

After Mirio and Nejire were finally able to feel their tongues, they immediately rushed inside Shun's home and rushed towards the fridge to revive their taste buds.

"Well they are going to stay for a while I guess, come in Tamaki." said Shun as he patted the crouching black haired boy.

Tamaki nodded and stood up as he looked at Shun and asked, "You are not injured, right?"

Shun just gave a reassuring smile and said, "Just come in, I will tell you how I dealt with them." and started pushing Tamaki inside his house.

Tamaki and Shun then went towards the kitchen to fetch the other two and found that both Mirio and Nejire were stuffing their mouths with sweets.

Both of them looked at the two as they entered the kitchen and Mirio immediately came towards Shun and grabbed him by his shoulders.

"Brrr Bree buree booo!!!" said Mirio.

"Speak after you are done eating." said Shun as he walked towards the table and got something to eat as well while offering Tamaki to help himself.

"Hey! What was that candy earlier. My tounge went totally numb because of that! Give me some of those as well." said Mirio with a smile on his face.

"What do you need them for?"

"I will give them to my senpais at my workplace." said Mirio.

"...Only if you give some to Unc-*cough* Night eye as well and make sure to record his expression." said Shun.

At this Mirio began thinking about it for a while before he looked back at Shun with a smile and gave a thumbs up.

Shun nodded with a smirk on his face and said, "Good I will give you some once I get them from my neighbor who gave it to me this morning."

"Ok!" said Mirio with an excited look on his face.

"Shun! That was so bad of you! I am angry!" said Nejire as she clung onto Shun's back and wrapped him with her hair.

Shun looked back towards the girl who was clung to his back and saw her looking at him with an angry expression and a pout on her face.

"Hmmm" said Nejire as she glared at Shun who just turned back towards Mirio and asked, "So what are you guys here for?"

"Hu hu hu I am glad you asked that you see-" said Mirio as he looked at Shun with an amused look on his face.

"Don't ignore me. Oh and we are here to act as your bodyguards." said Nejire who complained with an annoyed tone only to change it to an excited one in an instant.

Shun looked towards the blue haired girl with a surprised look on his face only to see her looking at him with an excited smile on his face.

"Bodyguard? You guys should be knowing it better than anyone that I do not need such kind of things." said Shun.

"Yeah!" said Mirio with a confident look on his face.

"So why?" asked Shun as he glanced at Tamaki.

""It sounds way cooler compared to "we wanted to hangout with you"" or so they said." replied Tamaki answering to Shun's question.

Shun looked at the other two and saw them looking proud with their chests puffed up.

"Whatever, it has been a long time since we hung out together anyways, since you guys are always busy." said Shun.

"Hey we went out together a lot of times." said Nejire as she poked Shun's cheek.

"When are you going to let go of my back." asked Shun.

"Hmph, I am still angry." said Nejire as she stuck her tounge out and then looked away.

"Oh, I brought the new game that released recently." said Mirio as he took out the game from his pocket.

"...Just to make sure but it is not the one that I pre-ordered but found out that it was picked up by someone else when I went to the store, right?" asked Shun as he narrowed his eyes.

Mirio stared at Shun for a while before he looked at Tamaki and said, "Let's go and play." and then went out of the room.

"So it was you!" said Shun as he chased Mirio who instantly started running away from Shun.

After a few minutes of trying to catch up the blond boy Shun finally gave up as whenever he caught Mirio he just phased through him, though the sight of a naked boy running around the house was the main reason which made him stop.

"Hah hah haha!! It's always fun to play around like that." said Mirio while panting.


"That made me all sweaty. All right I am going to take a shower. You guys start playing. Shun give me a towel." declared Mirio.

Shun was not surprised by that at all as all of them were used to staying over at eachother's places that it became totally normal for the four of them. Shun just told him to pick it up from where it was kept making Mirio head towards the bath.

"Tamaki make something delicious for me." said Nejire as she looked at Tamaki who was setting up the game.

"Eh? *sigh* fine." said Tamaki as he looked at Nejire with a helpless look on his face.

"Oh if Tamaki is cooking then I want some as well." said Mirio who immediately entered the room with only a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Me too! And make sure to cook enough. I have not eaten anything since last night." said Shun as he raised his hand and looked at Tamaki with a serious look on his face. There was no way he was going to let go of the opportunity to eat the food made by Tamaki as amongst all of them he was the best cook, though the fact that both Nejire and Mirio can't cook at all was also there but Shun decided to ignore that since he didn't want to bring that up and make the two idiots show off their prowess at cooking to prove him wrong.

Tamaki groaned but still agreed to their request and then headed towards the kitchen.

With that only Shun and Nejire got left as Shun decided to start the game.

"Would you get off my back now? It won't be easy playing like that you know." said Shun.

Nejire looked at Shun with a pout but still agreed to his words and stop clinging onto him and decided to sit directly next to him as they started playing.

Soon after that Mirio came out and joined the two of them as well.

"Hey, can you not sit anywhere else?" asked Shun.

"We are bodyguards so we need to protect you." said Mirio who saw sitting directly behind Shun.

"Yes, it is important, and put your mobile somewhere else. It's poking and distracting me for a while." said Nejire who was sitting in Shun's lap making sure to protect him.

'...That's not my mobile...' thought Shun as he looked at the blue haired girl who was sitting in his lap while playing the game and moving around a lot making Shun feel slightly uncomfortable 'somewhere'.

But soon Shun was saved from the discomfort as Tamaki came in while wearing an apron to inform them that food was prepared.

Shun sighed in relief but soon saw Tamaki looking at him with a slightly embarrassed look on his face.

"Oh he is gonna do that." said Nejire with an excited tone.

Mirio though didn't say anything but was still looking at him with an excited look on his face.

"S-S-Shun w-w-would you like to have f-f-food, b-b-bath, o-or me..." said Tamaki as he looked like he was about to cry.

And just like Shun was saved as all the excitement that he had because of Nejire died down in an instant.

"HAHAHAHA!!! Good one Tamaki!!" said Nejire as she laughed out loud.

"T-T-That was g-great." said Mirio as he was trembling making sure to not laugh out loud.

"Tamaki....why?" asked Shun with a totally disappointed look on his face.

"I am sorry. I had no choice. I lost in rock paper scissors. I want to die." said Tamaki as he fell down in front of Shun with a lifeless expression on his face.