
My Hero Academia: Might Makes Right

Hello everyone! I won’t be adding the synopsis until I decide to start uploading the chapters regularly. So for now, I only have Ch 0 published, with a general summary of what you can expect from my Fanfic. Enjoy!

Unlimited_ · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 0: Authors Message, please read

Hey Guys!

This doubles as a test run for me posting future chapters, and lets me note down a couple of things that I'm planning for this novel so that you guys are aware of them as well.

1) I'm planning on finishing this novel to the end. I've seen too many unfinished novels that have crushed the hopes and dreams of the readers. And on the off chance that I can't finish this story, I'll make sure to post the outline/rough draft of what I was planning on happening.

2) This is the first Fan-fic that I've written, so go easy on me in the comments. BUT, that doesn't mean it's gonna be a shit story (at least it's not in my eyes). At the bare minimum, I can speak fluent English, so I won't sound like any 'young masters' or other ass translators that are spread throughout this site.

3) The reason I decided to write this Fan-fic was for multiple reasons. First off, I have a big project in mind, but it's gonna take a while to plan it all out properly without leaving any plot holes or ruining the story. So I thought, why not write a MHA fan-fic, because its one of the simpler and more straight foward plots that I know. And it would also be good practice. Secondly, I was just tired of reading about MC's with personality problems, either being straight up assholes, or just horny dogs in heat. So I decided to write one myself where the MC is more normal. Not to say he'll be a background character (what would be the point of the fanfic then?) but he won't walk around like a god on day 1.

4) I don't know how many people will read with novel, but I'm planning on reading all the comments I receive. So please leave any questions or suggestions and I'll do my best to reply!

5) And for the romance, I will not be focusing on it for the time being. He will eventually get someone because I don't want my boi to be lonely, but for now he's focused on his own goals. I haven't actually finalized who he'll be with, so if enough people ask for someone specific, then I'll consider changing my plans. Also this will NOT be a harem. This isn't really that kind of world where it would make sense to have, and I'd rather not have to write a intricate story line where everything smoothly works out and makes sense.

6) Just a warning, the MC isn't properly interacting with the MHA world until around chapter 2 or 3. This is because I wanted the readers to have some sort of look into his background, and how he ended up in the MHA world. I also wanted to be thorough for any details the readers naturally wouldn't know. Also after he gets to U.A., I will be assuming you're somewhat familiar with the anime because I don't want to describe every character or place, when there's an anime that could show it better. This doesn't mean I won't add details, but I will skip over things I deem as useless for the plot. I don't want to risk making it feel like I'm dragging out the story.

If by any chance, there is someone who is reading this before I started posting the chapters, then I would consider posting what I have for you to enjoy. But if I enough people ask, then I definitely will.

Also I don't have a patron, and I'm not planning on making one because I don't need money at the moment. I don't want to become one of those authors who leave you blue balled after posting a story, and locking the rest of the chapters behind a paid subscription.

And that's pretty much it guys. Hopefully you like the story, and hopefully I don't need to rewrite anything. 😁

Peace ✌️