
My Hero Academia: Kaguya's rebirth

This is the story of Kaguya Otsutsuki as she lives her new life given to her. Will she make the most out of a second chance? Find out as you read her story.

ZJAY_1 · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Father & Daughter

"Hello father"

Those are the words that echoed through the alley. They caught Shoto off guard leaving him in shock trying to register the words the words he just heard.

"Your father?" he spoke still in shock.

'He looks like a villain' Shoto thought.

Shoto feels like this man is very dangerous. He knows that Kaguya is stronger than him but still wants to protect her. He is still in a bit of shock from hearing that he is Kaguya's father but what kind of father appears in front of his daughter after 15 years in an alley looking like a villain.

"Shoto I know you must be very confused but he isn't here to hurt no one" Kaguya told Shoto.

"How can you be so sure?" Shoto asked.

"His quirk is similar to my own which manipulates energy" said Kaguya.

Shoto broke in a cold sweat hearing what Kaguya said. In previous conversations with Kaguya, she did say that her quirks are the mutated versions of her parent's quirk. Meaning that the man in front of him and Kaguya has a quirk similar to chakra.

"Ahem" Reactor interrupted Shoto's thoughts.

"I am grateful for you worrying about my daughter and wanting to protect her but can I ask you to let us speak in private..." said Reactor.

"Even if you are her father how can I trust you when you clearly look like a villain" said Shoto.

"If I wanted to I could kill-" Reactor cut himself off cause he noticed Kaguya getting angry from threatening Shoto.

"Sorry I don't take too kindly to people calling me a villain" Reactor apologized.

"So you are not a villain?" asked Kaguya.

"Technically yes but I don't consider myself one" Reactor responded.

"I see" said Kaguya.

"What's the problem with me staying here?" asked Shoto.

"I just wish to speak to my daughter alone. I won't harm her in any way... I may have done things I'm not proud of but I'm not gonna hurt my own daughter" Reactor told Shoto.

"Why should I take your word you're a villain" responded Shoto.

"Then take my word that I will protect myself Shoto" Kaguya told Shoto.

Shoto didn't know how to counter Kaguya's words since he knew very well that what she says is true.

"I know you can defend it's just..." Shoto wanted to say cause I care for you but in the presence of her father... yeah...

"I understand how you feel" responded Kaguya.

"If you do then-" Shoto gets cuts off by Kaguya.

"He asked respectfully and holds no ill intent to me or you. He just wants to have a private conversation with his daughter that's all. He is even patient enough to let us talk" Kaguya told Shoto.

" *sigh* You win I'll go so you guys can talk in private" said Shoto giving in.

Kaguya did a small hand gesture and suddenly *poof* a white cloud appears. It quickly dissipated revealing another Kaguya. Shoto is caught off guard by this since it's his first time seeing this. Reactor showed some intrigue but doesn't care cause he has seen something similar from other people.

The Kaguya clone walks up to Shoto then grabs his hand. The Kaguya clone gestures to come with her. Shoto follows along leaving the secluded alley leaving Kaguya and Reactor alone.

"Um... How should I address you?" Shoto asked.

"As me of course" responded Kaguya's clone.


"I'm an exact copy of my original body although I'm not nearly as strong. My thoughts and feelings are the same plus every I experienced will be transferred over to the original body once I disappear including memories" explained Kaguya's clone.

"I see... Well you have a vanilla yogurt addiction" said Shoto out of nowhere.

Kaguya's clone suddenly stops and looks at Shoto.

"It's not an addiction it's cravings" said Kaguya's clone giving Shoto the trademark Kaguya poker face.

"Hahaha... You really are Kaguya" said Shoto laughing at the Kaguya clone.

"So you didn't trust my words?" asked Kaguya's clone who had a bit of concern on her face.

"I do trust you. Just that this is a bit new to me" Shoto told Kaguya

"Oh... Ok"

"You sure it was a good idea to show this ability to your father?" asked Shoto

"Don't worry about that. He already knows about it. Making a clone was me reassuring you that I am fine since I can just keep constantly reminding you I can protect myself" said Kaguya.

"Ok" responded Shoto.

(Back At The Alley)

There is silence between Kaguya and Reactor. It wasn't an awkward silence just them getting their questions and answers together.

"I know you have many questions and I'm gonna answer them to the best of my ability" explained Reactor.

"Why were you never around in Japan?" asked Kaguya.

"How did you..." said a confused Reactor.

"Well, I have my way to know when people are near. You never came near ever. Plus from your reactions when you fought my clone, you never knew about my existence" explained Kaguya.

"I see... Well all I can tell you is that I was in America doing a task"

"What caused you to leave my mother?"

"..." Reactor didn't know how to answer this.

"Is it hard to say..." said Kaguya seeing Reactor's facial expression.

"It is but all you need to know is I love your mother. I didn't want to leave her but due to some events, I had no other choice" explained Reactor.

"If you did stay?" asked Kaguya.

"You would have seen me sooner but behind glass" simply said Reactor.

"...I see"

"Sorry about this but can you tell me your name..."

"Eh? You don't know my name? How did you even find me?" asked Kaguya surprised by Reactor not knowing her name.

"Well, your file has a very high level restriction on it" Reactor told Kaguya.


"All I could manage to get is where you go to school and where you live"

"It's Kaguya... Kaguya Otsutsuki"

"Your mother gave you her last name huh..."

"Well, aunt Yuki said she didn't know who the father is back when I was 4" explained Kaguya.


Reactor and Kaguya began talking about many things that's not worth mentioning. Right now Kaguya's shadow clone and Shoto are in front of Shoto's current home.

"Well we are here" said Shoto.

"Sadly..." said Kaguya's clone.

"How bold..." said Shoto.


"You usually don't say things that convey your feelings" explained Shoto.

"I don't know what you're talking about" said Kaguya.

"Sure" said Shoto.

"I gotta go now. Aunt Yuki is probably getting more worried"

"Yeah see you later" said Shoto as turned to go inside the apartment he lived in.

"Wait" said Kaguya.


Before he could tell what happened out of nowhere Kaguya hugged Shoto catching the boy by surprise. He was gonna hug back but before he could.


Kaguya had kissed Shoto's cheek which he is totally unprepared for. The poor boy didn't know what to think or say to this. This is so out of character for Kaguya that he didn't know she was capable of making a move on him. All Shoto could do is blush and watch as Kaguya's shadow clone waved goodbye then stepped through a portal.

'What just happened!!! Didn't she say she's an exact copy of Kaguya! She even reacted the same when I said something about her "cravings"... Wait if she did that...'

Shoto face got even redder at the thought of Kaguya having the same feelings as him. He didn't know that Kaguya could be so bold since she always has a calm look on her face.

(A/N: a female acquaintance of mine said that a girl does and says things out of character when they get comfortable around a guy so more romance between Shoto and Kaguya in the up and coming chapters)

Kaguya's shadow clone appeared in her room then immediately headed downstairs. When she got down she sees her aunt sitting down with an exhausted look on her face. Haru is in the kitchen getting her something to drink.

"Aunt Yuki, what happened?" asked Kaguya.

Hearing Kaguya's voice Yuki perked up and sighed in relief. Kaguya walked over and sat down beside her.

"Are you ok aunt Yuki?" asked Kaguya.

"I'm fine... Just saw someone who I never wanted to see again..." said Yuki.

"Who was it?"


"Aunt Yuki you are giving me the same look from all those years ago when I was 4"

" *sigh* It... It was your father..."

"I know"

Hearing this Yuki snapped out of exhaustion.

"He talked to you!? Did he do anything to you!? What did he say!?" Yuki bombarded Kaguya with questions.

"Calm down he didn't do anything he just wanted to talk" said Kaguya.

"Calm down!? He is the one who hurt your mother, my sister! She was already hurt just before that and then he left!!" Shouted Yuki in anger.

Kaguya wanted to say something but didn't cause she didn't want to make Yuki more upset.

"I'm sorry for yelling just that... At that time I saw my sister heart broken. I couldn't stand seeing her like that. She has already been through enough before that..."

"What happened before that?" asked Kaguya.

"It doesn't concern your father but it's a whole other pain that your mother and I had to go through" said Yuki.


"I am waiting till you are older to tell you about what happened cause I know that you will do many great things in the future and "they" will most likely contact you" Yuki said sounding tired.

"I understand" said Kaguya

"Always so mature... More mature than us adults..." Yuki smiled.

Haru who has been standing there the entire time put his hand on Yuki's shoulder.

"I think you should lay down" he says.

Putting her hand on top of his, Yuki nodded her head in agreement then got up and went upstairs.

"Kaguya" said Haru.

"Yea uncle Haru"

"Yuki doesn't want you to see your father cause she doesn't want you to get hurt like your mother..." Haru told Kaguya.

"I understand... What was the other thing, Yuki was talking about that hurt her and mother before my father?" asked Kaguya.

Haru gave an awkward look and said " I'm not the best person to talk about that with. I'm pretty sure Yuki would rip me a new one if I told you.

"I see..."

"Well I'm gonna head up with your aunt to keep her company" said Haru before he headed upstairs as well. Kaguya as well goes upstairs into her room and waits for her original body to return.

(Back at the alley)

"Have you met your family?" asked Reactor.

"Yes, I met my cousins over in Tokyo" responded Kaguya.

"Yuki has never told you huh..."

"Told me what?" asked Kaguya.

"Your mother and Yuki are-"


Reactor gets cut off by his phone and answers the call.


The other person on the other end starts talking.

"I understand... I'm on my way"

Reactor hangs up the phone then looks at Kaguya.

"I'm sorry but something came up that needs my attention. We'll continue this conversation at another time. See you later Kaguya" said Reactor as he walked out the alley but he stopped.

"Satoshi Nakajima... That's my name" Reactor told Kaguya.

Reactor started walking again and went around the corner. Kaguya activated her Byakugan and sees that Reactor is moving at incredible away. Just as she was going to deactivate it she notices two energy signatures that she recognizes.

"Allmight? And Midoriya?"

Kaguya is wondering why are these two together. So she teleports not far from their location. What she sees surprises her. In the sunset, there is a skinny blonde haired man and crying Midoriya on the street.


'What is going on here? The skinny guy's energy perfectly matches Allmight but is it really him? Why is he talking with Midoriya? Why is Midoriya crying so much?'

From Kaguya's distance away all, she heard is Midoriya is gonna inherit something from Allmight. Something else she noticed is that Allmight energy signature is not nearly as bright as before plus he is heavily wounded on his side.

'That wound is gonna be problematic in the future' thought Kaguya

From Kaguya's view, it seems that it won't be long till the number 1 hero would retire. Meaning once that happens villains will grow cocky and cause more trouble in the future. This isn't a problem for the current Kaguya and definitely for the future Kaguya since her strength is more than enough to take anyone on. Now Kaguya is left with the choice. Should she heal Allmight.

(End Of Chapter)

(A/N: I'll let you guys decide should Kaguya heal Allmight or not. Also, check out my other fanfics and my Original Novel A Photoner's Journey. Then I kontow to you my readers please join my discord it desperately needs more active people, link in the auxiliary)

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