An ordinary kid, after his death, discovers that he is the reincarnation of a god. He is reborn in a new world and with new possibilities.
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Over the past few years, Rumi had risen in the hero business, making it into the top ten, the top heroes in the country, an impressive achievement. She doesn't have her own hero office, as such, she's something of a 'freelancer', wandering all over Japan, from one place to another, occasionally getting into skirmishes with villains. We got to her, just as the police were towing away the carcass of a huge lion, and the crowd of onlookers was gradually dispersing.
- By the way, here's our big-eared sempai. - I landed straight down, not far from Rumi, and lowered Kendo to the ground.
- Sta-a-a-arosta, you could've gone slower. - Itsuka looked like she was going to vomit.
- Don't throw up on me. - I immediately said, putting my hands on her stomach, using some of my life energy to clean up her stomach.
- Ugh, that feels better, thank you. - she exhaled. - Isn't that pro-heroine Miruko, in the top ten best heroes in Japan! - Itzuka had just spotted her.
- Who's there again, more fans? All right, let's get something to sign, and hurry up. - Miruko turned round with a twitch of her ear. Rumi's quirk gives her all the perks of rabbit physiology, speed, endurance, strong legs, and enhanced hearing, among other things.
- Actually, no, I've come for a broken promise...a chocolate rabbit with firm thighs. - I mouthed and shifted away from the dark-skinned leg aiming for my head.
- Moon Arc! - Rumi swung her leg up and in a single motion, kicked me in the front in a way that would have easily punctured my rib cage.
- And it's a pleasure to meet you, Rumi, after all this time. - The blow came on the barrier I'd set up, but I have to say, she's not a weak hitter, especially helped by her special rabbit-shaped, metal shoes that dissipate the impulses from the blows, a small crater in the ground she'd definitely leave.
- Back again. - Miruko said grudgingly, immediately realising who was in front of her. It wasn't hard to guess, because no one but me had ever called her her face, that's for sure. - What do you want, you little pervert?
- You promised me an internship when I was a kid. Here I am, all grown up and with an inordinate desire to be instructed in heroism by the great pro-heroine Miruko-sempai. - I said with sarcasm in every word. - And yes, I'm no longer a perverted teenager, but a perverted teenager.
- I see you don't even deny it...what's your name again? - she scratched her animal ear.
- That's a shame, I remembered your name, Rumi, but you didn't bother to remember mine. My name is Akira Mizuiro, and my hero name is Hyperion,' I introduced myself.
- All right, I'll take you on as a trainee... and I'll kick your arse. - She smiled, but her smile turned into a grin.
- Thank you very much, and yes, if you could take my friend as well. - I pointed my finger at Kendo, who stood with her mouth open during my dialogue with Rumi, and had to shove her in the side to bring her to her senses.
- Oh, I'm sorry! I'm Itsuka Kendo from the hero department at Yuei. My hero nickname is Battle Fist. Please take me on as a trainee Miruko-sempai! - she blurted out, making a bow of respect.
- ...Okay, I'll take you too, but remember, I only respect strong and independent heroes, I don't need any smears, understand?! - Rumi squinted her red eyes.
- Yes, if you say so! - Kendo stood at attention.
- That's great, now we just need to figure out where the internship will take place. You don't have your own office, do you Rumi?
- Nah, I don't even need one. It's just a lot of paperwork, and it's no use at all, it's much easier to run around the rooftops and beat up bad guys! - Rumi exclaimed emotionally, she has a very militant temperament.
- Is it possible to intern for a hero without an office? - Itsuka asked.
- Technically, you can, because the internship is directly with the hero, so it doesn't matter if he has an office or not. - I explained. - You don't have to worry about the location of the internship. I rented a nearby gym, where we can gather.
- Headman, you're rich too. - Kendo was surprised that I had money to spend, not really. Just a small clarification, besides being strong and smart, I'm also rich.
- That'll do, we'll be patrolling around the city anyway, where I'll teach you how to punish villains! - Miruko declared belligerently.
I took Rumi and Itsuki's number and arranged to meet tomorrow at a nearby gym, which I had rented in advance, knowing that Miruko had no office.
I didn't want to be wandering around the city all the time, and I didn't think Itsuka would be happy about it, but I didn't care, the internship was just a formality and wouldn't teach me anything new. I had received a list of offers for me, but the only interesting ones were from some nice heroines, even the Lady of the Mountain. The temptation to take her up on the offer to intern for her and seduce the blonde was great, but I held back. After all, Rumi is a strong hero and in the top ten heroes for a reason.
I ended up giving Kendo a ride home in the evening, the same way we'd flown in, and I didn't fly back as fast, so her stomach could handle the air travel.
- Kendo, nothing bothering you this time? - I landed on the concrete walkway.
- No, I'm fine. - Itsuka leaned on the ground with both feet.
- I'll see you tomorrow, then. - I was about to go home, but was stopped by Itsuka's palm holding mine.
- Akira...Tsu and Miruko-sempai said you're a pervert. Is that why you asked me to intern with you? To do...things to me. - Itsuka said awkwardly.
- I have a counter question, would you like me to do things with you? - I bridged the small distance between us, standing so that our faces were opposite each other.
- Headman, do you realise what you're saying?!?! - exclaimed an exasperated Kendo. - You're dating Ashido!
- Twenty-five again, she's blabbing everything again?
- I'm not blind, and neither are the other girls in the class. The way she looks at you and hangs on you, and the way you've been disappearing together at recess lately. Of all the girls, Bakugou is probably the only one who doesn't know.
- Itsuka-chan is a very smart girl. - I put my arm around her waist, even though she tried to push me away.
- Let go! - The flushed redhead started kicking at me, but I held her tight.
- Do you want to know a little secret? I'm not only seeing Mina, I've been seeing Shoko lately, and not only that. I have another girl I've known for years. - As I spoke Itsuki's face changed, and it got to the point where it changed into a grimace of pain and resentment.
- Let me go...
- Itsuka, I don't abandon any of them and I don't cheat. Yes, I'm a pervert and a womaniser, I won't argue, but I'm an honest pervert and a womaniser, and once I've made a girl mine, I'll never let her go. - I hold her close to me. - And you'll be mine, too.
- No, I won't. - she mumbled, but she didn't pull away.
- Yes, you will. I know you like me. - I let her go and pulled away. - I'll see you tomorrow. - I flew away, leaving the confused redhead to her own thoughts.
In some ways Itsuka is right, I do wrong to the others, but if I have the power and ability to possess several beautiful women at once, I don't see anything wrong with it. Itsuka is too much of a proper girl, even though she has sympathy for me, with the transition to teenage love, but it will be hard for her to accept my perversion, however, I'm not going to give up. The redhead, I will definitely make her mine.
The next day, as agreed, we met at the gym I'd rented. Knowing Rumi's combative nature, I had chosen a boxing gym with a ring, weights, dumbbells and all the other equipment, plus there were showers and a locker room.
- So, Rumi, where do we start? - I asked, dressed in my special suit.
- First, let's see what you're all about. I've seen you, Akira, in action, but I haven't seen how Itsuki is doing in this regard.
- Whatever you say, Sempai. - Itzuka clenched her hand into a fist, wearing a qipao and trying not to look in my direction.
- Then go outside to patrol the streets and look for villains! - Rumi came cheerfully out the door.
- Only after you, my beautiful redheaded heroine, Battle Fist. - I opened the door on purpose, for Itsuki, and called her by her hero nickname, fitting by association with her quirk.
Kendo threw me an ambiguous look, and quickly left, deciding to play silent with me.
We patrolled within two neighbourhoods, and walked. Rumi can usually move quickly by jumping on rooftops, and I can fly and run at the speed of light. But Itsuki's quirk doesn't give her any mobility, her ability to increase the size of her arms is a partial metamorphism, if her ability is developed enough, she could increase any part of her body, or increase her entire body like Lady Mountain, but that wouldn't be metamorphism, but rather gigantification.
As we strolled through the neighbourhood, Itsuka tried to keep a safe distance from me...naive girl, as if that would stop me. Rumi, on the other hand, was eager to beat someone up, almost bouncing on the spot.
- I'm sorry, Miruko-sempai, but I've had enough of this pointless walk around town. - I tapped into the police frequency through my wristband, searching for nearby crime scenes.
- What are you doing? - Miruko asked me.
- Looking for a job. If Miruko-sempai had her own office, we'd get calls with incidents right away, and we wouldn't have to walk all over the city. - I replied.
- No way. - Rumi snorted.
- Here comes the job. There's an attack at the underground station a block away, and I don't know the details, but I do know that people need help. - I got the information from my wristband.
- Let's go! - Miruko's on the move, and she's running very fast, because of her rabbit physiology.
- Yes, Sempai! - Itzuka cheerfully followed, and so did I.
At the exit to the underground, the citizens ran out of the underground in droves, frightened by something. As we descended into the underground, we saw the reason for the panic among the citizens,
- Dirt? - Itzuka was stunned to see the underground station being ravaged by not one, not two, but a dozen of living humanoid clay. - Where did it come from?
- Help! - pleaded, shrinking in a corner, a middle-aged man, as the living clay was rapidly approaching him, with bad intentions.
- Once again, I'm fighting living mud, but this one's made of clay. - I took the Infiniti out of my inventory, and cut the humanoid attacking the man in half with a vertical slash. It broke into two halves, but after a second, the clay reassembled back into a humanoid and very angry form.
- Oooh! - screamed the living clay, signalling the rest of the doppelgangers to turn their attention to us.
- You villains are finished! - said a grinning Rumi, rushing into the midst of the enemies and kicking the first mud monster she saw, causing it to splatter, but reassembling itself a moment later.
- Itsuka, take the civilian away while Miruko and I distract the villains. - I gave her instructions and rushed to Rumi's aid, cutting to pieces the monster that had come in on Rumi's back.
- Don't worry, you're safe. - Kendo reassured the man, and led him away from the fighting.
- I'll kick everyone to death. - Rumi started jumping haphazardly, bouncing off the walls and ceiling, kicking relentlessly at the regenerating clay monsters.
- It's no use, physical attacks don't work on him. - I reasoned.
- I know without you, my kicks, it is like a puff of smoke. - Rumi landed next to me.
- I've got an idea. - I fired a plasma from my hand at the Claymaker, with a temperature of several thousand degrees centigrade. Living clay is supposed to replicate all the properties of ordinary clay, and I didn't miss a beat. The monster shrieked before the clay solidified, cracking. - Look at that, it worked.
I was about to rejoice in my easy victory when the rest of the Claymakers suddenly melted into a slurry that gathered into a large pile of clay, rapidly increasing in size and turning into a three metre tall clay monster. It transformed its right hand into a mace and struck at Rumi, but I closed it with a barrier.
- I honestly wasn't counting on that. - I moved away from the leg of the monster that wanted to crush me.
- Take that! - Rumi jumped up and bounced off the wall, kicking the clay head so hard that it flew off his shoulders and rolled across the floor, and I instantly incinerated the head, but even without the head, he kept moving.
- I guess he doesn't need his head to think. - I decided to go brute force, and grabbing the freak by the leg, threw it over me, and immediately, encased the earthen one in a spherical barrier.
- What's the matter with him? - Rumi noticed that the villain was once again spread out in a puddle, but not reassembling into a humanoid form as before.
- I can create various solid structures, including barriers. Inside the barrier, I maximised the gravitational pressure. The clay one simply can't put itself back together, not even to move.
- And you're still as strong as ever...Tengu. - called me Rumi, my vigilante name. - Does that redheaded girl know about your secret?
- No, of course not. Only Miruko-sempai knows my secret identity.
- Aren't you afraid I'll turn you in?
- You wouldn't do that. Well, legality is always the last thing on your mind, 'Usako'. - I called her by her old nickname.
- Don't call me that. - Rumi snarled at me like a wild turned me on for some reason.
- I'm back, did you get him? - Itsuka came running back.
- Yeah, and it wasn't fun at all. Kicking living clay is like punching a pear. - Rumi grumbled. - One more thing. Hyperion, you're being a bit arbitrary. The purpose of this trip was to see how well Battle Fist adapts to combat.
- But I don't want Itsuka to risk herself for a simple test. - I replied, which made Itsuka blush a little.
- Fine, whatever. - Rumi waved her hand. - We should call the police to pick up the pile of dirt, and then we'll go back to the gym to work out.
The police soon arrived, and got the details of the clay individual from them. The villain did not appear here by accident, he was being transported with a police convoy, to prison, on the way, he managed to get out of the lorry, and escaped to the nearby underground, where we met him and processed him, so to speak. To make sure he didn't break out this time, the police brought a big metal box with no slots, where I stuck a grease barrier inside the box, now he definitely won't escape.
Afterwards we went back to the gym, where Miruko tested our fighting skills by pitting us against each other. Naturally I won, literally by one minute. Kendo has a pretty good quirk, as well as fighting skills, but again, she lacks real combat experience. I practised strikes with her, and occasionally corrected her, trying to snuggle as close to the redhead as possible, and touching her lightly in various places, the flushed redhead.
The internship would last about a fortnight, followed by the first trimester exams and then the summer holidays. I have plenty of time to seduce beautiful girls.
And while I was having fun at my internship, my drone managed to locate the Hero Killer. He was last seen in Hosu, in the company of Shigaraki Tomura and Kurogiri. The drone observing them recorded their conversation, from which it is clear that the League of Villains wants to recruit a skilled assassin like Blur. Then they disappeared into a misty teleporter and the search was over. I left the drones in Hosu, in case Blur and the League went back there and they could be recaptured.