
My Hero Academia: Psyche

When a drunken woman ends up in the most prestigious college hero course in all of Japan, Katsuki thought the rodent of a principal had finally gone crazy. With zero understanding of her behavior, her quirk, or even her real name, Katsuki dives into figuring the wannabe out, even if it damn near kills him. The more he uncovers though, the more apparent it becomes that in a world filled with devastating quirks, no one is immune to the consequences. Not even him. ~on hiatus until I catch up writing~ Artwork by: Secxen Background: google artwork, please comment for credit or removal

StarGaze · Anime & Comics
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99 Chs

Only Human

Katsuki Bakugo let the cold water run over him, washing the sweat away from his aching body and his twitching arms.

The damn pigeon hadn't been kidding in the hospital when he said he was going to focus only on training him, and to bring his A-game.

Sure, he had expected it since Sir Nighteye and Native were coming in and out of the penthouse to see little Red. He just hadn't realized the laid back hero meant that he was going to find joy in beating Katsuki at every opportunity, is all. First it was leaving him behind in patrols, beating the villains before he even got there and leaving him to handle the damn clean up. And while Katsuki hated not getting to take part in the action and having to talk to extras... he hated losing a thousand times more.

Running his rough fingers through his soft hair, his hand twitch in irritation. When he had finally gotten the hang of flying well enough to catch up to the bastard, the oversized bird had the nerve to laugh, saying, "Ay, nice job Pilot, now we can actually start training!"

Katsuki slammed the water off, shaking his head to get the excess moisture out. The amount of in-air combos the guy knew was endless. Whatever pride he had from defeating the Hero Killer vanished bit by bit as he was pinned again and again.

It was like when he was training with the little Red ninja with her endless hand-to-hand techniques, and it was as frustrating as it was exhilarating.

But today, he had finally avoided a pin. Integrating little Red's use of the momentum from the opponent's height and weight, and Hawks's style of moving in the air, he had finally not lost. And that felt damn good.

Smirking to himself as he dried off, Katsuki glanced into the mirror. His appearance didn't give away how much his skill had grown. Except for his wind blown hair when he gets back from training. Like hell he was going to be compared to the Pigeon though, which is why he was showering in the first place.

As he rubbed the towel in his hair, he was satisfied when his hair returned to its normal state. He was still well-built. Still had his rough features and sharp jawline, which he focused on as he shaved his stubble.

It was how he felt that was different. It was a similar feeling to when he was standing on the podium as the undisputed champion of the Sports Festival. He had beaten the recommended student and had clawed his way to first place. To his rightful place at the top.

Then, he had helped take down the notorious Hero Killer, Stain. He had even caught up to his mentor during patrol.

And today, he had held his own against a Pro. Not just any Pro, but the number three Pro Hero. It was a fulfilling feeling that made his blood pump in his veins and his lips tug up in the corners.

But like the Sports Festival… He had learned another harsh lesson about the path to becoming the number one hero.

On the podium, he had acknowledged that this was a path his teammates walked as well. Sure, they were eating his dirt as he stayed in the number one spot. But they were also a vital part of keeping that spot as well.

That was reinforced to him when even Deku and Icyhot took a hit from the Hero Killer. Fuck, Katsuki thought to himself. Even he had almost gotten attacked as well, until the Icyhot bastard butted in as backup. It wasn't a villain any of them were able to bring down alone.

But like he yelled at the Festival… they were there. By falling insync with each other, they had taken down a villain that even Pros couldn't face.

This had only confirmed for Katsuki that in order to become the number one Pro Hero, he'd have to act his age and work with his teammates. This was something he had come to accept after the two major events.

This wasn't the only lesson he had come to learn that night in Hosu, though.

She flashed through his mind, and his razor slipped, nicking his face. Scowling, he ripped a piece of toilet paper off and pressed it against the bleeding dot.

Never had he considered himself the hero that prioritized saving someone over beating the bad guy. Yet, as he watched the blade glitter through the air and into her body… When she looked up at him like he was her personal angel, her face in his explosion heated palm… Something had come over him. She had, in that moment, become the exception. He had been so absorbed in the feeling, that he hadn't even noticed the Hero Killer running towards them.

When he entered UA, his game plan had been simple. Be the best, and show the world that he's the undisputable champion. He wasn't there to make friends, he was there to dominate. He was there to become the number one Pro Hero, who beat the bad guy, no matter what. It was a simple plan, a mantra that ran through his head on loop during highschool.

At no point did he realize electric blue eyes and strawberry flushed freckled cheeks would sneak their way into his mind, his training, and his feelings. He hadn't expected his class to become not just extras, but survivors. Teammates. And the last thing he expected was to enter battle, not focusing on beating the bad guy, but to save the tiny woman that despite being a fireball, felt so fragile in his arms when she fell asleep.

And never, never... did he consider that heroes could break.

The way Ponytail cried on the battlefield. How Brainiac roared that Katsuki would never understand. The blind fury in Icyhot's eyes when Endeavor interrupted the match. Hawks's faltering smile after learning what he'd be facing. The blood that coated All Might's clothes. Endeavor's fear as the Hero Killer approached them. The screams that echoed in the room at night, the blood that ran down her chin as Red clawed at her ears. The broken scream that left her lips as Stain brought down his dagger…

Katsuki had gone into this college believing that heroes were untouchable. That he was here to learn how to be invincible. How to save the day.

Turns out... heroes were humans too.

His class wasn't learning how to become invincible. They were learning how to survive. How to hide the fear and pain from the people they're saving. How to notice when even the happiest, most supportive people needed saving too. That was a hero's job after all, wasn't it? To know when someone needed saving?

Pulling on his sweats and opening the door, Katsuki watched as Hawks walked Native to the elevator. As he walked into his room, he pretended he didn't see the tip of an arrow sticking out of her bag.

Red was supposed to be on bedrest. Sir Nighteye had picked up their training for most of the days, being able to train her mental quirk without straining her injuries. The little manipulative spitball had finally convinced Hawks to allow Native to help her archery, pointing out that he already taught her most of the basics growing up, and that she would be learning more about technique by watching him. It seemed that everything had gone back to normal, and she was just like any other intern, interested in becoming stronger for school.

The door opened behind him, and the redhead who always invaded his mind walked in. Standing, he took the two hot drinks out of her hands. A flicker of irritation shot through him when he saw she wasn't resting.

Sure, she was healed enough that she didn't have to stay in bed all day. It was only the wound in her shoulder that had caused the healers trouble, after all. To anyone that would look at her, she probably seemed a lot better, especially since she had almost completely stopped drinking. And as she sat on the bed next to him, smiling softly as she drank her hot coco, she looked happier as well.

Katsuki knew better though. And the fact she protected her drinks like an addict would their phone clued him in to just how much everything had been quietly affecting her.

The first night after the hospital she had thrashed in her sleep again. Not wanting her to open her damn wounds, and maybe because he enjoyed how much better he slept with her around, he had woken her up and stayed.

The second night, she didn't question him as he tugged her to his own bed, both of them too tired from training to read into what his action had meant.

He had awoken to find his arms cold, though. Thinking she had left to grab water or something, he had gone back to sleep. She was in the bed again when he woke up in the morning, which reassured him. But the blood soaking through her shirt near her shoulder had clued him in that she hadn't been there for long.

Her soft voice interrupted his thoughts as she laid down in his bed, yawning. "Night, Katsuki."

"Tch, don't steal the damn blankets this time." He responded, blurting out the first thing that came to mind.

She hummed though, and cocooned herself in the blanket like a burrito as she always did, ignoring his words. His heart beat louder in his chest, and he turned off the light for her, pulling up the comforter. Thank fucking god for the tips Nighteye gave him about mental walls. His body's strange reactions were already going to drive him insane. The last thing he needed was for her to feel it as well and get all weirded out with how blushingly innocent she was. She seemed to be in the wrong place to handle that shit anyway right now.

Katsuki didn't know what to do at this point. Even Hawks had noticed her behavior over the last few days of their internship. While she would be on bed rest and train with Nighteye or Native in the daytime, she would secretly stay up at night as well. Shooting arrow after arrow after arrow into the target in front of her. Hawks had let it slip during one of their training sessions, having realized immediately. The guy had ears everywhere with his quirk, and nothing got past him. It was the reason he had finally agreed to let Native help her, thinking it would stop her from going out at night to train. Though Katsuki was pretty damn sure it hadn't.

Settling in next to her, he noticed her breathing had already evened out. He had told himself before that he could wait for her to open up. That he would reach out if she refused to. But as he pretended to fall asleep, he wondered if it was about damn time he stepped in.

After all, it was a hero's job to know when someone needed saving. And the star lying next to him was starting to dim.