This is a book for authors and for people who want to see a Izuku they haven’t seen before. These are just ideas I had that if you like you can take as your own and create a story. Comment if you have more ideas so I can add it to the outline so that authors know what you want and what to write.
Main Character: Izuku Midoriya
Quirk: Quirkless
Parents: Inko and Hizashi Midoriya
Heritage: Witch(Charmed 1998)
Powers: Telekinesis(flying,minor shielding) , Orbing and SpellCasting( Later on Healing, Shield, Lightning)
Crossover: Charmed (1998)
Story Idea: Inko was born from a family of Wiccans who's powers where are used to fight the forces of evil and protect the delicate balance. Fighting demons the females and males of the family helped protect innocent from losing their lives and from evil tipping the scale and throwing the world into chaos. Centuries of fighting they created a special book to be passed down from generation to generation adding spell in information about demons and potions to help fight demons in the future and to teach future generations. Inko was assigned a white lighter by the name Hisashi Midoriya who is there to help guide and heal her when dealing with demons. During her years of fighting they fell in love and due to Piper and Leo Halliwell their love wasn't restricted. They grew and fought together even had a child named Izuku but things ended up turning sour. During their years together Hisashi was turned into an elder and his son inhabited some of those powers making him a very powerful hybrid a beacon of light. Demons saw this as a threat and continue to attack their family as a way to protect them Inko bound Izuku's powers and as he was too young to remember she didn't need to erase his memory. During one specific battle Hisashi ended up in a battle with a high level demon alone with Izuku upstairs asleep his only option was to seal the demon away somewhere and he had to sacrifice himself. After his sacrifice Inko returns home she is distraught by the sight of her home and has come to the conclusion that her husband is gone. She plans to move her and her son to a magical hotspot one at the center of a pentagram. Earth, water, fire,air, and metal a magical nexus. Her family home was built on one so she bought one so she could place a spell to protect her and her son. Years pass by and Izuku is believed to be Quirkless until one day destiny reared its ugly head by accident as he was cleaning out one of the closets in one of the upstairs of the rooms searching for something for school he stumbles upon The family Book Of Shadows. Curious he opens it as it's something so unique and rare. But he makes the mistake of reading the first passage out loud "Here now the words of the witches, The secrets we hid in the night, The oldest of gods are invoked here, The great work of magic is sought…
…In this night and in this hour, We call upon the ancient power bring your powers from this family tree! We want the power! Give me the power!" He said quietly not knowing his world was soon going to get bigger. For half the night he stayed up reading the book until he got tired and slept on it until he was shaken awake by his mother who dropped a tray on the floor in front of the open door upon seeing what is izuku held. Due to the shock he accidentally Orbed in beautiful sapphire lights and his mother knew that life was now more complicated and her little bunny was now in a world of danger even worse then the villians running outside.
Pairing: MinaxIzuku
Villains: League of Villian, Source of Evil, Random Demons, Yakuza
Arcs: Beginning: - Beginning
- Tragedy
- Clean up
- Oh No! Explanation Time
- Taking a Walk
- Can I still be a hero?
- Training
- First Innocent
- Freeze up
- First Vanquish spell on the fly
- Potions
U.A: -Time Skip Another Innocent
- Entrance Exams
- Teachers
- Giant Robot
- First Girls Number
- Accepted & The Sources Plotting
- Class 1-A
- Quirk Assessment
- Lunch
- Battle Trials
- Oye Vey
- Aftermath
- Class President
- Demons and Villians?
- You know what demons are???
- Nomu
- Elder Lightning
- The Ultimate Vanquish
- Aftermath
Sports Festival: - Day Off
- Let's Hang/ An Innocent
- Can you keep a secret?
- A regular school day
- Training/ Can I Fly?
- Demons Plotting
- Declaration of War
- First Event
- Mine Field
- Second Event
- Frozen Solid
- Third Event
- Match Ups
- Someone to talk to
- Tokoyami Vs Bakugo
- Final Match
- Winner
- Darkness Rising
Possession: - Hero Killer
- The Source makes a move
- Possesion of the Hero Killer
- Missing Souls of Heroes?
- Internships?
- Gunhead Agency
- Elders and My Fater?
- The Source in Hosu
- Preparing
- Hosu
- Ida!!
- Shield( Wyatt's shield)
- Back-Up
- Expelling The Source
- Nomu and The AfterMath
Finals: Working on it. It's a Very complex show if you've watched it each spell and potion and the fact that the power of three is needed but the use of quirks and one of his friends knowing or also being a Wiccan helps but with his powers I want him to sort of be like a Twice Blessed Child like Wyatt but with time.