should at least try...' Before I could finish my thoughts, I felt my heart pump increase.

I frowned as I walked outside, where my heart felt the strongest pull.

' Thus must the effect of the skill [ Hero's Heart ].' I thought as I looked at the cat in the tree crying.

I sighed.

' I hope I don't fall.' I thought as I climbed the tree slowly trying not to slip.

I grunted as I climbed the branch.

" It's alright.' I smiled as I activated Hero's heart to calm the cat from hissing at me.

As I saw it calm down, I slowly grabbed it and down slowly until the cat jumped out of my hand and easily landed on the ground.

I jumped to the ground and balanced myself as I watched the cat walk away.

Sighing, I brushed myself off from the leaves that got stuck in my hair.

" Well, that was Heroic." Gramps spoke as I looked at not far.

I shrugged and walked back inside.

[ Ding! You received 25 sp ]

' 25 sp from doing a Heroic act. Right, it was another boon from picking the hero faction.' I nodded and drank my chocolate milk.

A few minutes passed as I realized it's time to train my wind manipulation.

This time, it was a wind chime.

I held a wind chim in my hand as it created a noise from how strong or weak the gust of wind was.

With this, I'm able to control my power output.

' I should also start learning how to control my mana as well. Maybe I won't have to rely on the skill tree.' I thought as I continued to practice.

The wind chime flew in the air before I caught it.

I'm trying again, but this time, I lower the power in the wind.

The wimd chime barely moved and only made a small sound.

' Sigh, this is going to take a while.' I thought as I continued my training.