
End of the USJ incident

Seeing the weakend Nomu and the proud standing Aiden, All Might nodded and appeared next to him. "Well done young Aiden, you've done us heroes, proud!" All Might smiled at Aiden as he patted him on the shoulder.

Seeing All Might walk forward, Aiden knew that his role had come to an end. Now that All Might was here, the villain attack could be considered a failure. Especially with the state the Nomu was in. Walking over to the injured Aizawa, he picked him up and carried him towards no.13 and the rest of the students.

With his knowledge of the human body, he knew that Aizawa's condition was bad but not terrible. If they could get him to a hospital or to someone with a healing quirk then he'd be alright.

All Might looked at Aiden carrying Aizawa with a proud glint in his eyes. Turning his attention back on the villains, his expression turned serious.


"Ashido-san, did you know Aiden-san was this strong? Ribbet." Asui asked with a curious look in her eye as she looked at Aiden.

"I knew he was strong... But this was something else." She admitted. After seeing how he quickly analysed the Nomu's quirk and used it to his advantage, Mina found that she had underestimated this best friend of hers.

"He'll be fine." Aiden's voice suddenly rang out.

"Are you okay?" Mina and the rest walked over and asked.

"Huh? Yeah, I didn't get hit. Besides feeling a bit tired I'm in perfect health."

After confirming Aizawa's condition was stable, he looked over at where All Might was fighting the Large Nomu.

All Might was throwing a barrage of punches at the Nomu's face. After losing some much blood and overworking its heart, the Nomu stood no chance even with its shock absorption quirk and eventually fell to the power of All Might.

Seeing that the Nomu had failed, Shigaraki and Kurogiri had no choice left but to flee. But before they left Shigaraki gave Aiden a hard stare before saying. "For the time being we've failed... But we'll get you next time All Might." Giving one last look at Aiden, the two eventually disappeared.


After restraining the rest of the villains, All Might rounded them up and used Momo's quirk to tie them all together.

It was only a couple minutes later that Iida and the rest of the teachers from UA arrived.

[A/n: Too little, too late.]

'Took their time.'


Time passed and all the students were eventually taken back to U.A. Since the incident involved villains, Aiden and the rest were given the rest of the day off and were sent home.

But before he could leave, he found himself surrounded by his classmates.

"Yo Aiden, lets visit the arcade." Kirishima shouted.

"Lets go visit the pool!" Tsu cut in.

"Ha! Lets go to the gym and make some mad gains!" Sato said flexing his muscles.

Feeling a headache coming on, Aiden shifted through the walls and fell through the sky before shifting onto the ground.


Walking towards the exit, Aiden didn't bother looking back and stuffed his hands into his pockets. Now that everyone was safe and class was over, he found no reason to hang around with them. Especially since Momo had already left and Mina was taking to long.

"*Sigh* What a day."


Arriving back home, he decided that he deserved a reward for doing such a good deed. Picking up his phone he dialed the local pizzeria and put in an order.

'Might as well get changed while I wait.'




*Ding Dong*

Getting up off the sofa, he opened the door ready to receive his pizza. Unfortunately reality isn't that fair.


"So this is your house."

"Woah, you really live alone!"

"Is that Immortal Combat 9X!!"

Standing outside his door was the students of class 1-A that he thought he shook off earlier. Seeing Mina hiding among the crowd, he frowned and tried to shut the door.


Shutting the door in their face, he was about to go back to playing his game but Denki's next sentence caused him to stop.

"We have your pizza!"


"Dude your bathroom is so big!!"

"Is this your room? Its more normal than I was expecting."

"Your backyard is so niceee!!"

Face palming, he had no choice but to watch his classmates snoop around his house. All he wanted to do was eat his pizza, drink a carbonated soda and play video games. But NO! Mina told the entire class his address and now he was stuck dealing with these fools.

"Why are you all here?!" He asked holding in his urge to hurt them.

"Hanging out obviously." The invisible girl Toru said before moving on.

'I didn't want to hang out...'

"Hey Aiden! Mina said you suck at Immortal Combat!" Someone yelled.

That was the last straw, walking towards the tv he turned on another controller and forced it into Mina's hand.

"Play me!"


For the next few hours the students of class 1-A had a Immortal Combat tournament. Coming in 2nd place, Aiden had to endure Mina's gloating face.

"Don't you have a home to go back to?"

"Eh?" They all realized the time. Since some of them had to take the train back, they decided to stay the night and leave the next morning. Aiden wanted to reject them but couldn't since they had nowhere else to go. Mina had let the girls stay over with her so he had no choice but to shelter the boys. And since he didn't trust them, he had them all sleep in the living room with him.

"Hey Aiden." Kirishima suddenly called out his name.


"During the battle trial... Did you hold back against me and Sero?"

After watching him fight today, this question had been plaguing his mind. Compared to when he fought them, Aiden had obviously put in more effort against the Nomu.

"Of course I went easy on you. If I didn't you'd be dead."

Hearing this, Kirishima and the others began to laugh.

"Dude your a riot!"


'Did I say something funny?'

Y'know, I just realized that Aiden's backstory is similar to pain.

I mean they both saw their parents get murdered in front of them.

They both joined a terrorist group.

Their sensei was a white haired senior.

They made a friend and had them die in their arms.

Their ideology involves peace through violence.


Aradacreators' thoughts