This is the story of Kaguya Otsutsuki as she lives her new life given to her. Will she make the most out of a second chance? Find out as you read her story.
"Huh?" the other voice said on the phone wondering why Allmight asking for a file all of a sudden "One sec"
Allmight waited patiently for a couple of mins. The person on the other end came back. "I sent a copy file to your house. It should be there in an hour."
"Thanks, old friend sorry for the sudden request," Allmight said. The person on the other end then asks the symbol of peace a question.
"Can I ask why you want a file on a 6 year old girl?" The person is quite curious why Allmight wants Kaguya's file.
Allmight's tone turned more serious "When I was in the elementary school I just visited I met Kaguya. When I greeted her I felt like I was talking to someone equal to my strength."
"Eh!?!?" Loud confusion is all you hear from the voice on the other end of the phone. "You sure Toshinori?" All most anybody that heard someone say that somebody is equal of strength to Allmight would call them senile but since Allmight himself said it, It caused the person on the other end of the phone to wonder if the symbol of peace is on the peace pipe.
"I'm serious. Even though I have not seen that little one's strength my instincts tell me that if I fight her I won't have a hundred percent chance of winning even if I go all out."
There is nothing but silence from the person Allmight is on the phone with. Shock and disbelief are what that person felt from Allmight's words. "I will have someone monitor that girl time to time if what you're saying is true."
Although Allmight feels that it is wrong to spy on a little girl but he also felt like he must. If what he was thinking comes true Kaguya could take his spot as number 1 hero with ease since she is just 6 and is going to be even stronger when she gets older. Allmight also thought that if she becomes a villain and there is a day where he isn't able to be a hero he fears no one will be able to stop Kaguya but if his instincts are true which they are most of the time.
Allmight thank his friend who he is on the phone with and went home since he is done with his patrol.
(Meanwhile with Kaguya)
*Achoo* 'Huh? why did I sneeze?' *shrugs*
(Timeskip no jutsu 8 years)
(Start of canon)
Kaguya is now 14 years old in the 9th grade. Half a year before she has to enter highschool Plus her birthday is during the break before high school starts. Many things have happened in the past 7 years. First Kaguya is the top student in Takashi's dojo and also is the most feared and respected person besides Takashi himself. Kaguya throughout every grade in school has gotten straight A's so she has gotten top class every year. Bakugo tried to fight her on multiple occasions which she denied every time which of course made him mad and try to attack her and made her just hit his vital points in his arms so he couldn't move them.
(A/N: Vital points is the same as chakra points but of course doesn't have chakra)
She had no time for Bakugo's temper tantrums. He was able to move his arm 10 mins after she left. All you can hear is explosions and Bakugo's yelling in the distance as Kaguya walked away from the absurdly loud boy.
Izuku the green-haired boy that she just learned the name of this year cause she had a group project with him. Never in the 7 years, she knew Izuku she never took the time to learn his name. Kaguya mostly avoided him for many reasons. The main reason is once he got Kaguya's attention which rarely happens so you can count it with one hand he would not shut up.
It's near the end of her 9th year so they had to turn in what school they want to apply for but not right now seeing that Kaguya had till the end of the week plus its Monday so Kaguya has a whole week to turn in her application.
Kaguya as usual at the end of the day either teleports to her house or the dojo. Takashi has been learned about Kaguya teleportation abilities so she can just teleport directly in the dojo but that's if it's in the mornings since when Kaguya gets out of school people are already in the dojo she doesn't directly go inside the dojo. Today though she is going home.
Yuki is sitting in the house this week since the flower shop is closed this week since Yuna is on vacation with her husband. Yuki notices Kaguya's portal opening up in the living room and greeted her niece once she came out. "Hello, my little Kaguya."
"Hmm? Little? I'm not little no more aunt Yuki don't you see my developing body" Kaguya said as she pointed to her breast that was already half the size of Yuki's which made Yuki give Kaguya an envious look noticing that Kaguya is most likely gonna catch up to her before she gets out of high school which brought a storm cloud over Yuki.
"Good for you Kaguya ha..ha..ha..ha" Yuki wasn't even surprised because her twin sister Suki had a bigger breast than her. Yuki has a b-cup going to a c-cup but Suki has a D-cup going to E-cup status but quite there. With Kaguya rapidly approaching her, Yuki needs something to cope with this and the answer is yogurt.
"My dear niece, may I get some of your yogurt?"
"Sure I got plenty to spare" Kaguya has too much yogurt due to Yuna constantly buying yogurt for Kaguya. She has so much that she has to buy a mini fridge and put it in her room which gave her easy access to her stash but Yuki checks to make sure Kaguya doesn't just eat all of the yogurt.
Haru just came in then witnessed the sight of a mother pampering her child but it is Kaguya patting Yuki's head while Yuki slowly eats the yogurt with a sad expression.
"What's wrong with Yuki?" Haru questioned Kaguya
"This is a female problem you wouldn't truly understand even if I explained it to you" Kaguya spoke as she continued to pat her aunt's head.
Haru just shrugged and walked upstairs. Kaguya began to explain her choices for high school. "My current choice for high school is the high school down the road, the prestigious female academy just outside town, and UA. This brought Yuki out of her sulking mood.
"Kaguya you can choose whatever I know that you will go far in life no matter the path you choose." Yuki knows that her niece is very intelligent and can most likely provide to society if she went down the doctor or scientist route. Yuki also knew that Kaguya can handle her own if she decided to be a hero. Either way, Yuki knew her niece will succeed in life which made her proud.
"Kaguya the hospital called earlier and told me that your mother is in very good condition and could wake up any month now." Yuki happily told Kaguya that Suki is gonna wake.
"Really, that's good. I get to have a proper conversation with mom" Kaguya said with a light smile.
The truth of Suki Otsutsuki recovery is due to Kaguya since she learned medical ninjutsu and slowly healed her mother to not raise suspicion since Kaguya has been visiting her mother more so no one can put two and two together if she just woke up out of nowhere.
Since her mother is going to wake up soon so the last thing Kaguya had to do is to find Shoto and figure out her future since she doesn't know what she wants.
(Kaguya pov)
What do I want in life? Do I want strength? No, I'm already strong so I don't need that. Popularity? No, it's more than what it's worth Wealth? Maybe because I can give aunt Yuki and uncle Haru a better lifestyle and provide for my mother once she wakes up. I don't think I need that because uncle Haru already makes a lot of since he has gotten a position at his job that can handle our current lifestyle easily but I don't want to become a person who leeches of others.
I searched for Shoto but came up empty handed all these years since I send out a clone to find him on multiple occasions and didn't find him. I even had a clone follow his bastard of a father but it didn't see him so I guess he is not in town. I want to search Tokyo cause he is most likely there but it's way too big to search for one person who isn't known in the city. I could just go inside a government building to search for him but I don't feel like going inside a heavily monitored building.
Speaking of monitored I noticed time to time that people watch movements whenever I leave the house. I decided to send a clone to eavesdrop on them and it turned out to be the hero association. I wondered why they would watch me but I realized they were watching out for the people who tried to kidnap me but after a year I figured something else is going on.
I eavesdrop on them again and found out that a higher up in the association made an assignment to watch me over the years for reasons I don't know why. I'm pretty sure I didn't expose my quirk since I check with my byakugan who is around before I teleport so I'm pretty sure unless someone has the ability to hide from my byakugan. So I pay them no mind since they are simply watching me with no malicious intent.
(Next day)
The same thing again. The day at school goes the same. I talked to a few people about their choice of high school. Most said the normal high school, some said the prestigious schools, even though I didn't ask Bakugo and his gang of bullies said they were signing up for UA. I didn't hear from Izuku about his choice.
Today is Tuesday so I will head to the dojo once school is over.
(Couple hours later)
"Kaguya ready for our spar?" I hear Takashi sensei ask. I then said, "Ready whenever you are sensei."
We got in position and faced each other. Same rule as always for me, first to land a decisive blow wins.
"Begin" Takashi's Sensei stern voice resonated through the room. I immediately rush Sensei to catch him off-guard but my plan failed as he closed the little openings he had as soon as I rushed. I halt my rush but Sensei came at me with a punch to the face but I easily blocked the incoming attack which any other fellow disciple would get knocked out from. I see a smile on his face which meant that he is getting excited seeing that I easily block the attack. A flurry of strikes came my way which I blocked or redirected. As soon I saw a gap I went for it barely but gracefully avoiding Sensei's attacks. I went for a kick to the stomach but he caught my leg but I knew that would happen and use my strength to go for another kick.
At last, I put my self in a vulnerable position mid air cause I Sensei caught my other leg and spun me in the air and strike me mid air making slam into the ground without much impact of course. Sensei offers me a hand up I take it.
"You fought well Kaguya," He told me.
"I don't feel like I did. All I did is defend until I went in for an attack and failed." It's true all I could have done at that moment is defend unless I fought seriously.
Takashi Sensei patted my head which he knows I don't like unless it's my aunt Yuki or her boss Yuna if she bribes me.
"Kaguya we both know if you fought seriously we will still be fighting right now and then there is your byakugan which could incapacitate me if you catch me off guard even for a split second so don't feel bad. You are the best student I ever taught. If my old man was still living he be proud that his dojo has got such a talented individual."
He said all that while looking towards the direction of his father's grave which isn't in the family graveyard but in the dojo grounds towards the north wall. Well, I said my goodbyes since I had to leave early today with aunt Yuki to go to the mall cause she asked me yesterday during dinner.
(A/N: How was that scene I need feedback to improve)
(During the evening)
Yuki and are In the mall and it is quite an enjoyable time I am having so far. I don't like shopping much and spending my money on a lot of stuff like a lot of girls my age do. I only get what I need and maybe 1 or 2 things I spot while we were shopping. I spot something familiar on the ground floor but dismissed it
One hour later it is near night time but the mall is still lively. As I am sitting at a bench I dismissed as my imagination. A boy who looked my age with red and white hair.
"Aunt Yuki I'll be right back"
"Where are you going? Kaguya?"
I ran off leaving aunt Yuki with all our stuff. I know I'm doing something out of the normal but I'm not gonna pass up this chance to see Shoto again even if it wasn't him. As I made my way through the crowd and when I finally reach him and grab his shoulder.
(3rd person)
Shoto stopped walking wonder who just grabbed his shoulder and called his name. When he turned around his eyes widen.
In front of him is a beautiful girl with hair white as a full moon. Pupilless white eyes with a hint of lavender purple. Pale skin that looks soft as a newborn baby. She has a smile that could make any man fall for her.
"Hey shoto it's been a while," Kaguya said tilting her head slightly smiling.
"Wait Kaguya..."
Shoto couldn't believe that his friend from his time in the hospital when he was young is standing right in front of him. Whenever Shoto thinks back and imagines Kaguya he thinks she is cute but right now he can only describe her as beautiful.
"So you remember me. That's good I thought you forgot about me after all these years."
Kaguya felt happy that Shoto remembered her. It's been 10 years so she sometimes thought that Shoto forgot her but that didn't matter since he recognized her even this long.
The two teens we're staring at each other like one of those moments in a romance anime when the two protagonists see each other and it's love at first sight. This obviously attracted many people around them attention and they thought someone is filming.
"Um Kaguya people starting"
Shoto noticed the crowd they gathered with some of them even recording. Kaguya then grabbed Shoto's hand.
"Follow me"
Shoto nodded and they went to a secluded place but then Shoto noticed a black portal open up in front of him making stop. Kaguya noticed Shoto suddenly stopped.
"Don't worry it's my quirk" Kaguya explained
Shoto was a bit hesitant but he nodded and decided to follow Kaguya through her portal it's time for them to catch up.
(A/N: how did I do ik it's not great. Also, the next chapter will mostly be what happened to Shoto after he last saw Kaguya)