

I can't say I did well during the exam. I actually did something idiotic. Instead of facing the fake villains I ran away which made me look like a stupid coward. " All that hard work," I thought, " It was all for nothing." Every corner I looked there was someboy fighting a fake villains. Just when I was about give up. I heard someone scream out. Not a scream for help but a scream of anger and stuggle.

" DAMNIT," the voice sound so familiar.

I looked to where the voice was coming from I didn't believe what I saw Hijiri struggling to try and not get hit by the villain. When the villain nearly got a hit on him Hijiri stopped him with his quirk. It was like two swords clinging against each other. When I saw Hijiri stuggling like that my body wouldn't move. I only had one minute to do something. Hijiri was about get punched when I realised I still had a chance. " You will be graded on how well you save people." I rembered Chargebolt say that.

Before I could think my legs moved and I was running towards Hijiri.

He looked at me in shock.

" What are you doing?!," He didn't look happy about this.

Without thing thinking I punched the villain in the face knocking him out cold. When I did that I felt absolute pain in my fingers. I must have hit him too hard. I probally ended up breaking my fingers. But if I hadn't Hijiri would've gotten seriously hurt.

After the exam was over I started to walk home my hand in a cast.

Then when I thought what happened next was just a dream but it wasn't.

While I was walking Hijiri was coming the opposite. Before he past by me he said the words I never thought I would hear from him, " Thank you."

Then he just continued as if he said nothing. But that wasn't the most suprising thing I saw today. I met the person I looked up to the most.

I was about to turn around a corner when someone popped out of no where and yelled, " Hi, Nakamura!"

It was the No.1 Hero, Deku. I could barely even speak correctly when I saw him.

" Y-your Deku. Oh my god. I-I," I stuttered a whole lot.

" Yep, I am Deku. I just want to speak to you. I watched what you did at the exam today."

" Oh," that changed my mood real quick. " Yeah I didn't do too well. Hopefully your not here to rub it in on me."

" No not at all," he said. " I'm here to tell you how great you did. When you saw that boy in trouble you protected him. Even if you don't have a quirk you tried to save someone in need."

I didn't know how he knew I was quirkless but what caught my attention was that he praising me for doing something stupid.

" Getting points for defeating villains wasn't the only thing that matter in that exam," he continued. "Well...to me what matters most is helping people when there in trouble. And you were one of the little amount of kids I saw doing that. You reminded me of myself. The day I saw my friend getting attacked by a villain my legs moved before I could think. Even if I knew i was completly powerless at the moment I still tried to save him."

" Powerless?," I asked.

That didn't make sense. Deku was the most powerful hero I knew.

His face became more serious, " I was quirkless for 15 years of my life. When I met the No.1 hero twenty-three years ago. I accpected him to tell me I could become a hero even without a quirk, but he told me the complete opposite of what I wanted to hear. When I tried to save my friend even after what I was told it inspired the hero to act even at his limit. He realised how pathetic he sounded when he told me that. He then thought that I was the right person to weild his power. So the power I have now is something I didn't have my whole life. It was given to me."

He then hesitated to say more, " The name of my power is called One For All. It's past down from generation to generation to fend off the evil that lurks in this world. I was trusted to one day hand of this power to someone I found worthy and today I realised that I already found someone."

" Wait...you can't possibly be talking about me I-I'm completly worthless," I disagreed.

" Your not," he said. " It's not about what's in here," he pointed to his arm muscle. " It's about what's in here," He pointed at his chest. " I won't force you to take this power but I will give you a choice wether or not to accept it. Will you?"

These words I were hearing were unbelievable. Tears streamed down my face and dripped onto the ground. At first I was wondering if he was just joking and would say, " Oh, hold on a second. I've got the wrong person I actually meant to go to this other kid named Kagetoki ."

But no. He was actually telling the truth. I managed to get get myself together and wipe my tears away. I nodded my head at him.

" Ok then," He plucked of a peice of his green hair and held it out to me, " I'm guessing you've been training do to how you knocked that guy out. Eat this hair."

I stared at him confused, " What?"

" To recieve my power you have to take a sample of my DNA. It's not a big deal just take it," He said.

I took the Piece of hair from him and he left with no information on how my first time using the quirk would work.

A week later I got my test results from U.A. when I went inside my room to open it in privacy I could hear my parents and brother outside the door waiting for me to tell them if I got in or not.

I hesitated to open the letter it came in. But I put all my feeling aside and opened it. A small circle thing came out of it and hologram showed up with Deku's face on it.

" Hi, there kid, " he said, " To make this a little quick, you passed the written exam but failed the physical. But that's not all. When you saved that boy you inspired him. He wanted to give up some of his points and give them to you even if you simply just can't do that. Anyways, you showed extreme bravery and showed what it meant to be a true hero. So the judges decided this. A video popped up with people holding up signs with numbers. The numbers were all nines and tens.

" Congratulations Nakamura!," Deku said inside the hologram. " You will be enrolling in UA the beggining of April. Welcome Nakamura. Into your hero academia!"

The hologram went off. I couldn't help but tear up a bit.

I opened my room door. I could see the eager looks on my families faces. I simply just smiled and nodded my head. My family hugged me telling me how proud they were.

I just couldn't believe I was going to be enrolling in UA in just month and I was also hiding something from my friend and family. I was given a quirk bye the Number one hero, Deku.

" Thank you, Deku," I thought to myself.