

- "B-mighty! Is it really you?" - The curly-haired green-haired teenager asked excitedly, looking at Toshinori with admiring eyes. No one on the street had ever looked at Yagi like that before. He was even a little taken aback by it. It was unusual for a man to have a crowd of fans, and now the main character of the anime was on the horizon, who was apparently crazy about him.

- "Of course it's me! Who else? I'm out here catching villains, and you're walking under a bridge by yourself. Be more careful next time if you don't want to fall into the hands of some criminal again!" - said the Almighty in a stern voice, smiling firmly at the boy who finally started to rise from the ground. With that, Yagi pulled a jar he'd found on the road from his pants pocket and walked over to the mud monster, crumpling it into a pliable lump so that it could squeeze into the flask.

- "I understand you. By the way, m-my name is Midoriya Izuku. I was wondering if you could leave me your autograph!" - Stuttering and nervous, the boy took out a shabby notebook of information about various heroes from his backpack and handed it to his idol with a glowing look. The teenager was so enthusiastic that he actually stared at Toshinori absentmindedly, making him feel slightly uncomfortable.

"It wouldn't be a problem if a beautiful woman stared at me like that, but... When a petite guy stares at you so lovingly, it becomes somehow too uncomfortable." thought the Almighty. He quickly left his signature on a page of the notebook and handed it to Midoriya.

A wide, joyful smile appeared on the meek and shy boy's face. It seemed as if nothing could spoil his happy mood, but in the next second, Midoriya's gaze went blank. His hands began to jerk and the shabby notebook threatened to fall out of them. The Almighty, of course, did not expect such a sudden change of mood and looked at the curly-haired boy in surprise with a wait-and-see attitude. Yagi wondered what he wanted to tell him.

- "Almighty, I'm a big fan of yours.... Ever since I was a kid, I've been watching you fight villains on TV. You're simply magnificent, and I too want to become a hero like you... But I'm queerless..." - Izuku spoke with bitterness in his voice as he lowered his head down. It was obvious that he couldn't be more lousy right now. And Toshinori found such a thing very interesting and nostalgic. A teenager with complexes and low self-esteem. Ah, it seems like every other high schooler went through that.

- "You want to find out from me personally if it's possible to be a hero without a quirk, right? Kid, comic books are universally available. Read 'Batman' and you'll realize in no time that you can bring order without superpowers!"

The Almighty replied with a slight faint irritation. The truth is on the surface, and the fact that the boy himself didn't think of it pisses Yagi off! Brute force doesn't always solve everything. Somewhere you need brains, somewhere you need connections, and somewhere you need whole sacks full of green bills. While it's obvious that pure over-the-top power like his is far more honorable and effective, even Yagi isn't immortal like that. Fire a missile at Toshinori and he'll definitely be hurt. So it's all factors combined and the perfect combination of one's abilities, with complete concealment of various weaknesses.

- "Alright. I think you've realized something after all. You can't become the Symbol of Peace, but what's the problem if you're still going to help people and do good deeds. If you think you're falling off a cliff right now, try to grab hold of something and start crawling to the top! It's all up to you, Midoriya Izuku!" - the man said in a solemn and motivating tone, putting the jar of liquid villain into his pocket and pushing himself off the ground, hitting the nearby cherry blossoms with a wave of wind. The clock is ticking and there is less and less time in combat form.

Midoriya stood there in shock. He simply couldn't believe that the Almighty actually supported him in his endeavors! The guy thought that the idol would laugh at him and tell him the cruel truth, but.... In the end, he was wrong. There are chances. You just need to keep going towards your dream and do not stop!


"This is the first time I've given such long motivational speeches. It's quite an unusual experience. I hope I don't encounter it again. There's always some kind of danger gathering around the main characters, and I don't want constant trouble. But... It would be really cool if Midoriya Izuku wore a bat suit," Toshinori thought to himself as he stopped on the roof of a five-story building. The man gazed down and began to look for criminals. After all, he still had 6 more villains to catch and the first task would be completed.

And the Almighty's luck clearly smiled. A kidnapping began to unfold before his eyes. A black-clad figure on a motorcycle roughly grabbed the young woman in an armful and sped away from the crowded area. But Toshinori wouldn't be the embodiment of the Symbol of Peace if he didn't swiftly jump out of the way of the motorcycle as if everything was under his control.

The next moment, the Almighty grabbed the motorcyclist sharply and roughly by the scruff of the neck with one hand and gently picked up the woman with the other. The motorcycle, on the other hand, continued on its way, but soon simply rolled over on the road without hitting anyone.

[5/10 criminals were stopped]

Afterward, he received a thank you from the girl, and the police took the mud monster and the hapless kidnapper away. Now Toshinori could sit on the bench again and wait for darkness to fall. It is under the night that all the criminal husks who think they are the true darkness become active. Funny idiots who are sure to get their kicks tonight.

Toward evening, Yagi sat skinny-dipping in the park and watched the darkening sky. The pain in his side was gone, so he could just quietly watch the trees and relax his mind to the quiet howling of the wind. The squirrels, the birds, all the beautiful wildlife added even more atmosphere to the springtime empty park.

But empty it was for Yaga until one moment. Suddenly he heard voices behind him. Two female voices were quickly approaching him and Toshinori became very curious to see yet another visitor to the park, at a time like this. Turning his head, the man saw that two stunning women in tracksuits were out for an evening jog.

One had dark green hair that was tied up in a ponytail that still left some of her hair down to her shoulders. She had smiling emerald eyes with long fluffy eyelashes and a luscious, graceful figure with a height of about 160 centimeters. Her lush, rather large breasts were encased in a tank top and tank top. Her captivating hips and seductively swaying ass so and beckoned. Her calm, kind expression and refined mature beauty made her a beautiful woman, which was soothing and pleasing to the eye.

In contrast to her nearby was an equally mature mature yet feisty beauty with piercing red eyes and spiky blonde ash-tinged hair. She was taller than her friend, and her figure possessed a predatory grace never before seen in Yaga. Beneath her white see-through t-shirt she had a perfectly toned torso that made her even more seductive. Her breasts were even larger than her friend's, but her hips and ass were slightly inferior. Arched blond eyebrows and nose slightly upturned in a cocky manner.

Hot, athletic, mature women ran past him with slightly sweaty faces. A few drops of sweat that didn't really spoil their beauty. One was a homely, quiet lady, the other an explosive bitch. That was the characterization Toshinori had given them.

Even Yagi couldn't help but spurt blood from his mouth at the sight of them. What can I say? The man couldn't help himself, causing the two women to turn their attention to him in shock. They stopped and the lady with dark green hair turned to him with concern in her voice:

- "Man, are you all right?"

- "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. I just didn't expect to see anyone else here. Especially such beautiful women," Yagi admitted honestly, taking a breath. His left side was starting to throb with pain again. It was a lousy situation. Apparently he shouldn't be amazed in this world, or he would die of pain shock.

- "Look, he's still complimenting us, despite his deplorable appearance. He's definitely fine, you shouldn't worry, Inko. So let's get a move on" - without letting her friend say anything else, the blonde with spiky hair dragged her behind her, giving Yagi a fleeting glance that was a wild mixture of apprehension and contempt. Still, a blood-splattering type who immediately complimented her was indeed suspicious.

"What a perky woman! No one has ever looked at me like that before today! Their sexy looks make my blood boil. This is the first time I've seen such gorgeous milfs! Not even the Mountain Lady's appearance has ever made me so passionate. If the system gives me a seduction assignment again, I'll definitely take a closer look at these two," thought Yagi as he watched their silhouettes continue their jog.

"One of them was named Inko... Such a familiar name... Like it was in an anime.... Inko, Inko, Inko. It seemed to be the name of Midoriya Izuku's mother. However, his mother in the anime was a chubby housewife, and here... Oh, it's useless to even compare them! But the similarity in the hairstyle can't be taken away. I guess I'm in some kind of alternate reality. I hope it's not a catastrophic change," Toshinori concluded. In any case, he had enjoyed the fleeting encounter. Especially that milf with the spiky hair.... She had a searing aura about her.