
Aircraft ride-1

Shun mentally did a guts pose once Rumi told him about them going out later.

Once the villain was defeated by her Shun made sure to trap him just like he did with the robbers at the store, though he also made sure to wrap him in Vibranium since there was a chance that he might come out of the ground just by his brute strength.

Rumi who dealt with the villain came down and as the adrenaline rush came to an end she ata down on the ground taking deep breaths.

Shun who saw her exhausted and taking deep breath called the police and other facilities and then went to her side and then started examining her body for wounds and bruises.

"...What the hell are ya doing?" asked Rumi.

"Checking whether you are fine or not." said Shun as he continued to look around.

"Ow, look around a bit more gently." said Rumi.

Shun nodded his head and gathered some Vibranium in his hand and made a glove of it and then added the healing enhancement to it and placed his hands over the areas where she was hurt.

"Ah, you really have a handy quirk." said Rumi as she felt a bit comfortable.

She then leaned her body against Shun and rested a bit.

Shun who felt the sudden weight on his hands looked at Rumi who had a small smile on her lips and was looking around.

Shun didn't say anything and just let her be while he started working to reconstruct her damaged house while healing her simultaneously.

A few minutes later various vehicles and people along with some heroes came and started inspecting the area and found Rumi and Shun talking about something.

One of them called her out to ask what happened and immediately got glared by her, though Shun handled her as he was quite eager to see the others come there, because:

'The sooner they come, the sooner they go. And the sooner they go the sooner will be the date.' were the thoughts in his head.

Totally unaware of his thoughts the other heroes and authorities looked at the kid with the rabbit hero in a positive light as to them he looked responsible and helpful person.

Shun then took the hero out of the ground surprising the first timers who saw his abilities, he made sure to collect all the vibranium and left the rest of the explaination to Rumi.

....And he regretted it soon after that.

"Shun, I need to go with them and do report and all the lane stuff, it seems like my explainations are a bit too vague for them to make a report out of it, so see you later." said Rumi with an annoyed tone as she left with the other heroes leaving behind a motionless Shun.

Seeing him standing their motionless some of the people who were taking care of the reconstruction around the area while checking around for any civilians nearby, thought about checking whether he was fine or not but stopped once they felt that it might not be a good choice as Shun was silent...way too silent making the others who were looking at him shiver up a bit.

'WHY THE HELL CANT YOU DO SOMETHING AS SIMPLE AS TELLING REPORT YOU DAMN SEXY RABBIT!!!!' thought Shun as he body trembled in slight anger.

Once again being left alone with nothing to do Shun started walking around with a slightly bitter mood. Suddenly his phone started ringing and he checked it and saw it was Phineas who was calling him.

"Hello.....huh....uh huh....what the..... seriously...where.....when....Holy Shit!!" said Shun as he saw some kind of air craft coming towards him.

Shun's body immediately got covered in his quirk as he teleported below the air craft and started pushing it upwards to slow it down a bit.

After a slightly rough landing Shun who was looking at his hands which were slightly bleeding and then glared at the aircraft.

"What the hell was that!!" said Shun as he glared at the pair of brothers in the front seat of the aircraft.

The hatch opened and Phineas asked, "Hey Shun, whatchu dooing~?"

Shun looked at him with a deadpan look on his face and said, "Saving myself from an aircraft which would have hit me if not for me taking actions on time. Hello Ferb."

Ferb just raised his hand in response. Phineas then asked, "Anyway, we are going on a trip to make today the longest day ever. Do you wanna come with us?" asked Phineas.

Shun stared at the aircraft which nearly hit him and asked, "Is it safe?"

"Well we did make it in 5 hours so I can say it's pretty sturdy."

"Phineas can you please hurry up! I need to see Jeremy!" said the orange haired sister of the two brothers.

"You heard her, wanna come?" asked Phineas.

"Whatever, I am free today anyway." said Shun as he got inside the aircraft and took a seat beside Ferb.

Both the boys smacked their fists and the the hatch closed and Phineas said, "Let's get going Ferb, start the engine and activate the non detection device."

Ferb gave a salute and then and then pushed some buttons and started flying the aircraft.

"Hi Vanessa." said Shun looking towards the brown haired girl.

"...You were from the time at that island right? Hi."

"Oh so you also know her Shun....let me introduce you to the others then, Isabella, Buford, Baljeet, and our sister Candace."

"Hello." said Shun as he waved at them




"I will eat the bug!"

"Oh oh."

"Wait what?" asked Shun as he heard the last thing. He glanced at Phineas and asked, "What the hell was the Oh oh for?"

"Well you see because of the unexpected addition of two more people on the ship, the weight increased and the altitude is not that high?" said Phineas.

"We won't have any problems to reach Paris because of that right?" asked Candace with a slight panicked voice.

"I will tell you that in 2 seconds."

Two seconds later the place crashed into a mountain peak and lost it's wings and started going down.

"Yes, it seems like we will have problems going to Paris." said Phineas without much care.

"AHHHHHHH!!!" yelled most of them except for Shun and the brothers. The brothers were trying to land safely while Shun just facepalmed and thought why he agreed to come with the two of them.

Shun's hands got covered in Vibranium as he punched through the glass.

"What are you doing?!?!" asked Isabella looking at Shun with slight horror.

"Saving us all." said Shun as the Vibranium started to come out of his hand and started coating the aircraft. Soon the aircraft made contact with the ground but because of the Vibranium coating none of them felt the impact.

"....Sturdy my ass." said Shun in Japanese making only Ferb understand what he said as he looked towards him with an embarrased smile.

All of them got out of the aircraft and saw that it was damaged pretty badly. Shun took in his Vibranium as Baljeet suggested to go to meet his uncle that might help them.

"I will stay here to look after the plane." said Candace immediately declining to go with them.

"And....I will keep her company." said Venessa as she patted Candace's shoulder.

"I will stay here and see how the hell did you two made it and will try to repair it a bit and will keep it safe." said Shun as he patted the aircraft.

All of them nodded and then left leaving the three of them.

"So Candace.....what does Ferb short for?" asked Vanessa?

"H-Huh.....I don't know?" answered Candace.

Shun didn't gave the two girls much thought as he started checking the aircraft using his customize create and started fixing the damage he could.

Once he was doing all he could do with the craft he looked at the two girls who were sitting their silently trying to do something on their phones.

Shun sighed and said, "That won't work, you will not get signal anywhere near here." said Shun as he used his quirk to release some heat to warm himself up in the snowy mountains.

"Wooh~, your quirk is real handy." said Candace and Vanessa as they came slightly towards him feeling the heat coming out of him.

Shun just nodded his head and decided to pass his time by talking with them.

"....So you are telling me that you got your date cancelled the last minute because of her going to report about the incident and forgetting about it altogether....I know how you feel, I too have experienced that when I forgot about the time when Jeremy called me out because I wanted to just my brothers." said Candace.

"It really was bad to hear about that.....though it's awfully similar to something my dad would do." said Vanessa as she sighed remberimg about her dad.

"You two have it hard as well, huh." said Shun as the other two nodded their heads.

The other soon returned back with a huge rubber band ball making Shun's brows twitch in annoyance but just let them be, he knew that whatever they do, it would work out somehow, and if something unexpected happened he was prepared to handle it on his own.

Shun soon saw something approaching them on his map and turned his head in the direction only to see a small hovercraft carrying three people with one of them being suddenly thrown down.

"Get on everyone." said Phineas as they finished joining the rubber band ball.

Shun sighed as he made the person who was coming towards them in the form of a huge snowball, stop by teleporting him on a flat slope and removing the snow around him using customize create and then got in the aircraft.