
Sports festival preparation

"So what are you going to do?" Rumi asked.

"Hmm~ Probably relax." Aiden answered while button mashing his controller.

"Seriously? So most of your class will be training and you plan on relaxing?"

"More or less." He shrugged.

"Wow, and they say I'm arrogant."

"*Sigh* I'm just doing what suits me." He answered. "Have you ever heard of plus ultra?"

"Eh? Why are you asking that?" She asked confused.

"From the tone of your voice I'm guessing you have."

"Yeah, so what?"

"Do you think such a thing like plus ultra suits me?"


"The short answer is no." He cut her off. "Going beyond my limits and putting everything on the line just isn't me. I'm the kind guy who works with percentages, if something doesn't even have a 40% chance of success then I will not hesitate to run. I'm not like those naive idiots in my class, I don't think that if I believe in myself hard enough that I'll suddenly becoming a lot stronger. For me, my strongest skill is my ability to assess the situation in front of me. If I see an enemy then I will do everything in my power to swiftly eliminate them. I won't waste time powering up or jumping head first in to battle. I'm not saying that I don't need to train, nor am I arrogant enough to believe that I'll flawlessly defeat every opponent I come across. But it'd be a waste of time for me to train because I'll probably come up with a strategy the moment I see what the events in the festival are."

"So essentially you're to lazy to train?"



What Aiden didn't tell her was that besides his pole, his quirk was more suited to killing an opponent. Even his astral shift was designed in order to approach a target for assassination before swiftly fleeing. So for him, fighting in the sports festival was akin to him holding back most of his techniques as he couldn't go all out in case he killed somebody.




"Ugh!" Aiden groaned feeling the sunlight hit him.

"C'mon, breakfast is gonna get cold!"

"Aren't you supposed to be off training?" He grumbled.

Standing next to the recently opened curtains was the pink skinned Mina who had a dazzling smile on her face.

"Of course! But I thought we could train together."

Pulling the cover over his head, he turned away from the sunlight and said, "No thanks."

"Aw c'mon please!" She asked while trying to pull the covers off him.

"No, now go away."



"I'll buy you candy!"


"I'll wash your back!"


[A/n: Ha! He hesitated.]

"I'll-I'll buy you a pizza and have mom cook you pork chops!"




"Um... Aiden-

"A large mushroom pizza with cheese filled crust. I want your mom to cook pork chops for the rest of the week without complaint and you have to wear an outfit of my choosing for your training."


"If you can agree to my conditions then we have a deal."


"I know I agreed to your deal and all that but... Do I really need to wear this?" Mina asked after seeing her training outfit.

"You do if you want me to train you."

"But you said we were going to go to someone's house."

"Yeah" he nodded.

"And you want me to walk around while wearing this?"

He nodded again.

"Even though everyone will see me."

He nodded once more.

"Oh, and for the rest of the two weeks before the start of the sports festival, you will refer to me as master."

"What! Why?!"

"Because you're asking me for a favor and I like taking advantage of you."

[A/n: Imagine saying that to a girl lol.]

"But-but." Realizing that he was right, she eventually gave in a nodded.

"Good, now go get changed."

As you can all imagine, the outfit Aiden got her to wear was a maid uniform.

Coming out, Mina stood slightly embarrassed as Aiden's gaze ran up and down her body.

"You definitely fill out the best parts." He mumbled to himself.

"Good! Now put these on and we can go."

"Eh?!" Mina replied seeing the cat ears and tail."

"Oh, and end every sentence with a Nyaa."


"Why is Ashido-san wearing a maid outfit with cat ears?" Momo asked after inviting them in.

"Eh? I thought it was normal for Japanese girls to wear these!" Aiden said in fake shock.

"What! What gave you that impression!" Momo said not believing her ears.


"You were about to say hentai weren't you!"

"What's hentai?" He put on a confused expression. "I'm American so I don't understand parts of your culture. Can you explain it to me?" He said innocently.

"What! No! Its..." Feeling her face turn red, she started panicking and looking around until she saw the grin on his face. "SHAMELESS!!"

"Hahahaha, oh god the look on your face! Did you get that Mina."

"Yes master-nyaa." Mina said handing him a phone with the recording of their conversation.

"MINA!!" Momo yelled after seeing the recording.

"All jokes aside, we're actually here cause we need your help." Aiden said trying to keep a straight face while sliding the phone into his pocket.


"Let me get this straight, you promised to train Mina and instead of going to the shop to buy an acid proof suit you chose to come to me in hopes that I'd make it for you? And in return for your help Mina has to wear that outfit while calling you master and adding a nyaa to the end of every sentence. Am I right so far?"

"Well she also has to buy me a pizza and her mom has to cook me pork chops for an entire week. But besides that you're spot on." He said while drinking his tea in a very posh manner. "Excellent."

Seeing this Momo almost cringed but held herself together.

'*Sigh* How is this guy my friend...'

"So what are you going to train her in?" She inquired.

"I'm going to give her some combat experience."

Surprised by his answer, Momo paused for a second. "Wouldn't it be better to work on her quirk?" She asked somewhat confused.

Shaking his head he started to explain.

"Mina has the best reflex amongst all the girls in our class, heck she could probably contend for having the second best reflexes in class-1A. Not to mention the terrifying nature of her quirk and her natural agility. The only thing she really lacks is real combat experience."

"I see..." Momo nodded to herself after hearing all of his points.

"So how are you planning to train her?"

"Hit her until she dodges."


"Don't look at me like that! I'm just teaching her the same way I was taught." He defended.

Seeing that he was being honest with her, Momo let a sigh.

"Do you really think she'll be able to dodge one of your attacks within two weeks?"

"The chance of that happening doesn't exceed 5%." He replied in a dull tone.

"Huh! Then whats the point of this training!" Momo felt confused.

"I'm training her senses." He shrugged. "Just because she won't be able to dodge a punch from me, it doesn't mean she'll not be able to do it to others."

Realizing what he meant, she looked at him with a scrutinizing gaze. "I never took you for the arrogant type."

"Probably because I'm not. I'm just very meticulous."

I actually feel bad for Mina, her quirk is hard to use against human opponents.

Aradacreators' thoughts