
My Hero Academia: Psyche

When a drunken woman ends up in the most prestigious college hero course in all of Japan, Katsuki thought the rodent of a principal had finally gone crazy. With zero understanding of her behavior, her quirk, or even her real name, Katsuki dives into figuring the wannabe out, even if it damn near kills him. The more he uncovers though, the more apparent it becomes that in a world filled with devastating quirks, no one is immune to the consequences. Not even him. ~on hiatus until I catch up writing~ Artwork by: Secxen Background: google artwork, please comment for credit or removal

StarGaze · Anime & Comics
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99 Chs

Little Miss Drunk?

Katsuki Bakugo had been downstairs for exactly one minute before he was already having to save Red from something.

He had seen her down a shot at the sight of Iida walking in, which confused him, but that wasn't the problem. She was reaching for another drink after, but that's also not what made his anger spike.

It was the camera phone peeking out from the table between her legs that did. She almost had the drink in her hands by the time he had stormed over.

Wrapping his hand around her cold small one, he tugged her away from the table, tucking her under the arm that held his bottle, and let his crackling hand point towards the phone.

The phone disappeared, and he heard a "Damn it!" from underneath.

Katsuki recognized the voice, and his anger spiked again, knowing he'd find that excuse for a grape under the table. Sure enough, confused as to why his target had suddenly disappeared, Mineta's shitty balled head poked out from underneath.

"Scram before I blast you to another fucking dimension, damn pervert!" Katsuki growled, one arm around her and the other hand lighting up in the direction.

The Pervert audibly gulped, giving Katsuki very little satisfaction since he'd prefer to actually blast the guy. Pervert comically scrambled out from under the table, tripping in his drunken haste.

Red sagged in relief against him, and as he looked down at her, he was relieved to see she was in jeans.

Before he could think further about it, Red leaned out of his grip, clumsily nicking a bottle from the table. Apparently she had decided that the tables were now unsafe, so she might as well just fucking steal the whole damn bottle so she wouldn't have to come back.

As she obliviously walked off towards Mina and Kirishima, Katsuki reached over her shoulder and took the bottle out of her hands. She was obviously already wasted, and he wasn't dealing with her throwing up in the morning.

Little Red looked around in confusion, and Katsuki snickered as she checked her pockets. Yeah, she was trashed.

She finally turned around and noticed him, and he quirked his eyebrow in return. She looked confused at the sight of the two bottles he was holding, and Katsuki wondered how she had gotten this drunk so quickly if she had just arrived.

"Thanks for the save there, Katuski!" Red chirped, reaching for the bottle in his hands.

His eyes narrowed, and he raised the bottle above his head. Huffing, she jumped to reach it, waving her arms like a child.

Katsuki watched her movements carefully. He's never seen her this drunk, and that's saying something after the Sports Festival today. His point was further made when she lost balance after one jump and he had to reach out to steady her.

"Give it back!" She commanded breathlessly as he steadied her.

Putting both of his hands on her shoulders, he leaned down until they were at eye level, and asked seriously, "How much have you had?"

She blinked at how close his face was, and he could see her wide blue eyes glaze over, as if distracted. "Why do you care? Give me back the bottle, Katsuki."

He felt a rush of pleasure and relief as she said his name, relieved that she wasn't using his last name anymore. She really had forgiven him somewhat. It was impossible to miss the smell of alcohol mixed with her usual strawberry scent, though.

"You're already wasted? Seriously, Red?" He scoffed, smelling her breath as she talked.

"You were late to the party, Spikes. You can't expect everyone to wait for you to start drinking." Red huffed, making a reach for the bottle he left on the table.

She wasn't nearly as sneaky as she seemed to think she was though, and he easily picked her up before she could reach it. He moved her away from the alcohol table and towards Kirishima and Pinky, who had both noticed the commotion.

Putting her down in front of the couch, she immediately started to sway, as if she was losing muscle control. Sighing, he pushed her backwards, and she made a panicked noise before landing on the couch and relaxing.

Katsuki sat down next to the drunken woman, grabbing his own bottle as he debated grabbing her a water.

How drunk was she?

He leaned in as if being near her would answer his question, and she turned at the same moment, blinking in surprise at their proximity. He leaned back with a 'tch', opening his own bottle to take a swig.

"I'll ask again." He swallowed the whiskey, before turning back to her. "How much have you had to drink, Miss America?"

She scowled at the nickname, before going quiet. A moment passed and she seemed lost in her thoughts. Katsuki furrowed his eyebrows, not understanding what part of his question could've distracted her.

He snapped in front of her eyes, "Oi! Red? Earth to Sweet Cheeks."

Little Red's eyes seemed to try and focus on him, but fell to the bottle in his hand instead. Seeing the plan formulating in her head from a mile away, Katsuki snapped his finger in front of her face again. She blinked, looking up at him with confused eyes.

"Don't even think about it, who knows where those lips have been." He warned her, pushing down his jealousy at the last part.

He didn't say it because he thought she had been with anyone. He said it because he wanted to make sure no one had taken advantage of her obviously drunken state.

Red leaned against him, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion. It was a cute expression on her, even if she was drunk.

Her nose wrinkled, "I didn't kiss anyone, I only got here 30 minutes ago."

"30 minutes is plenty of time for someone to kiss you, damn light weight."

Now that he thought about it, she shouldn't be a lightweight though. Not with how often she had to drink to apparently handle her quirk. What had she done, downed 7 shots the second she walked into the door?

"I didn't find anyone attractive that way in the last 30 minutes." She replied slowly, as if she were either picking her words carefully, or having trouble saying them at all. Or maybe both.

"Hey!" Kirishima shouted from the couch across from them, offended. Pinky giggled from under his arm, rolling her eyes as she took a sip from her cup. About fucking time one of them made a move. He was getting sick of being dragged along everytime Kirishima wanted to see the woman.

"So you'd kiss them if they were attractive enough?" Katsuki asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Nooooooo!" She whined, yawning. "I don't like strangers! I only like people I know!" She said dramatically, frowning as if thinking about something else.

"Good." Katsuki nodded, feeling the tension leave his shoulders. At least he knew he wouldn't have to worry about her going off and doing something stupid with someone.

"I'm going to grab you water. Pinky, grab Ponytail to take care of her."

"Momo left with Todoroki before the party started, Bakugo." Pinky shook her head, ignoring the nicknames. "Plus, I've been keeping an eye on her. She's only had like, two shots and a drink. Which, by the way, is totally tame for Olivia from what I've seen."

Katsuki looked at her doubtfully, not believing it for a second with how little Red was acting right now. Her head was on his shoulder, and her eyes were starting to close despite it only being around 10 PM.

"Tch, get the Monkey or someone, I don't care. I'm grabbing water. You're all a buncha lightweights, and I'm not dealing with your asses in the morning."

Katsuki ignored his own reaction to her whines as he got up, and put a pillow under her head. He also ignored the damn looks he was getting from Pinky and Shitty Hair, stomping to the kitchen instead.

Pinky also got up, heading to find one of the boy wonders usually by Red's side.

As he thought about the state she was in, he was starting to wonder why they weren't at her side now as well.