
My Hero Academia: Fire Dragon Slayer Hero

Wish Fulfilment Heroic Izuku. Cringe romances. Massive harem. ========= What if Izuku met Igneel who appeared in his dream. what if he trained under him and became a dragon slayer. This is the story of the Fire King Dragon Slayer hero. MHA x Dragon Maid x Fairy tail x Multiverse. I'll be reusing some of the parts of my Savitar while speeding up the pace a bit.

Try_hard · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs

Chapter 43 - Battle Trial 3

I forgot I had an advance chapter and decided to post this. Not sure when I'll be back with regular updates but hope I will soon.


Before the match began, everyone else was watching the trial in the monitor room.

"Sir AllMight may I inquire about your assistance?" Iida raised his hands, moving rather stiff.

"Of course, Young Iida. What is it that you need?"

"I am curious if it is fair when the villain is given 5 minutes headstart to prepare while the Heroes are left ignorant?"

"I agree with Iida here. Midoriya and Hagakure are at a huge disadvantage." Kirishima added.

"It's simple! When you become Pros there are times that you are left ignorant of the villain's plan or hideout. It is all up to you when judging the situation and what sort of action you need to do." AllMight explained. The simple task of the Hero and Villain is to show the importance of time and planning. Though it is rare when a hero raids a villain's base when the time comes the proper skills are needed.

Without reasonable training would lead to many implications namely casualty and collateral damage.

"Is that so!? Thank you for your help, AllMight-Sensei!" Iida replied while chopping the air. Everyone nodded before returning their attention to the screen.

"But who do you think would win? My bet is Bakugou!" Kirishima said considering they have three advantages, getting everyone's attention.

'Given their firepower, it's unlikely they'll be able to showcase their abilities that well in tight spaces.' Maki thought observing them closely. Having strength is great and all but it can only do so much in missions.

For example, Izuku and Katsumi's quirk has great firepower but lacks versatility and is only useful in combat. They have to consider holding back to not damage the entire building from their battle.

'The two seem to have rivalry, it's likely both would meet to fight while it's up to Hagakure-san and Toga-san to win this.' Maki thought her theory was correct.

"I think Midori will take the cake!" Mina gave her own bet.

"From what they did yesterday makes it difficult but I agree with Mina that Midori-chan would win." Tsuyu added.

"Oh I'll bet a hundred yen on Bakugou!" Denki grinningly said.

"Betting are we? Then I take bakugou!" Sero exclaimed.

"It's still early to conclude. Though I am confident Izu will win but does not mean it will be easy."

Momo commented. She's biased over his lover but Momo knew to not underestimate Katsumi.

"I think so too, Izuku would surely win!" Camie confidently declared.

"From what I could tell Izu has a speed advantage and can easily find the bomb to win. Also with Hagakure invisibility could be their ace." Mizuna gave her analysis.

"Izu would win for sure." Jiro added.

"Though, what's troubling is Himiko-chan." Mizuna said.

"How so, Kero? What's her quirk anyway? I saw she can sprout wings." Tsuyu asked.

"Well, I wouldn't want to spoil the fun. Let's just watch and see." Mizuna said. Before long everyone witnessed something unbelievable that made them reconsider their bets.


Izuku and Toru successfully infiltrated the building only for them to be baffled by what greeted them.

'This isn't going to be easy.' Izuku thought. He understood Himiko's quirk and had suggested a lot of things that it awakened and evolved into something better.

'Yeah, she's partially a dragon after drinking so much of your blood.' Daigoro said.

'Not to mention it's a tight space, you won't be able to go all out without collateral damage. ' En said.

He smiled knowing Katsumi who was second only to him when it comes to strategizing and she knows him more than anyone else. She would likely look for him and fight him right at the bat.

The problem is that if he fought Katsumi then Toru was vulnerable from being captured and he could already guess the bomb would have been protected.

Izuku needed to mind his allies in situations like this and could not act as a lone wolf. It would defeat the purpose of their task.

"What do we do now, Midori?"

Toru worriedly asked about feeling powerless and a burden in the situation. Meanwhile, the dragon slayer tried to make a plan to let them pass through without alerting the enemies.

"No need to worry. First things first, Kacchan is likely going straight to me but there's a chance she might encounter you if we split up so we'll do that after we encounter him. Once that happens, you're going to look for the bomb and immediately tell me where it is. Don't fight Himiko, run. She isn't your match."

Izuku said while Toru felt disappointed that she wouldn't be able to help her hero. Despite not knowing what she is thinking, Izuku subconsciously places his hand on her head, feeling her hair surprisingly soft.

"You're the key for our victory. I have my faith in you." Izuku said with a bright smile and Toru's heart skipped a bit while his girlfriend watched wince seeing how easily his charming woman and Ochako also felt rather frustrated but couldn't help it.

"Got it, Midori!" Toru nodded felt something burn deep within her.

"Hahaha well let's get going.." Izuku said as the two headed inside and he had to think carefully where they would be.

All of sudden, he senses danger and immediately went to protect Toru from the act as she couldn't react as everything went too fast. A large explosion was produced shattering the walls and windows covering the whole building with Dust and Debris.

"Are you alright?" Izuku asked, embracing her while Toru blush.

"Y-Yeah but how about you!? You took the explosion for me!?"

"Don't worry about me. My suit is specially made to withstand explosions like this."

Izuku turns to see if Karsumi was there only to be confused as he was nowhere to be seen, shocking him before smirking.

'I'll be damn...you discovered something new huh?'

He easily understood the situation they were in. The whole building had been turned into a bomb by Katsumi and how she did it lies from her training.

The dragon slayer easily pieces things together recalling his rival's mention about discovering something new back from I-Island.

"Alright, can you stand up, Toru?"

"Y-Yeah I can." Izuku helps her stand up before returning his attention to the clear path.

"I could guess they were unsure what floor we would be entering which means we can still sneak our way. Alright, let's go."

Toru nodded before the two ran their way to find the bomb. Izuku is still unsure to leave her behind and could be severely harmed if Katsumi did the same thing earlier. It didn't take them long to arrive at the floor where Kataumi were located.

'Himiko is not here.' Izuku knew he can't escape Katsumi now and looked at Toru.

"Leave Katsumi to me, go look for the bomb but make sure to be careful, Himiko isn't an easy opponent." Izuku said and Toru nodded and removed his boots and gloves, turning completely invisible.

"Deku, I know you're here! Come out and fight me!" Katsumi yelled out before grinning upon seeing Izuku coming out at the entrances.

"Before we fight, I must congratulate you for improving your quirk. I'm curious how you made an explosion without being there?"

"Hahaha, that's so simple...Bite the dust!!"

Izuku recalls an old yet treasured anime called Jojo where one of the parts had a character with explosive ability. He widened when Katsumi made a pose similar to holding a detonator.

He easily moved towards Katsumi before the entrances exploded realizing how much his rival had grown.

The Dragon Slayer moves to attack Katsumi only for his palm to be directed at him exploding his face. However, it was not enough to let Izuku strike his rival who evaded the attack and countered each other. They weaved and counter their attack showcasing their level of skills.

'Learning under Benimaru-sensei has improved her skills by a large margin.' Izuku thought back flipping and moved as if he was dancing, shocking those watching.


"He's dancing!" Mina exclaimed excitedly.

"Oh my gosh I didn't know Midori could dance!"

"I mean you just met thim yesterday. Anyway, I don't think he's dancing," Kaminari said as he pointed at Izuku who was fighting Katsumi who dodged and began to move the same way. Mina snapped her head towards him with an annoyed look.

"Have you seen those moves! He's totally dancing! He's almost as good as me!"

"Capoeira." said All Might as the others turned towards him, especially Ochako who had seen Izuku use that particular martial art. Though, it's difficult to use considering timing is needed.

"It's an Angolan martial arts that combines the elements of dancing, acrobatics, and music. It is known for its acrobatic and complex maneuvers, often involving hands on the ground and inverted kicks. It emphasizes flowing movements rather than fixed stances." Mina gasped.

"You mean to tell me there is a martial arts that uses dancing!? How come I didn't know about it!? I need to learn that! I bet I'll be a master soon!" Ojiro, the blonde teen with a quirk tail nodded.

"Not only that, I can also see some traces of other martial arts as well. He just doesn't stick to Capoeira."

"Well, he was known as the strongest martial artist of his generation for a reason." said Shoji, the tall guy with silver hair and a mask with multiple arms. They continued to watch as they moved faster and faster where their movement became a blur.

"Holy crap! The two move so fast!?" Denki dumbstruck witnessing the two powerhouse going at each other. They were fighting in hand to hand incorporating their quirk.

"Izuku seems to have speed advantage but Bakugou is well adapted to danger." Ojiro observed the fight.

'It's clear Midoriya-san is trained in many martial arts but Bakugou-san is a lot more naturally gifted.' Maki thought comparing her to them then Izuku has a lot stronger and skilled nuts. Katsumi isn't a slouch either. The two fought every single day in hand to hand combat improving their skills

"It's to be expected, the two always spar when they have the chance and mostly end up in a draw."

Momo added. Though the two were severely holding back seeing as they would likely destroy the whole gym gamma by themselves. Not to mention, it is mostly in hand to hand combat scenarios that they are equal.

They were thinking about their allies and putting them at risk. This is why they weren't going all out. Not to mention, the two tend to fight in a sparring way, weakening themselves and putting their skills to the test.

"That is key when in a battle! Even if someone has a strong quirk doesn't mean it would fit every situation. Young Bakugou couldn't just use powerful explosions to subdue Young Midoriya with the risk of collapsing the building." AllMight enlightens the students receiving a nod.

"That is why do not belittle yourself thinking your quirk is weak. There are times it would be useful in hero work!" He added.

"Look at the two go, Kero!" Tsuyu pointed at the screen witnessing Katsumi flipping doing a handstand before spinning around while using her quirk and Izuku dodging easily on the onslaught.

Izuku blocked his last kick before cocking his fist doing a horse stance then struck Bakugou barely evading the attack standing back to his feet.

"Woah, the two seem evenly matched! I can't decide who will win." Sato exclaimed with his classmate nodding in silence. Meanwhile back inside the building, Izuku and Katsumi have a standstill with excitement filling their minds.

"You've gotten better than the last time we fought."

"Hell no! You just got sloppy!!" The two clash once more but this time increasing their power causing the building to quake violently from their collision.

Izuku lunged first, his fist arcing through the air towards her face. She dodged effortlessly, her body moving with a fluidity that belied her strength.

Her counterattack was swift—a kick aimed at his ribs. He blocked it with his forearm, the impact sending a shockwave of pain through his body. They separated, circling each other like wolves.

Katsumi struck again, a rapid series of punches that Izuku barely managed to deflect. Her movements were a blur, each strike precise and powerful.

Izuku countered with a spinning kick, which she narrowly avoided. They were a perfect match, their skills and instincts perfectly balanced.

The fight moved across the atrium, each using the environment to their advantage. Izuku vaulted over a fallen pillar, using the height to launch a downward strike that Katsumi blocked with crossed arms.

She retaliated with a sweep kick that took his legs out from under him. He hit the ground hard, rolling to avoid her follow-up strike, and sprang back to his feet.

They were breathing heavily now, sweat glistening on their skin. Izuku's mind raced, searching for an opening, a way to gain the upper hand. Katsumi was relentless, her attacks coming faster, harder.

With a roar, he launched himself at her, their bodies colliding in a flurry of fists and feet. He feinted to the left, then struck to the right, his fist connecting with her side. She grunted in pain but didn't back down. Instead, she drove her knee into his stomach, knocking the wind out of him.

Desperation fueled his next move. He grabbed a broken piece of marble from the floor, swinging it at her head. She ducked, the slab shattering against the wall.

In the split second of distraction, Katsumi's fist connected with his temple, sending him staggering. She followed up with a kick that sent him sprawling to the ground.

Izuku struggled to his feet, his vision swimming. He could see Katsumi advancing, could feel the end closing in. But he wasn't done yet.

Her fist sliced through the air, aiming for Izuku's jaw. He ducked, feeling the rush of wind as her punch narrowly missed. He countered with a swift kick to her midsection, but she twisted away, her movements fluid and precise. They exchanged blows in a brutal dance, each strike met with a block or a dodge.

Izuku felt his muscles burn with the effort of keeping up with her relentless pace. He threw a feint, his fist veering towards her face, only to pivot and deliver a crushing elbow to her ribs. Katsumi grunted, the impact staggering her for a brief moment. But she recovered quickly, launching herself at him with renewed fury.

Izuku squared his shoulders, readying himself for her next attack. Katsumi's eyes flashed with determination as she charged, her fists a blur of motion.

Izuku blocked her punches with raised arms, feeling the force of each blow reverberate through his bones. He lashed out with a knee strike, catching her off guard and sending her stumbling back. The two stepped back staring at each other and smirked.

"How about taking this seriously?" Katsumi said.

"Yeah, I'm all fired up!" Izuku said.