

Chapter 21 - Brotherhood...

- A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for Adversity -

"HAHAHAHA! Seriously?! Seriously, Bakugo?!"

"SHUT UP! My hair's gotten used to it, so it won't go back even after I wash it! Hey, stop laughing! I'll kill you!" Katsuki yelled in fury. He had just entered the classroom and they were already laughing at his hair. Over his internship with the Number Four Pro Hero Best Jeanist, he had a little "make-over" if you want to call it that. Instead of his usual spikes, he was now sporting a hairstyle similar to Best Jeanist himself, the only difference being that it did not fit Bakugo's hair at all. It looked utterly ridiculous and now Sero and Kirishima were laughing at that fact.

"I'd like to see you try, Side-Part Boy!" Sero said.

"What'd you say?!" Bakugo yelled, unbeknownst to him, his outburst popped his hair back to its original style.

"It's back!"

"Wow! You even got to fight Villains?! I'm so jealous!" Mina whined.

"I just helped people evacuate and did logistical support, so I didn't do any actual fighting, though." Jiro replied as she twirled one of her earphone jacks.

"It is still amazing, though!"

"All I did was train and go on patrols, too. There was just this one time when we caught smugglers from a neighboring country." Tsuyu added.

"That's crazy!" Mina and Jiro gasped as neither of them didn't do anything close to that.

"What about you, Ochaco? How was your week?"

The girls turn to see Ochaco with a scary dark pink aura as she threw punches into the air like she was in some sort of trance. Her eyes were focused and bloodthirsty and didn't pay attention to anything else other than her target.

"It was very enlightening…" Ochaco answered as she kept on with her business.

"Ochaco has awakened, huh?" Tsuyu stated.

"She went to that battle hero's place, right?" Jiro said as they assumed she learned a lot of combat during her trip.

"That's a huge change for just one week…" Kamiari whispered to Mineta.

"Change? That is not it, Kaminari. Women are all demons. They are just hiding their true personalities." Mineta cried as he bit his finger nail nervously.

"What did you see at Mt. Lady's place?!" Kaminari questioned as obviously something must have happened for him to be horrified like this. "I was kind of fawned over and had a good time. But the ones who changed the most, or at least went through the most were you three, right?" Kaminari motioned towards Izuku, Shoto, and Tenya.

"Oh yeah, the Hero Killer!" Sero pointed out.

"I'm glad you guys made it out alive! Seriously." Kirishima said.

"I was worried." Momo added.

"I heard Endeavor saved you guys, right?"

"That's amazing! As expected from the Number Two Hero!"

The three young Heroes looked at each other. They gave a look that pretty much said, "Just go along with it." It would be too much trouble to attempt to explain what really happened anyways.

Shoto looked down at his desk, "Yeah. He saved us."

Izuku also looked down, "Yeah." He didn't like lying. It wasn't in his nature. But for now, he had to just do what he had to do in order to avoid any trouble. It is not worth going through the trouble if the matter was already resolved anyway. He doesn't really care if he gets the credit. He is just content with the fact that everybody got out of there alive and that the Hero Killer is now behind bars. The streets are safer now. That is what matters in his view.

"I saw on the news that the Hero Killer was connected to the League of Villains. Imaging someone that scary coming to USJ freaks me out." Ojiro said as everybody gained chills up their spine. If Stain had been in the USJ… then they probably would not have survived. A scary thought indeed….

"He is scary, but did you see the video, Ojiro?" Denki asked.

"Video? You mean of the Hero Killer?"

'Video?' Izuku thought in shock.

"Yeah seeing that, you can see how he's really single-minded and, like, tenacious. Doesn't it make you think he's a cool?"

As Kaminari and the others kept discussing about Stain, Izuku took a moment to look up the video that he was talking about. It showed the scene where Stain was talking about purging the Heroes and how only All Might was allowed to kill him. And then it suddenly went black signaling the end of the video. It didn't show him at all or him defeating Stain. That was weird. How come the camera didn't catch that part? Did it have anything to do with the power that Inner Deku used…?

Izuku shrugged his shoulders. He will worry about it later. He's grateful that he didn't get recorded at all. He put his phone away and looked up to see Tenya giving a speech on how he will use the Hero Killer experience to put him back on the path to becoming a Hero. He smiled as the class got ready for the day.

All Might had gathered the class in field Gamma. In there they would do a training exercise to test their mobility in a factory like area. The goal of the exercise was to reach All Might first. Pretty Simple. The first group consisted of Mina, Tenya, Ojiro, Sero, and Deku.

Everyone minus Todoroki and Iida were surprised when they saw Deku's Perfected Full Cowl. It was much more different than the form that they were used to, the most defining feature being his hair spiking up. Needless to say, Deku was able to All Might in literally in the blink of an eye. They knew that Deku was fast, but they never saw him move as fast as that. Even All might was surprised. He asked how he got so fast and that level of control. Izuku merely shrugged and said that Gran Torino had him fly to Antarctica and back. All Might sweatdropped as he would expect nothing less from his old mentor while the rest of their classmates fell on their heads. They could have sworn that he was lying.

Bakguo was annoyed because while he was stuck doing whatever with Best Jeanist, Deku was flying to different continents. He could not allow the gap to widen. He won't let Deku leave him in the dust.

After the exercise was over, All Might secretly let Izuku to see him after class so that they could talk about One For All. Izuku nodded as he had already anticipated this talk. He also had something to say to him as well.

Meanwhile, the boys were currently in the locker room getting dressed out of their Hero suits and into their standard uniform. They were discussing about the exercise, training, and whatnot.

"So Midoriya, did you really fly all the way to Antartica?" Kaminari asked.

"Uh, yeah."

"There is no way! That's like 13,000 kilometers away from Japan. You could not have travelled all of that distance and in that cold weather as well!"

"How about we test it out? I could take you all the way over there right now." Izuku smirked.

"Alright, alright, you got it, you got!" Kaminari immediately conceded as he certainly did not want to experience flying all the way to Antarctica at the rate of speed that Deku goes.

"That was some hard training we just did."

"Our first class in a while made me sweat!" Aoyama said.

"I need to work on my mobility." Kirishima sighed as he put his stuff into his locker. "I don't know how somebody like Deku can go equally as fast as he hard as he can punch.

"You must compensate for it by gathering information." Tokoyami chipped in.

"That will put me a step behind everyone. I'm jealous of guys like you and Sero." Denki whined.

"Don't be jealous. Just work hard and perfect what you are good at." Izuku said as he took off his shirt.

"Hey, Midoriya! I discovered something crazy! Come here!" Mineta waved Izuku to a small hole in the wall. "Look at this hole, Shawshank! It is probably thanks to the efforts of those who came before us! Next door is the girl's locker room!"

"Stop this, Mineta! Peeping is definitely a criminal act!" Tenya reprimanded the grape haired student.

"My little Mineta is already a criminal act!" Mineta exclaimed as he put his eye to the hole.

"Yaoyorozu's ample yaoyorozu-boobs! Ashido's slender waist! Hagakure's floating underwear! Uraraka's fine Uraraka-body! Asui's unexpected boobie-"

Before he could continue, he was interrupted by Jiro's earphone jack violently poking him in the eye as he screamed in pain.

"They can hear you, you idiot! You should have kept quiet!" Izuku said as he face palmed. The walls in between the locker room were not that thick. He should have known that he was gonna get caught. Izuku felt no sympathy for the poor pervert. It was still funny though.

"With its brutal combination of precision and surprise attack abilities, Jiro's earphone jack is super strong."

"Thank you, Kyoka."

"How despicable. Let us close this hole up right away!"

Jiro looked on with a blank face.

'I'm the only one he didn't say anything about…'

It was the end of the day and Izuku walked into the room where Toshinori told him to meet him. He found the Number 1 Hero sitting down in his true form as he looks up at Izuku.

"Have a seat."

'He seems… different… ' Izuku made a mental note that whatever they were about to talk about was serious business.

"You went through a lot, huh? I'm sorry I couldn't be nearby." Toshinori said in reference to the Hero Killer incident.

"That's… not something you need to apologize for Sensei… More importantly… what did you mean when you said you wanted to talk about One For All?"

"I heard… that the Hero Killer got a lick of your blood."

"Oh yeah… his Quirk was one that could keep someone from moving after ingesting their blood… What about it?" Izuku asked.

"Do you remember what I said when I gave you my power?"

"EAT THIS." Izuku made an imitation of All Might's face and voice when he recounted that All Might made him eat a whole strand of his hair in order to inherit One For All.

"No, not that part! I said that it did not matter what it was as long as you took in my DNA."

Izuku began to panic, "Th-Then d-don't tell me the Hero Killer has One For All now… ?!"

"No, that;s not it. I thought you might have been worried about that, but… I see… you forgot about it, huh? One For All cannot be transferred to anyone unless the bearer wishes it. It cannot be stolen by force. It can be transferred by force, though. It is a special Quirk. Yes, and this is how it came about... "

Izuku gulped as he was now paying very close attention. He did not want to miss a single detail.

Once he saw that he was listening, Toshinori began the story.

"One For All was derived from a certain Quirk that existed in the past."

"A Quirk that existed in the past?"

Toshinori nodded. "The name of that Quirk is… All For One. A Quirk that could steal Quirks from others and make them the holde's, and one that could give those Quirks to others."

Izuku widened his eyes at this, "All… Everything for one person…?"

"Precisely. This was when superpowers were first showing up, before society had figured out how to deal with the changes. With the appearance of Quirks, suddenly, what made someone a normal human crumbled away. With just that, laws lost their meaning, and the progress of civilization stopped. It was literal decay."

"If superpowers had never appeared, then humans would be taking interstellar holidays by now. Someone important said that in the past." Izuku said.

"That's right. During that chaotic period, there was someone who was the first to unify all of the people. I'm sure you've also heard of him. He stole Quirks from people and with his overwhelming power he spread his influence. He moved people in a calculating way, committing evil acts to his heart's content. In the blink of an eye, he became the leader of the evildoers and ruled over Japan."

"I often see rumors about this online, but isn't this a fabrication? It is not in textbooks or anything… " Izuku asked as he was curious as to why this is not public knowledge.

"They can't put secret secret dealings in textbooks, can they? If people get powers, they look for places to use them."

"How does this relate to One For All?"

"I said that All For One could give Quirks to others, right? He made others trust him or surrender to him by giving them Quirks. But apparently, there were many given Quirks who could not bear the burden and became like living dolls who could not speak. Just like the Nomus. Meanwhile, there were also Quirks that changed or mixed once they were passed on. He had a Quirkless younger brother. His brother was small and sickly but he had a strong sense of justice. It pained him to see his older brother's deeds, so he kept resisting him. He forced a Quirk that could stock power onto his younger brother. At this point, it is impossible to know if that was out of kindness or to force him into submission"

Izuku gasped, "Don't tell me…"

"Yeah. He was thought to be Quirkless, but there was something inside him. Something that neither he himself nor those around him noticed. He had a useless Quirk that could pass on Quirks! The Quirk to stock power mixed with the Quirk to pass on Quirks. That was the origin of One For All." Toshinori exclaimed dramatically as he spread his long arms out. Izuku was just left speechless as he was immersed into the story that his predecessor was telling him.

"It's ironic that justice always comes from evil."

"Hey wait! I understand how that came about, but why are you bringing up an evil doer from so long ago now?" Izuku asked. Shouldn't he be dead by now?

"He can steal Quirks, you know. Anything goes. A Quirk to stop aging… He probably stole something like that. The Symbol of Evil was pretty much immortal… With the huge difference in their combat abilities and the state of society at the time, the defeated younger brother decided to entrust his Quirk to future generations. He believed that even if he could not win then, if he slowly cultivated the power, then one day, it would become strong enough to stop his older brother. And then when it was my turn, I was finally able to defeat him! At least, that's what I thought, but he survived and has started moving again as the brain behind the League of Villains."

Toshinori got up as he took a good look out the window and the sunset.

"One For All is power inherited to defeat All For One, so to speak. You may one day have to fight against this Great Evil… This is why you must train and work hard now! So that when that day comes you are ready to fulfil your role. This is harsh on you, but-"

"I will do my best!"

Toshinori looked behind him to see Izuku with his fists clenched and and a determined aura.

"I'll do whatever you ask of me, no matter what it is! As long as you're with me, I can do anything! That is what it feels like!" Izuku exclaimed as he stood up. Toshinori appreciated the young boy's vigor and enthusiasm but the Number One Hero sadly shook his head.

"That's not it, Young Midoriya. The problem is that I might not be by your side when that time comes. You may have to face this evil on your own." Toshinori revealed as Izuku looked horrified.

"I-I d-don't understand. How do you know that?" Izuku questioned as All Might not being by his side was a scary thought.

Toshinori shook his head, "I'm not always going to be around to protect everyone. When the time comes, you are going to have to step up to the plate. In time, the only person that will be able to stand up to a foe will be you. It will be on you to carry this world on your back and be the Hero that you always wanted to be and more. You can't always rely on me. You're going to have to rely on yourself."

Izuku looked down and contemplated the words of wisdom that the Symbol of Peace gave, "What if it turns out that I'm not fit for this? What if I fail? What if I let everyone down?"

Toshinori chopped the young man on the head.

"You have to believe in yourself as much as I believe in you. Once you get to that point, I don't think anybody else would be able to stand up to you. A confident Izuku Midoriya that believes in himself? I would not want to mess with that guy!" Toshinori laughed as he patted Izuku's shoulders.

Izuku sighed as he realized it was his turn to reveal his secrets.

"Hey, Toshinori, I have something to tell you too. About my history."

Toshinori blinked, "What is it?"

Izuku went on to do the same with what he did with Gran Torino, and explained to All Might, his ancestral background, and the origin of his powers. It was funnier to see All Might's reactions since he never would have thought the Successor he would have picked to inherit his power would turn out to be part alien. Izuku also explained what happened in USJ as that was an example when his power leaked and went out of control. He also told him of his Great Ape Transformation during his training trip with Gran Torino. He was afraid to tell him about that since Toshinori may deem him as too dangerous and change his mind about having him be his Successor. When he told the Pro Hero his fears, he laughed again and told him to no worry about trivial stuff like that. Toshinori chose Izuku because he saw a spark in him that he didn't see anybody else. He knows he made the right choice in picking him. It doesn't matter if he's an alien or not. He still has the heart of a Hero. Toshinori doesn't regret his decision now and he will never regret his decision. He knows Izuku will do the very best he can. And he will surpass all imagination.

"However you know what this means, right, Young Midoriya? This means that you are going to have to train even harder than before, in order to master both sides of your power. If you really want to become the Best Hero you can possibly be, then you need to have control over yourself even when you get angry. Once you got that down, then you will be unstoppable!"

Izuku smiled in embarrassment from Toshinori's praise, "Thanks sensei… I really needed that.

"It's getting late. You best be off! You need to be getting a lot of rest in these upcoming days to prepare for your Final Exams!"

Izuku went to sleep shortly after he arrived home. He was exhausted from the training with Gran Torino and today's events that he desperately needed a good night's sleep on his own bed. As the Green Haired Saiyan was getting into a deep sleep, he found himself in a void. He looked around to see himself floating around in the void, and he could not feel anything from the outside world.

"Another vision or dream? Great, just what I needed."

Izuku then noticed two very distinct figures in the distance. One had a taller and more nefarious dark aura, while the other had a bright white aura that emanated justice even though it was considerably smaller.

"No brother! I will not join your cult! I do not support what you're doing and will never support it! This is wrong! I could never bring myself to be involved with such malice." The smaller brighter figure said.

The other figure chuckled evilly, "You really are naive, my dear little brother. Why are you desperately trying to play Hero so badly? Don't you see that won't get you anywhere?! In order to have influence and control, you must have power and put fear into the hearts of the masses. I have been trying to be merciful to you since you are my flesh and blood and I don't want to hurt you. But if you continue to disobey me and stand in my way with your self-righteous nonsense, then I will have no chance to deal with you personally!"

Izuku quirked an eyebrow, 'This scene seems awfully familiar.'

The younger brother stood his ground, "You can keep making all of the threats you want, but that isn't going to change my stance! What you are doing is wrong, and that's it. Period. You are hurting people for your own selfish gang. Why do you need to control everyone? What have they done to you? They just want to live peacefully and yet you want to rule over them with an Iron Fist! Explain that."

The older brother began to laugh even harder, "You really do have much to learn. Why am I doing this? Because humans by nature are chaotic. If no one keeps them in check, then they will run rampant, doing whatever they so please. Especially now, with the appearance of Quirks. With all of these superpowers, humans have become even more chaotic than ever before! In this world, you need Order. There must be a hierarchy. If there isn't any Order, then there will be Chaos. If there is Chaos, then there is no control. No control equals anarchy. Anarchy equals danger. If there isn't anyone to put these people in their place then they will put themselves and others in danger. Do you get it now? Do you now understand what I am trying to do? I'm doing this for the benefit of humanity! Someone has to step up and save us. And if it has to be me and if I have to use underhanded tactics to do so than so be it. I was born with this Quirk for a reason. It is my destiny, to rule over everyone!"

The younger of the brothers clenched his fists in anger, "That is NOT how you have to do it. You're taking the easy path! Instead of controlling people, why don't you use that power of yours to unite everyone? What do you think Mom and Dad would sa-""


The place got dead quiet as the tensions and emotions flared. Izuku could feel the sadness from the two once their parents were brought up. It seems as though, their Father and Mother had an unfortunate passing and the older brother did not like it when it was brought up. Izuku began to feel sympathetic towards the two.

"Just because they are dead, that doesn't mean they are not watching right now! You honestly think they would approve of something like this. They are rolling in their grave right now-"

"If I had done this from the very beginning, then they would still be with us right now!"

That outburst shut the younger brother up.

"It is my fault…. That they are gone."

He sighed as he stared down his little brother.

"You are the only family I have left! I can't lose you. That's why I have been trying to protect you from the world. It is not safe out there right now! You are Quirkless. Defenseless. If I were to lose you… I don't think I would be able to live with myself. So please, brother… just do as I say."

The other shook his head.

"I'm sorry Oni-san, but I just can't. It would go against everything that I believe in and everything that Father taught us. It would be a disrespect to him and everyone else if I were to go with what you are doing. I have already told you that what you are doing is wrong. You are manipulating people and turning them into slaves. That isn't freedom, that isn't order, and it sure as hell isn't justice! So no, I will stand by what I said until the day I die!"

The older brother sighed in sadness, "Very well then, if that's how you are going to be… then fine. If you won't listen to reason, then I am just going to have to force it upon you!"

The older brother's evil dark aura then spiked as he reached his hand forward towards his younger brother as dark energy began surrounding his palm.

"No, wait! Don't do it!"

"I have no choice. You were born with no power. And in this dangerous new world, if you have no power, you will not survive. It is my duty as your older brother to give you brother even if I have to force it upon you. Don't worry… you will be thanking me later."

"No! Stop! AHHHHHH!"

The younger of the two screamed in agony as his brother gave him a Quirk. He decided to give him a stock piling Quirk which would prove useful in the future. However what neither of them realized was that the younger brother already had a Quirk. A Quirk that could transfer itself to another person. The two Quirks mixed and mutated to form a brand new Quirk. One that would eventually be the bane of the older brother's existence.

As the new Quirk was getting created, the Younger brother felt an unbelievable surge of power building up within himself. He also saw something. He saw… visions. Visions into the future! He saw all of the future generations of Heroes. Every conflict, every battle. He saw everything that would transpire in the next 8 generations…

There was a flash of rainbow light as the power within him exploded. Once the smoke cleared, he was standing there with a white electric aura and pure white energy in his hands.

"Brother… You just created your own demise!"

Izuku woke up with a start. He looked at the clock and saw it read 5:23 A.M.

He sighed as he rolled out of bed. It was still early but it wasn't like he was gonna be able to fall back asleep. He went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and take a shower. As he felt the hot water run down his head, he couldn't help but ponder about the dream he just had.

'That dream…. It was a vision from the past. I just witnessed the Birth of One For All and the history behind it, just like how Toshinori-Sensei told me yesterday.'

As Izuku got out of the shower and dried his hair, he couldn't help but wonder…

'Is there more?'

"Well, it is almost time for summer vacation, but of course, it wouldn't make sense for you to rest the whole month." Aizawa said as Class 1-A was sitting down listening intently to their homeroom teacher.

'Don't tell me…' the thoughts of many students.

"During summer vacation, we'll have a training camp in the woods!" Aizawa announced

"I knew it! Yes!" The students shouted.

"Let's test our courage!" Mina yelled

"Baths!" Mineta exclaimed.




"Hot springs!"

"If we are out in nature, we will have to work under different conditions, right?" Momo asked.

"No matter what the environment, we must choose wisely… Interesting." Tokoyami said.

"Eating and sleeping with everyone! I'm getting excited!" Hagakure exclaimed.

"However. Those who do not pass the final exam exam before that… will be in summer school hell." Aizawa announced. Everyone was suddenly at the edge of their seats as the stakes were raised by their strict homeroom teacher.

"Everyone, let's do our best!"Kirishima said.

"This is damn stupid." Bakugo muttered.

"Girls, do your best!" Mineta said as he didn't want any of the girls simply because he wanted to see them in summer clothes.

Izuku closed his eyes as he thought about the dream he experienced last night. It was still in the back of his mind. But he had to leave that topic alone for now. He had to focus on his current challenge ahead of him which was the final exams. He needed to show the fruits of his training. He couldn't let these thoughts distract him. He focused his eye on the prize and was determined to excel above all of his peers.

"Okay, that's it for class. There's only one week left until the final exams. You are all studying properly, right? I'm sure you already know, but it won't just be written exam. There's also a practical component. Make sure you train you train your minds and bodies at the same time. That's all." As soon as Aizawa left the classroom, there was chaos.

"I haven't studied at all!" Both Denki and Mina yelled. Denki was freaking out, but Mina was smiling and laughing about it as if failing was funny.

"With the sports festival and internship, I didn't study at all!" Denki and Mina got 20th and 19th overall on the Midterm respectively.

"It's true that we had one event after another, but…" Tokoyami said ho got 14th overall on the midterm.

"For the midterms, we'd just started school, so they didn't cover much, so I didn't really have a hard time with them, but with the back-to-back events and stuff, the finals will be different..." Sato said to Koda who got 12th and 11th respectively.

"It will be tough since there is a practical exam, too." Mineta said with a smug look as it was revealed he got 9th overall.

"N-Ninth on the midterm?! And here I thought you were one of us!" Mina yelled.

"Guys like you are only likable if they're dumb…! Where's the demand for this?!" Denki yelled.

"The world, I guess." Mineta replied.

"Ashido, Kaminari! Let's do our best! We all want to go to the training camp together, right? You guys have to believe in yourself. I know you can do it." Izuku said as he attempted to motivate them. He got a perfect score on his midterm.

"Yes! I have high hopes that you'll all be moved that you'll all be moved to action!" Tenya got 3rd overall.

"It is pretty hard to fail if you just pay attention in class." Todoroki coldly stated. He got 5th overall.

"Be careful with your words man!" Denki cried.

"You two, I may be able to be of assistance with the class lectures." Momo said as she shined. She tied with Izuku being 1st overall as she also got a perfect score on the midterm.

She then gained a gloomy look, "I can't help at all with the practical, though… "

"I may be able to help with that." Izuku suddenly said.

"Really?" The class asked.


"Um, Yaomomo, I'm not one of those two, but can I join, too? I'm having some trouble with quadratic functions... " Jiro asked. She got 7th overall.

"Sorry, me too! How are you with classical Japanese? Sero pleaded who got 17th overall.

"I'd like to join, too. There's a bunch of stuff I don't get… " Ojiro asked who got 8th overall.

"Please!" They all asked.

Momo gasped in delight, "Everyone! Yes, of course!"

"All Right!"

"Then let us hold a study session at my residence this weekend!"

"Seriously? I can't wait to see your house!" Mina said.

"Oh, in that case, I must tell Mother and have her open up the hall!"


"What kind of tea are you all partial to?"

'Tea?!' The class thought in shock.

"In my family, we always drink Harrod's or Wedgwood, so if you have any preference, let me know! Of course, you can trust me to help you study, too! I will definitely show you how I can help!' Momo exclaimed as the bubbly side of her personality was taking full effect.

'It's like she casually slapped me with the difference in how we were born… but her bounciness is so cute that I don't care.'

Izuku nudged Katsuki,"So how about it Kacchan? Are you down helping our classmates in the practical portion of the exam?"

"Fine, whatever, but make sure they don't get in the way of my training!" The Explosive Quirk user shouted. He placed 4th overall in the midterm.

"Shoto you want to come too?"


"Alright then its set. Momo-chan will help you all with the written portion. If any of you need any extra help with that, you can ask me. As for the practical, we can go meet at Dagobah Beach and train over there." Izuku said.

"Yay! I always wanted to go to that beach!" Mina exclaimed.

"Man training with Midoriya, Bakugo, and Todoroki? That is going to be ROUGH! But hey, we may need it for the practical." Denki asserted.

"Let's just hope we can keep up." Tokoyami said knowing how seriously those three take their training.

Thus over the course of the week, the students from Class 1-A would go to Momo's house and study there. Even though Momo was good at teaching the concepts, Izuku being there was a major help. Sometimes Momo would be way too literal when she explained the concepts and it was difficult for some of the slower students to understand. However, having Midoriya there helped them a lot because he was able to break the concepts down into terms that would make it easy for them to understand. Izuku really wanted everyone to pass. As Class Rep, he felt as though it was his duty to make sure that no one was left behind. It was the main reason he volunteered to help with their physical training. He really believed that everybody had latent potential within them just waiting to be brought out.

When they arrived at the beach, everyone was amazed at how beautiful and clean it looked. Just a couple of months ago, it was a massive dump. No Hero took credit for cleaning. It was still a mystery to the general public on who exactly did the good deed. Izuku thought about telling them it was him, but he decided not to. It was better for it to remain a mystery. Maybe one day when he becomes a Pro, he will reveal it.

Once it was time to get to work, Izuku had split the class into two groups. One with Izuku and one with Katsuki. Shoto would rotate between the two groups as he would also help out and give pointers. But he was mostly good so he could focus on his own training. Izuku gave everyone advice on how to improve their Quirks and told them to do exercises with them. He made them improve their cardio and calisthenics. They had no idea what the practical was going to be so they had to be ready for pretty much anything.

When everyone else was busy with their own separate training exercises, he took Momo and Ochaco aside to help with their Ki control. He understood now how to help them activate it at will since he had gone through his training with Gran Torino. The key was to focus the two energies as one and not try to separate them. It took a little trial and error but it wasn't long before Momo and Ochaco's crimson and pink Ki respectively started to appear. He smiled and told them to keep practicing and it will help greatly during the practical exam. At times, he would spar with them 2v1, and he gave them objective; he would tie his red headband around his forehead and tell them that if one of them could take off his headband then they will have completed their training with him. Of course, they were not able to successfully complete the task the Green-Haired Saiyan could see the progress that was being made.

On the last day of training, the students decided to do a 10 vs 10 team battle. Deku was the captain on one team, while Bakugo and Todoroki were the captains of the other team. This was done so that each team would have a fair chance of winning. The rules to win were simple. It was elimination. Each person had a red or blue flag flag strapped around their waist. If a person from the other team takes your flag, then you are eliminated. It will continue until all 10 members of the team have lost all of their flags. Pretty simple. It was like flag football, but this time the kids had superpowers.

It eventually came down to 6 people. Deku, Momo, and Ochaco on one team, while on the other team, Todoroki, Katsuki, and Kirishima were left.

It was pretty even steven until Kirsihima sold the entire game. He saw that Deku was isolated from his teammates, so he attempted to rush him while Todoroki and Bakugo focused on the girls so they could take their flags and it could be a 3v1 situation. However, what he failed to realize was that there was a reason why his teammates told him never to rush Deku on his own. Deku baited him.

"Now, girls!"

Ochaco and Momo both flanked the Hardening Quirk user and surrounded him. He tried to fend them off and run back to his team, but it was already too late. Deku had his Smash ready. He connected and took Kirishima's flag away from him.

"Kirishima had been eliminated!"

"Uh oh…." Todoroki said as he now realized the situation.

It was a 3v2….

It was over.

They tried but there was nothing they could do. Deku and the girls just steam rolled them without trouble. They took their flags. The game was over. Deku's team had won.

"Imagine selling out you piece of shit! DO YOU HAVE NO IQ!?" Bakugo yelled at Kirishima.

"I'm sorry man, I saw an opportunity and took it. I didn't realize it was a trap until it was too late!"

"We told you not charge head on by yourself! You really think, Deku, of all people, didn't have a plan for your ass?!"

Bakugo buried his face into his hands, "And we had all of the good people too! Deku's team was full of cast offs, minus Ochaco and Momo, and we STILL LOST!"

"We had Mineta on our team, and ya still lost. You suck Bakugo!" Sero said as he laughed hysterically.

"Hey, what is that supposed to mean?!" Mineta yelled.

"Alright, good job everyone. Make sure to get some rest! I'm proud of all of the training! You're all going to kill these exams!" Izuku said as everybody got their stuff to go home.

"Thank you for the help!" Everyone said as they all went home.

Izuku made sure that no one was looking, before he blasted off into the sky and began flying to a certain island where he would do his own individual training…

"Pencils down, everybody. The last person in each row, collect the answer sheets and bring them here." Aizawa announced signaling the end of the written exam.

"Thanks, Yao-momo and Midoriya!" Mina said.

"I actually felt confident in most of my answers. I understood what the questions were asking me and I wasn't totally lost." Denki chirped.

Deku smiled as he was happy for them.

Their written exam was over. And then, it was the day of the practical exam.

All of the students geared up in their costumes and headed towards the Center Plaza. There they were met with the sight of various Pro Heroes waiting for them.

"Now, it is time to begin the Practical Exam! Of course, it is possible to fail this exam. If you want to go through the training camp, then don't make any stupid mistakes." Aizawa said.

"There are a lot of teachers… " Jiro commented.

"I expect that you all have gathered information ahead of time and have some idea of what you will be doing."

"We're fighting robot warriors like at the entrance exam, right?" Denki asked.

"For various reasons, the exam will be different starting this time!" Nezu said as he appeared out of Aizawa's scarf.

"Principal Nezu!"

"Different?" Momo nervously asked. She was not expecting this.

"From now on, we want to focus on person-to-person combat and Hero Work, and stress teaching that is closer to actual fighting. So… we'll have you form teams of two to fight against one teacher!" Principal Nezu announced with enthusiasm.

Most of the class had their jaws dropped, "AGAINST THE TEACHERS?!"

"In addition, the pairs and who each pair will be up against have already been decided. These were determined at my discretion based on various factors, including fighting style, grades, and interpersonal relationships, so here they are:

First, Todoroki and Yaoyorozu are one team, and they're fighting me." Aizawa smirked as he gripped his scarf tauntily.

"And Midoriya and Bakugo are a team…" Izuku and Katsuki gave each other a glance as they heard this.

"... and their opponent…"

Just then, somebody came jumping from the sky as he landed on the ground making a dramatic entrance.

"I will do it!"

"All Might?!" Both Izuku and Katsuki said in shock as they weren't expecting the Number One Hero to be participating in a trial like this.

"Work together to beat me, you two!"

"Oh man, they have to go against All Might!"

"Sheesh, what luck!"

As the others commented about Izuku and Katsuki's opponent, the more Izuku thought about it, the more it made sense. Every other UA staff member wouldn't be able to test Izuku well since he counters almost all of them. He is also on a whole other level, much stronger than the average Pro. So if it were anyone else, the test would be way too easy. Especially if he had a teammate like Katsuki. All Might is probably the only one that could handle the two of them. Also All Might could directly counter Izuku since he was the only Pro available that is above him in terms of physical strength. And Katsuki is his partner because he is probably the only one who could keep him in check and talk down to him. Kastuki would have no excuse but to cooperate with him. This is actually a brilliant match up.

"And now, we'll announce the teams and the teachers they'll be up against all at once!"

As they ran down the list, it was revealed that Deku and Kacchan's match would be the 10th and final match. This was good, Izuku thought. It gave both of them enough time to prepare for a strategy.

"The time limit for the exam is thirty minutes! Your objective is either to put these handcuffs on the teacher, or have one of you escape from the stage!" Nezu explained.

The Class then went on to the waiting room. As they were making their way, Izuku noticed somebody lagging behind. He saw Momo who was obviously troubled about something. He decided to see what was up.

"Hey, Momo-chan, what's wrong? You seem a little down."

Momo looked down on the floor nervously, "Well you see… Me and Todoroki are going up against Mr. Aizawa. Normally I would feel confident but for some reason I'm doubting myself. Yeah I have an amazing teammate, but what if Aizawa erases both of our Quirks? Then what? I don't think I'm at the level yet where I can hang with somebody as good as Mr. Aizawa. I think we might fail…"

Izuku sighed. So that's it. She's having doubts in herself. Izuku decided to give her some advice that helped him in the past.

Izuku touched Momo with his index finger on her forehead. She was confused by this action and was about to ask what happened, but Izuku began to think.

"Always remember, that no matter what happens, your greatest weapon will always be your mind. Your mind will never fail you. You are a very intelligent person who was gifted with an amazing Quirk. Use it! It may seem like you're not as good as you would like to be, but the only thing that is hampering you is your own self-doubt. Just don't listen to it, okay? Trust yourself. You have to believe in yourself as much as I believe in you. Only then will you succeed. Remember our training. You got this!"

Momo's cheeks flushed as she nodded with a determined expression, "Okay, I'll do my best!"

Izuku smiled as he made his way to the waiting room.

"Good luck!"

As the matches went on, it was shown that the students were doing a lot better than expected. They were using very good teamwork and their Quirk usage were a lot better than before. It seemed as though Izuku's training paid off. All of the teams passed so far including Momo and Todoroki's. She came up with a master plan that caught Aizawa completely off guard. Even when he erased her Quirk, she was able to summon her Ki to catch him completely off guard. And they secured the win. Even Mineta and Sero passed.

It was now Izuku and Katsuki's turn. They had the seemingly impossible task. Beat All Might.

"Tenth Match starts now!"

Izuku and Katsuki began walking into the city.

"Okay remember what we talked about. Don't charge him head on! We are going to have to make him come to us and then we will use our powers to overwhelm or distract him enough to the point where we either have an opening to escape or to handcuff him. We shouldn't try to beat him in a straight up fight. We won't win that." Izuku said as Katsuki nodded agreeing with Izuku's assessment.

"Hey Deku… Remember when we were kids and we were always talked about All Might? We were the biggest All Might fans huh? And now look at us. We are about to face him in battle." Katsuki said as he reminisced their childhood.

Izuku nodded, "Yeah and now we have to give it our absolute all in this fight. We have to pop off. If not, we will lose. It's better if we try to finish this quickly! If we let this drag on for too long, then the more the fight will be in our disadvantage. We have to strike quickly!"

"What if he doesn't allow us to escape?" Katsuki asked.

Izuku stared him straight in the eye.

"Then we give it our absolute all!"

Katsuki smirked, "Right answer! Let's do this man!" Katsuki reached for a fist bump.

"You got it bro!" Izuku gave him a fist bump!

"I AM HERE!" All Might yelled as he landed on the ground.

His blue eyes glowing, "So are you two ready?"

"Let's go!"

All Might then made the first move. He went for Izuku first with a Detroit Smash. But Izuku easily blocked it as he activated Perfected Full Cowling.

Bakugo then went behind the Hero and attempted to fire various explosions, but All might easily dodged them.

"What the? How? That was at point blank range!"

All Might took him down by grabbing him by the mouth.

"Thus over the course of the week, the students from Class 1-A

"Easy! I'm faster than your Explosions."

"Get off of him!"

Izuku kicked All Might away and sent him a couple of meters back.

"You're going to a pest! I should finish you now!"

All Might then began charging Izuku with a lariant.

"Washington Smash!"

But Izuku had the same idea...

"Washington Smash!"

They both hit each other with the Laraint and it gave out equal force, knocking them both back.

"Man , that's a lot of power right there!" Katsuki commented.

"I must say Young Midoriya! I am impressed! But you still have a long way to go."

"What do you mean?"

But before he could react, Izuku was punched in the stomach hard. It was so hard that he coughed up blood. All might then kicked him in the ribs.

"Oh I heard a crack! Probably a few broken ribs!"

"You bastard! You'll pay for that!" Katsuki then decided to attack him as well.

"Oh you want some too, young Bakugo!"

"No Kacchan!"

Before All Might could counter attack, Izuku appeared in front of him.

"Stand back! KAIOKEN!"

Izuku's crimson aura came to life. He then charged a kamehameha straight at the number pro hero.

The impact was unbelievable. But when the smoke cleared, they were left speechless.

"Don't tell me that's all you got! I'm sorry but if it is, then you have already failed."