
Extended Prologue | Part 10

Extended Prologue | Part 10

After finishing breakfast he would have locked himself in his room for the day, but he was stopped. He looked back at the hand that was placed on his shoulder

"What is it now, Natsuo?" Toya asked already feeling annoyed.

Natsuo was two years younger than Toya but they looked almost similar, with both of them having snow-white hair, albeit Toya was a bit taller, due to the age gap. But even Toya had to admit, out of the siblings Natsuo was the most mature one.

"How are you holding up…"

"Pretty good, considering I just lost my dream of being a hero." Toya shrugged, trying to cut out from the conversation. But he was stopped again, oh, this will get an ear-full.

"Still, you shouldn't have acted that way, towards her." Natsuo said in a low sad-filled voice. "You know as much as I do, that wasn't her fault."

Maybe he shouldn't have. "But she knew, Natsuo," Toya said, knocking away Natsuo's hand. "She knew…"

"But…" Natsuo started, words dying in his mouth when he saw how frustrated Toya was. "But, just know that, she is in the same boat as us."

Toya filled a pang of guilt. He was right though, their mother didn't have any say in this. But the fact that, when he got home last night, telling what their piece of a crap father did to his dream of getting to UA or any Hero school actually.

And when she brought up a form of a high-school in general studies, in her home town. That was the last thing he nodded.

That also meant that she knew that, that man would do such a thing. A little heads-up would have been nice. Just thinking about made his blood boil. Couldn't she told her beforehand, but then again, would that help the situation.

Natsuo sighed, "Just talk to her, brother. She hadn't had her breakfast yet."

Before Toya could open his mouth Fuyumi came along, pushing a tray of food onto him. "You are in this with him, aren't you."

Shoto who was still having his breakfast, coughed a laugh, gaining a glare from Toya. That made a smile appear on both Natsuo and Fuyumi. Toya just sighed.

Usually, Shoto wouldn't have breakfast with them. He could only do so when that man wasn't around.

With a grumbling face, Toya took the tray of food and started walking towards their mother's room. He stopped knocking on the door, he looked back, seeing all three of his siblings peaking around from the corner. Toya's face twitched, they were enjoying this weren't they.

"Come in." He heard his mother's voice. And he got inside her room.

Her mother Rei Todoroki, sat on her bed, medical equipment attached to her. From birth, Toya saw little mobility from his mother. She suffered from a disease that was unique to her powerful ice quirk.

Toya closed the door, setting down the tray on the table, that was near her bed. She didn't say anything, she just looked over an album of old photos.

"Am I a bad mother, Toya?"

Toya felt a pang of guilt, maybe he spoke too much last night. "I-I am sorry, for last night…"

Last night after getting home, he may have gone overboard. Well, he only didn't inherit that man's fire quirk, did he.

For some time his mother was silent, before starting.

"Did you know Toya, when you were little, he wanted you to be a hero?" She started. "And he kept feeding you that dream, and you always used to complain that you didn't want to, that the training was hard. And I didn't stop it, I couldn't. And then his dream also became yours, I was happy at the time. Looking at it now, maybe I should have acted then…"

"Please!" Toya snapped. "I never wanted to be the number one hero, and all that bullshit. I wanted just to be a hero. To make good use of my powers… I am nothing like that man." Toya wanted to punch himself so bad, why did he have to snap. But he was fuming with anger, childhood memories weren't his favorite.

"There are other ways to do it, Toya." She said gently, placing a hand above his own. Toya looked at her gentle eyes. "Please, Toya it's for your own good. Just… just think about it."

Toya breathed out, pinching the bridge of his nose, looking up tears forming on his eyes. Confronting his so-called father would do him no good. And his mother didn't want it either. That's why she wanted him to move out, and live with his grandparents, and study in a high school there.

"Okay." he sighed. "I will think about it."

Getting out of the room, Toya returned to his own, crashing down on his bed, setting aside the documents that his mother gave. There were other ways to be a hero, even if he didn't study in a hero course. That was a private hero test, which had only a 5% pass rate. If he could get the money for that, maybe he could apply for the test.

But who was he kidding, the first problem was the money, one million yen were needed, just to apply for the stupid test, he would need to work full time just to collect that amount. But even then Endeavor could easily cancel that as well.

So was this the end of his hero journey? Maybe, he got up, sitting on the corner of the bed. A smile appeared as he thought about last night. Saving people, helping them, fighting strong villains…

He could still feel the tug of excitement rolling in. If only he could do that every night… Toya's eyes widened in realization.

He looked over the documents that were placed on his bed. Maybe… A grin appeared on his face.

And that was how it all started.