

We lost.

We undeniably lost.

The forest was on fire, Bakugo had been taken by the league and several students had been injured. Not to mention Pixie-Bob had suffered a nasty looking head injury and was currently in critical condition, while the green haired Ragdoll had suddenly disappeared with only a blood trail left behind.


Standing in the rain, Aiden watched the forest burn while his hands were tightly clenched into fists. Never in his life had he suffered such a humiliating loss. For him to be here and still have the villains get away with what they wanted. It was humiliating!!

"Kurogiri." He said through grit teeth. While he would never admit that the league was a threat, Kurogiri's ability was starting to become an annoyance that he had to eliminate.

"Aiden..." Mina called out.

Letting the rain drench his face, he remained silent. If it wasn't for the fact that he was somewhat concerned about Pixie-Bob's condition he would have already left. After doing everything he could do with the lodge's supplies to stabilize her, he had no choice but to wait for the ambulance to arrive.


The police and paramedics arrived 15 minutes later and took care of the injured while securing the defeated villains.

"Aiden..." Kota called out seeing him standing in the same position he was in earlier.

Using his quirk to construct his knife, he felt his mind start to relax as his senses sharpened. Gripping the knife tightly, he started wondering how this could have happened. The location of the lodge was hidden from everyone. In fact they only found out where they were going on the day of the actual trip itself. This lead him to several conclusions, but the most likely one that he could come up with at the moment was that there was a traitor at UA.

Angry at the thought of having lost to a group of amateurs like the league of villain , Aiden quietly recomposed himself and thought more on the recent events. Compared to the guys that showed up during the USJ incident, the ones who came here were definitely of a higher caliber. Whether it be their quirks or ability to strategize, they were clearly better than the riff raff from before. The only reason he could think of for this was either that the league was holding back their major players during the USJ invasion which was unlikely since they came with the intent to kill All Might. Or the other possibility... the league had recently recruited some competent allies. He saw the second possibility as the more likely occurrence as he doubted that a man-child like Shigaraki Tomura could come up with this type of plan all by himself.


The trip back home wasn't a particularly pleasant one. The bus they were taking back was completely silent as the students were digesting the current situation. Even Mina and Toru lacked their usual energy and kept to themselves.

After the paramedics arrived and took away the injured, Aizawa and the other teachers escorted the kids back to UA. With little choice left, Aiden give his number to Mandalay and asked her to text him the hospital they were staying at. With nothing left to do, he closed his eyes and started meditating.


-The Next Day-

*Vibrate* *Vibrate*

Waking up to the sound of his phone vibrating on his bedside table, he saw a text from Mandalay and quickly got up and showered.

Since this country banned using your quirk in public unless you were a hero, Aiden was forced to call himself a cab.


"I'm looking for Tsuchikawa Ryuko."

"Sign here." The reception lady handed him something to sign.

"Okay?" Confused by the papers, he gave them a quick read before signing.

"Room 248."


'What a rude lady.'

For the entire time he was standing there, the woman didn't look at him once.

Taking the elevator up to the second floor, he quickly arrived at Pixie-Bob's room. But before he could go in, Mandalay surprised him by coming out.

"Oh!" She said in surprise before smiling. Nodding her head, she patted his shoulder and disappeared down the corridor.

Feeling slightly weirded out by their exchange, he simply shook his head and headed inside. Opening the door widely, the first thing to catch his eyes was Ryuko's beautiful figure sitting up in the bed looking out of the nearby window. From the way the natural light was hitting her, it made it look like he was staring at a scene straight out of a picture. The only thing that ruined the moment was the ugly white bandage wrapped around her head.

Having not noticed his arrival, Ryuko kept staring out of the window and released a sad sigh.

Seeing her like that made Aiden frown slightly as he understood that she must have received the news about Ragdoll's disappearance.


"Hmm?" Turning her head to the side, her eyes widened when she saw the tan skinned boy standing there with flowers in his hand.

"Yo." He greeted with a smile on his face.

Unable to hold herself back, a bright smile crept onto her face as she somehow leapt out of bed and pushed him to the ground. "Aiden!!"

"I can see your doing fine." He chuckled and allowed her to hug him.

"What are you doing here?!"

"Delivering flowers."


After getting her to calm down a bit, he carried her back to bed and sat down on a nearby chair.

"How you feeling?"

"Hmm? Besides the police visits and Tiger's crying face, I'm feeling pretty good. What about you?"

"About the same." He smiled and thought back on his own police interrogation.

'Rumi's gonna be pissed when she finds out.' He mused to himself.

"Heard you managed to take down a couple of villains. Bet it feels good." She teased.

"Its aight." He paused. "Can I ask you something?"


"Being your mate... What exactly does it entail?"

"Hmm? What do you think?"

Taking a moment to think it over, he answered shortly after.

"Does it mean I have to marry you?"

"Pffthahahahahahaha!!" She burst out laughing.

"What?" He asked with some confusion.

"Guys are all the same." She smiled. "Afraid of commitment."

"I didn't mean it like that."

"I know." She smiled. "But I don't think you'd be happy if we did."

"Do you want to?"

"If I said I did, would you marry me?"

"No." He shook his head. A thing like marriage didn't suit someone like him. And then there was the fact that Rumi would probably kill him if he tried. Not that he wanted to marry her either.

"Thought so... So what are we?" She asked.

Taking a minute to think about it, Aiden closed his eyes before coming up with his answer.

"To be completely honest with you, I'm not a fan of relationships. From what I've observed they're quite stressful and I'd have to put in a lot of effort in order to maintain it. I don't want to have to deal with that kind of pressure or the responsibilities that come along with the label. And if we're talking statistics here, most relationships end up failing and the participants want nothing to do with the other when there over. Therefore, I propose that we'll be less than boyfriend and girlfriend, but more than friends with benefits. This way our relationship can't fail because we're technically not dating."

[A/n: Aiden making some big brain moves.]

Furrowing her eyebrows for a minute, she took a hard look at Aiden and asked. "Why do I feel like you're prepared to say this in advance?"

"You've had a head injury, its only natural that your not thinking straight."

"I see... well I'm not exactly happy with the arrangement but its better than just being friends."

"That's good to hear." He smiled now that they'd reached an agreement.

"I'm gonna put your ass on child support though." She joked lightening the mood.

"That's fine, I'll pull out before that becomes a possibility." He closed his eyes and nodded.

[A/n: Lol! My man not even considering a condom.]

"I'll trap you with my legs so you can't run."

"I'll shift away and finish on the floor."

The two sat in silence with weirdly dark smiles on their faces.

"Our kids are gonna turn out great."

Still figuring out Aiden's relationship status... Might just have him not end up with anyone and just bounce from girl to girl.

Aradacreators' thoughts