

Izuku stared at his door intently, and swallowed, still holding his girlfriend's hand. He had been told to go to the commons area, but now he was worried about the others, who were sleeping soundlessly. Maybe the one who'd written the note wasn't after only one person. What if he had multiple targets? What if he was some new villain? What if he was already gone? What if he was gathering others, slowly forming another League of vilalins? What if his team surpassed the league of villains and became an unbeatable group? What if, what if, what if. That's all that went through Izuku's head-until Uraraka grabbed his other hand. They looked into each other's eyes, and he could read the message in hers. Hey, it'll all be fine. You don't need to overthink. He took a breath. She was right. There shouldn't be a reason to worry. This guy was orobably all by himself, and any minute now, Izuku would probably get a text from All Might saying it was safe to go back to bed. He hugged Uraraka close, kissing the top of her head, trying to calm both of them. While she acted calm and cool, she was just as worried, if not more, as Izuku was. He could see it. Deep down, she was full of nerves and anxiety, waiting for reassurance. Suddenly, his phone buzzed, and he looked at it. It was a text. Oh-it was a text! From All Might! He opened the message, and looked at it. We didn't end up seeing anything other than the note. But we're taking it to the police for a DNA test. We're hoping to get some sort of identity-Danger Sense went off in his head, and he rushed out of the building, dragging Uraraka along with him. "What-?!" She started to ask, but he turned to face her. He knew what was going on now. "I'm going back inside to check on the others. I want you to hide-" "No. I'm coming with you, Deku." Izuku knew he didn't have the time to argue, so they both went back inside, and woke up each of their friends-but no one managed to get out the door before the halls were almost swallowed by purple flames.