
My Hero Academia: Ajin Gamer

Join our discord! https://discord.gg/zf87PSe It's fun talking to haters and people who like my garbage! My grammar considerably improved from my latest novels which I deleted btw. Check out my patreon and support me! https://www.patreon.com/AkiHuiWriting?fan_landing=true ************** First volume is about Izuku's childhood. It's pretty much about shaping Izuku's and other character's personalities. It's also a relationship development arc. Second Volume will be much more darker with people dying and there would be mature content with 18+ scenes as well. -------------------------------------------------- Cover was drawn by myself. Obviously, I don't own BOKU NO HERO ACADEMIA NOR IT'S CHARACTERS... Well I added some of my own characters to the list. Chapter releases will most of the time be 1 per day when I don't have any work. Right now I am trying to make 2 per day but I am a soldier. I go on missions and I am not always available. I also have life. Please do understand. ALSO IT IS GENDER BENDER SO PLEASE, REFRAIN FROM SPAMMING ME ABOUT HE,SHE GRAMMAR, CUZ I MAKE SURE THOSE ARE ALWAYS RIGHT.

Disappoinment · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
130 Chs

A Giant Mess

The classes were about to start, but Aizawa was nowhere to be seen.

"Did our teacher kick a bucket by any chance?" Katsuro said out loud, making a few students laugh.

"Maybe he met some hot girl and is currently busy," Sero smirked about his fantasies.

"Dream again, you reject! Our homeroom teacher looks like a hobo, who would like him anyway? He would have to get a makeover if he wanted to pick up girls, you would need a makeover too, try jumping off some building or something..."

Sero piped down after she yelled at him.

'This girl is scary...Better not agitate her any further...'

Izuku, on the other hand, was surprised. What led her to act like this? He is pretty sure he calmed her down after they made up and started dating but she is back to her old self. Did she wake up on the wrong side of the bed?

"Yo, Kacchan, what happened? You kinda sound like you lost twenty games in a row on Cs:go." This statement earned him a few chuckles but also an annoyed look from her.

"Don't even get me started...I overslept, then found out that the clothes I wanted to wear had a hole in them, after that, I was halfway to the school and I remembered I forgot to pick up my math books from my table as today, we are starting math lessons with that Plasma freak or whatever his name was and after that, just when I was in front of the gates, I forgot my locker keys at home so I had to go back again. I felt like breaking something."

"It's not like you act like this. You could have just left your things in my locker, I still have some space left. Is something on your mind?" Itsuka told her the benefits of being her best friend.

"I...I didn't really think about that, honestly...sorry...and no, there is nothing on my mind, I am completely fine." she pulled out a phone and fiddled with it.

That was a lie. Ever since she started dating Izuku, there was nothing else on her mind but worries and fear. The problem was, that she had no way of knowing how to continue their relationship!

She looked it up on the internet, but the uncle Google didn't work this time.

Right now, she was still trying to find some kind of clue on how to continue their relationship while once again, searching on the internet.

Katsuro sensed Izuku's gaze on her back so she tried to act as if nothing was happening. She stood up, put the phone on her desk, and went to the bathroom to calm herself down.

She splashed her face with cold water and thought, 'Calm, Calm stay Calm...You wanted this, you managed to win him over, you must do the next step...but what is the next step supposed to be and when?!'


Back in the classroom.

Itsuka was kinda worried about her. She noticed that the screen of her phone was bright so she decided to be a little mischievous.

They were best friends for a long time now, so something like snooping each other's phones wasn't out of the question and was completely normal.

She knew that something was bothering her so out of curiosity, she looked up her search history.

"Oh...Oh no..." She widened her eyes and mumbled under her breath.

"What's up?" Izuku asked.

"N-Nothing! Nothing for you to see! Only girl things!" She hid her phone and carefully checked whether someone saw what was on the screen but it didn't seem like anyone noticed.

'Dear God, that was close...her worries were almost exposed to the world.'

She looked at the screen again and couldn't believe what she saw.

'H-How pure...'

[ How to invite your crush to date ]

[ How to create a mood with your boyfriend ]

[ Best places to visit with your boyfriend ]

[ Where to have sex with boyfriend ]

[ How and when to have sex for the first time ]

[ After what date should you do the deed ]

[ Invite boy to have sex for the first time ]

[ Does first time hurt ]

Itsuka almost teared up giggling from reading her search history.

'So precious!' She saw that the doors were opening so she quickly turned off the phone and placed it back on Katsuro's desk.

Katsuro entered the classroom with a new poker face and sat on her seat. It didn't seem like she noticed anything.

Students were getting bored. Some of them pulled out their phones, some of them were sleeping, some of them were complaining, "Seriously, where is teacher Aizawa? Do you think he is sleeping in his bag somewhere and forgot to put up an alarm?" Ojiro said while stretching his tail.

"Well, it's not like it matters anyway. The later he comes, the better. Lemme nap for a bit." Denki plopped onto the desk and gently rubbed the back of his neck. Yesterday's match tired him out and he even went beyond his limit. He gladly welcomes any time he can get to sleep.


Meanwhile, Aizawa was stuck outside with reporters. It felt as if there were millions of them everywhere and he couldn't just squeeze through.

"Excuse, me. The classes have started. I need to go."

"Please don't go yet!"

"Answer our questions!"

"Give us some insight on All Might!"

"Ah...I don't have time... to hell with this." Aizawa threw his scarf towards the gates and pulled himself over it, flying all over the press and perfectly landing on the ground.

Reporters were in awe about his quick movement but they quickly recovered and quickly followed him inside.

"We just want to speak with All Might!"

"And aren't you a little too sloppy looking to be a teacher at such a prestigious academy?"

"Tch. Bugs..." Aizawa hit a switch on the wall and went inside


"Ah! What the-?"

Unfortunately for the reporters, a giant gate fell and blocked their way.

"Why are you going to such lengths to shut us out!? Just a word or two would be enough!"

"For god's sake, we have been here for two straight days and they don't even have enough decency to give us a lie or a platitude to report!"

"Did you see how unkempt he looked? I bet that teacher was an edgy kid when he was younger!"

"Disgusting," Aizawa mumbled.

With the news that All Might had entered U.A. Academy, the whole country flew into a tizzy and mass media pressed at the gates for days on end to get a good scoop.

Aizawa hated this. He hated being seen by other people, he hated those who judged others by their appearance, and most of all he hated mass media, which only know how to spread lies and know no bounds to a human soul.

He walked upstairs and finally arrived in front of the class. He expected it to be rowdy as his "children" are usually annoying but once he stepped inside, most of them were either resting or quietly chatting among themselves and there didn't seem to be any accidents that would put the school's reputation at risk.

'How weird. Maybe this is my lucky day?'

"Yo. I'm late. Wake up, kids. The press outside was a real bother so don't annoy me more than I already am. Let's get to the point." He scratched his unkempt bangs and made sure everyone was listening. Then he continued.

"I am pretty sure I already told you guys what I disliked about your performance yesterday, but let's see... Bakugo, your weapon is banned."


"Stop cursing and make sure not to use it or you will face expulsion. Midoriya, stop holding back, its annoying. I will kick you out of the class. Same for Kaminari."

Both of them tiredly nodded. They expected as much.

"Todoroki, learn to control your quirks without causing collateral damage to surrounding buildings or people, also make sure to follow your objective instead of acting stuck up. Your performance was terrible yesterday."


"Got it?"

A cold "Yes." was all Aizawa got.

"Yaoyorozu." He looked at her with an extra stern face.


"Try not to kill yourself using your quirk. In your match against the Tokoyami team. Creating twenty flashlights was pointless if you can't hold more than two. You should have made a giant flashlight instead or create flashbangs. Also, make sure to concentrate on the amount of fat you spend."

"Yes, sir!" She bowed and sat down. She knew that she made a mistake yesterday, but at the time, she couldn't think of any other way.

"That's about it. The rest is fairly okay. But be advised. Try to train your quirks by yourself. While the school is indeed the place where you will learn the optimal way to use your quirks and act like a hero, you need to find your own weakness and make sure you know how to make up for it." He sighed and sat down on his chair. Something he hasn't done before as he was usually in his sleeping bag.

"Next up, your task is to choose a class representative or rather, class President. I will give you thi-" Aizawa couldn't finish as he was interrupted by the barrage of raised hands.

"Me me me! Pick me!" Mina the cute purple alien immediately shouted.

"Oh hell yeah! That sounds manly! Let me be the one!" Kirishima didn't know what class president would do, but he still wanted to be one just because it sounded cool.

"☆ Oh? Do you mean the position that twinkles exactly for me? I'm in! ☆"

Many others raised their hands. There were only two students who couldn't care less and didn't want to be picked. The duo of students was precisely Izuku and Denki. At first, Izuku thought it would be just him and Katsuro but...

Even she raised her hand.

Izuku swayed on his chair as he said, "Why do you not want to participate? I would vote for you if you wanted to."

Denki felt as if he got a heart attack. "Me? Hell no! There would be so much work to do that I won't be able to live! If I was in a visual novel, that would be the death flag!" he replied with a hand over his chest, trying to steady his breathing. "Jesus Christ never! Why won't you do it!?"

Izuku looked up in thought for a moment before answering, "Well, I guess it would be too much work for me as well? I like to laze around as well."

"Oi, find your own reason...dumbass."

Both of them laughed.

"Oh yes!" Tokoyami shouted all of a sudden but no one was paying him any attention other than Izuku and Denki.

"What's up my dude? Did you catch a fish or something? Or, in your case, a chicken?" Denki laughed as he didn't expect that Tokoyami would ever find a girlfriend. He was a forever loner just like him.

"Actually, it would appear that tonight, I have a date with Destiny!" Tokoyami replied with a proud gaze. He brought up his chin in his usual proud fashion and let these mortals feel the power of godly being about to lose his virginity.

"Uh-Oh...I didn't really need to know the name of your favorite cam-girl, bro."