
My Hero Academia: Psyche

When a drunken woman ends up in the most prestigious college hero course in all of Japan, Katsuki thought the rodent of a principal had finally gone crazy. With zero understanding of her behavior, her quirk, or even her real name, Katsuki dives into figuring the wannabe out, even if it damn near kills him. The more he uncovers though, the more apparent it becomes that in a world filled with devastating quirks, no one is immune to the consequences. Not even him. ~on hiatus until I catch up writing~ Artwork by: Secxen Background: google artwork, please comment for credit or removal

StarGaze · Anime & Comics
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99 Chs

The Dorms 3

Katsuki glared at the person in front of him who had shouted, and felt his irritation rise when he realized everyone had fallen quiet for the idiot, who was waving his straightened arms around like a damn robot.

"The class representative's duty is to lead others, and ensure the rules are being followed." He felt Red shift next to him and noticed she was frowning. "It is not just a position to prove you are capable of leading others, but one that embodies the rules-'' Katsuki's lips twitched as little Red jumped toward the glasses faced nerd and interrupted his speech.

"Weeeeeell I propose-" Red swayed a bit from the sudden movement and frowned, leaning on Glasses. Katsuki saw his nose wrinkle. "-that the BEST way to kill two stones with one…"

Monkey facepalmed and Katsuki snickered. She cleared her throat and tried again, not deterred in the slightest.

"THE BEST WAY to get to know each other well enough to pick a class representative is by seeing... ALL THE ROOMS!!!"

Katsuki heard Shitty Hair shout a cheer at her words, most of the other students following his lead. Glasses nudged Red off of him and started waving his arms around wildly, eyes comically wide. "ARE YOU ACTUALLY DRINKING RIGHT NOW?!"

"Not currently." Little Red lazily replied, shooting him a grin.

Glasses became more flustered and Katsuki snickered in satisfaction as the prep stumbled in his response. "Y-YOU KNOW WHAT I MEANT!"

Red went to answer and Katsuki got ready for her reply, but the Monkey in shining armor came to her rescue yet again, cutting her off by grabbing her arm and tugging her along behind him. "I agree with Olivia, we can look at my room first." Monkey offered to the crowd of students. The small redhead swooned behind the Monkey, and he felt his irritation rise. More like a chimpanzee in shining tin foil, Katsuki corrected, before crossing his arms and looking away from them with a 'tch'.

Monkey Boy's room was on the second floor, and he begrudgingly followed the crowd of extras flocking around the guy. He saw little Red bouncing excitedly and scowled. He concentrated instead on what being class representative meant in the hero world, and steeled himself for the annoying night ahead.

"My name is Mashirao Ojiro, and my quirk is called 'tail'." Monkey Boy announced, opening his door for everyone to see. Katsuki didn't bother looking inside, since everyone was yapping about how normal looking it was. Red was glaring at Monkey, who was looking a little nervous and scratching the back of his neck. Katsuki looked away, corner of his lips twitching up. He wasn't sure why she was annoyed, but maybe Monkey wasn't so swoon worthy after all.

Katsuki almost straight-up walked the other direction when he realized Deku's room was up next, but didn't. He again reminded himself that he was going to become the number one Pro Hero one day, no matter what. If being class rep for a bunch of extras he didn't care for is what it took, then he could deal with the damn weakling for a few minutes.

"Eeeerr my room i-isn't r-ready yet!" The nerd stammered, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. Katsuki damn near went back on his agreement with himself until little Red emerged from the crowd with an equally little brunette behind her. She moved Deku aside slightly to reach the doorknob, before turning back to the other woman, asking "You wanted to see his room, right?"

The Chipmunk giggled, and chirped "Of course!"

Katsuki watched in shock as apparently that was all it took for the nerd to step aside and stop his muttering. Of course he's fucking whipped, Katsuki rolled his eyes. He guessed that Deku already knew the Chipmunk, and briefly wondered if Red had somehow made that connection before he had.

Completely red in the face, Deku muttered quietly "My name is Izuku Midoriya… my….is…" His voice trailed off into nothingness as he got redder, and steam almost came off his face. Katsuki smirked maliciously. The quirkless boy would be found out eventually, and then he'd be rid of him. As the door opened, all the girls squealed, the guys gasped, and Red looked like she had no idea what she was supposed to be looking at. Katsuki bristled at the idea of having to look at the room, but wanted to know why she was making that damn face.

"Awww it's All Might everywhere!" The Chipmunk squealed, saving Katsuki from that particular fate. He breathed out in relief. "You're such a fanboy, Deku!"

"A-ah well I admire him, Uraraka!" He stuttered, face turning a new shade. Katsuki refocused his eyes on Red after hearing Chipmunk's words. It was no secret that the girl had an foreign accent, but he was pretty sure everyone had heard of All Might, no matter where they may be from. He didn't get a chance to ask her though, since the group moved on to the next room.

Bird Face stood in front of the door like a goddamn sentry, his dark aura and sharp beak doing a good job at intimidating almost everyone. Everyone except Red, Chipmunk, and some Pink girl who were all grinning like idiots.

"Absolutely not." Bird Face deadpanned, crossing his arms over his chest.

Chipmunk seemed to be on a winners high as she marched up to the menacing figure, tugging along little Red to back her up again. Apparently they had no fear of the possible death that awaited them for doing this. Once Chipmunk started pushing on the Man of Darkness, Red followed suit as well, Pinky cheering them on.

"His name is…" Little Red seemed to be trying to take care of the introductions as she pushed, digging her feet into the ground. Katsuki was suddenly concerned by the lack of muscle on the tiny thing. "Fumikage Tokoyami… His quirk is…" Red panted with the effort, and Chipmunk turned even pinker in the cheeks as well. "Dark shadow- oof!"

They all three fell to the ground when Bird Man lost his footing in shock at her words. Katsuki was a little annoyed at how many people she seemed to know before school even started. Red immediately popped back up and swayed a little, almost losing her balance, before giggling like a drunk teenager. Before Bird Man could stop her, she opened the door with a cheerful, "No touching anything in the room, thank you!"

Bakugo doesn't bother to learn people's names, so his point of view is a little chaotic...

...Like his mind

StarGazecreators' thoughts