
End of the sports festival

The moment the final match finished Shun snapped out of his thoughts and then looked towards Bakugo who was still stuck in the wall.

"....I hope that he didn't get seriously injured. In my defense I only used the amount of force he tried to use on me," muttered Shun.

Shun was about to rush towards his blond friend but all of a sudden a remembered something way more important than Bakugo.

'...My Money!!!' thought Shun as he immediately rushed off the stage.

"....Looks like Kazami-Kun is in a hurry somewhere...ANYWAYS THAT CONCLUDES THE END OF ALL THE EVENTS FOR THE FIRST YEAR DIVISION OF THE SPORTS FESTIVAL!!!" announced Present Mic.

Ignoring the announcement Shun who was now back inside the tunnel connecting the field to the inside of the stadium decided to teleport near the betting house.


Appearing in an alleyway near the facility Shun went to the betting store and saw a huge crowd in there.

Most of the people in the store ignored Shun, probably sad or happy because of their winnings and losses. But many of them still recognized Shun, and needless to say, most people were not looking at him with a happy or grateful expression on their faces.

"Isn't that the first year..."

"That bastard!"

"Because of him..."

'...Guess they lost their money because of me winning.' thought Shun and his guess was correct as well since most of them either placed their money on Shoto since he was Endeavor's son or Bakugo, who was known as the fresher who ranked first in the regular entrance exam.

'...Them losing means that my share will be a lot more.' thought Shun as he tried his best to hide his excitement.

Shun continued to walk through the crowd with glares and curses being hurled at him which he simply ignored. It was because of these great people around him that he would be winning a huge sum, so he could let them off with some glares and all. It was the only thing those people could do anyway since they saw what Shun was capable of during the sports festival. So unless someone super strong or super stupid comes, Shun was sure no one would dare mess with him.

Shun who was simply humming a tune noticed that it was going to be his turn soon.

"Hey you"

Turning his head towards the place where the voice came from, Shun saw an old man wearing a green uniform.


"Aren't you a little young to gamble?"

"Yes, yes I am," replied Shun as he remembered his triangle-headed fried who was used to answering that question.

"And you are wearing one of those UA students' uniforms. What is an aspiring hero doing in such a place?"

"Well, for some reason even heroes are born humans as well, meaning they have a thing called a stomach, that needs food and a mind, that needs to relax," replied Shun.

The man frowned hearing Shun's answer.

"Listen here youngster, I am saying this out of concern, and as someone who has experienced a longer life than you. Gambling is not good. It hollows the man from inside. If you get addicted to it, then there is no coming back, and seeing that you are aspiring to be a hero it is even more important for you to see a good example for others. So don't do it. I can help you."

"No thanks," replied Shun casually as he just ignored the old man.

'...If I wanted to be preached I would have simply told grandma that I betted money. She could have given a better lecture than this old man.' thought Shun.

He then glanced back at the old man and used appraisal on him.






"What?" asked the man whom Shun now recognized as Perry's senior.

"Nothing, just thought that your mustache is very well maintained."

"Oh. Thanks." replied the old man.

Both of them stood in the line for a while before Shun's turn came and he cashed out his money.

The man behind the counter even congratulated him with a smile since he was the reason why they made a huge amount of money.

Shun just teleported the money back to his lab and soon got out of the establishment.

On the way back he visited the third years' event but saw that none of his three friends were in the top three.

Deciding to look into the people who were in the top three later, Shun went back to the first years' stadium and regrouped with his classmates.

"Kazmi-san! Congratulations!!"

"That last attack was badass!"

"Yeah, Bakugo's last attack had me worried but then you pulled out that move, and bam!!! Bakugo was stuck in the wall!!!"

Shun who saw his excited classmates felt happy, though most of it was because of the huge amount of money that he got.

Itsuka who saw the smile on his face smiled as well as she too felt happy for him and wanted to congratulate him as well but seeing him surrounded by his classmates, she stopped herself and decided to do that later.


In the middle of the stadium, three levels made of concrete stood representing the top three of the event.

In third place stood Todoroki with an absent-minded look on his face.

In second place stood Bakugo with a scowl on his face and his fists clenched.

And in first place stood Shun who stood calmly, though currently, he was thinking about how much and where to put the money that he won. He was surely going to use most of that in buying parts and such. But he wanted to save some as well and was just thinking about that.

But all of a sudden he snapped out of his thoughts as he heard the cracking of a whip which made him turn towards the source of the noise which turned out to be Midnight who announced about the medal distribution.

"And this year the one who will be presenting the medals is none other than-" declared Midnight.

"It is I-"

"I AM HERE!!!/ OUR HERO ALL MIGHT!!!" declared Midnight and All Might simultaneously making the situation quite awkward for both of them.

But the two soon ignored that and then All Might started giving out the medals.

After he was done giving the medals to Todoroki and Bakugo while also giving them some pointers, he stood in front of Shun with a proud look on his face.

"Congratulations Shun-shounen....I guess there are not many things that I can point out to improve you, though I would like to say that you should be slightly more motivated about things that are beneficial for you to become a great hero." said All Might.

Shun who heard that just barely held himself back from retorting as they were in front of the camera. He just smiled and said. "I will try my best." and just bowed his head as All Might put the medal around his neck.

After the medal distribution was over All Might have a speech about how it was possible for anyone who participated in the sports festival to win and then ended the event while making all the students shout plus ultra.

Shun just sighed as he heard Present Mic announce that the event was over. He looked up at the sky which was turning dark and thought, '...It was a long day...and a frustrating one as well.....will this be enough of an excuse for Rumi to have sex tonight?' thought Shun as he got a bit 'excited' while looking at Midnight's ass.