

Popstar: What happened? He won, but I've never seen this black lightning before. It's giving me a very eerie vibe. Mini, can you use your power to find out what's up with the lightning?

Mini: Fine. Only because I'm interested too. I don't think I ever saw Denki this upset before.

Mini body gives off a faint light blue light before she gets a vision of a dark hideout that seemed to be located in a remote location where no one would be able to find them. I see a man with essential no face and has various tubes around his neck. Who is he? What's his connection to the black lightning? He was with a woman with red hair and it seemed like she was pregnant with a baby. I don't understand what I'm supposed to be seeing here. How does this having anything to do with the black lightning? The man hands seemed to block black before touching the women and she let out a scream in pain as he was doing so.

All for One: This will be very interesting indeed. Use these powers well my little puppet and complete all the tasks I've assigned to you.

The man started speaking again with an amused tone of voice.

All for One: It seems we have an unexpected visitor that seems to be peeping on us. Your energy is not one originally from this time period. Which means your looking back from the future. While that's not going to change anything it still angers me.

This large man reaches out and started to choke me. How could he even touch my spirit? I don't even have a body. I slowly lose consciousness and everything fades to black. The next thing I knew I was waking up in a hospital bed.

Freezer: What did you see? You haven't passed out from trying to use your quirk in a long time.

Mini: I don't really remember everything clearly but I feel like the black lightning was merely a side effect of something that was given to Denki's mother. I don't know what it could possibly be.

Popstar: Well you were out pretty long because the whole festival is over and I won the bet. I mean it was obvious that I was gonna win from the start. I'm just that amazing.

Freezer: More like lucky to me.

Mini: Wait doesn't that mean that Denki won the rest of his fights.

Freezer: Yeah. It seems that after the last match he got himself healed up and faced his next opponent, Mirai. It was weird though because not only used the black lightning and nothing else, he also seemed abnormally happy after the Konton match.

Popstar: It's too bad you couldn't see it in person but Denki shot up his electricity into the sky and caused lightning bolts to rain down at his opponent. However, this Mirai guy was able to dodge almost all of them. It was unbelievable. Though after a couple minutes, he immediately gave up without warning. Strange.

Freezer: I was going to ask you to use your power to get more information out of this Mirai guy, but rest up sis. I hope you feel better.

[After the festival at the house]

I woke up all of a sudden with my head pounding. What's going on? I look up and see dad with a table filled with food. All my favorites dishes and more were plastered all over the table. What happened? Where's the doctor? Am I dreaming? What's going on? I look up at dad who seems to be enjoying his meal. Before I saw anything else the t.v. was going on and on about how I managed to win 1st place at the U.A. festival. This must be a dream because I didn't win the championship. If anything I lost to Konton and should be grounded as punishment like dad said. I have to make sure this isn't a dream and I pinch myself in the arm. I felt it and I'm wide awake so I must not be dreaming. I decide to get some answers from my dad because sitting here thinking to myself is going to get nowhere.

Denki: Dad, I was wondering if you managed to record the fights at the festival. I want to check over my fights to see how I can improve myself.

Denki's Dad: Weren't you just bragging about how your fights were so easy that there's nothing you could possibly learn from it. Why'd the sudden change in behavior?

Denki: I changed my mind.

Denki's Dad: Uhuh. If that's the case, then what were just talking about.

Denki: We were talking about how good your food is. It's delicious.

I look down at my plate only to see a plate full of vegetables with no meat whatsoever.

Denki's Dad: Nope. We were talking about how all of a sudden you became a vegetarian.

Denki: Yeah. I love vegetables so much ( I proceed to eat all the food on my plate).

Dad still doesn't seem convinced, but until I know what's going on I don't want him to worry about it. Honestly, it feels slightly similar to when I woke up after my poor attempt at rescuing Kyoka. I decide to get to the bottom of what happened at the festival and nothing is going to stop me.