
Exam Results

- A week after the U.A. Entrance Exam -

It had already been a week since the entrance exam ended. Nothing really important happened during that time.

After the practical exam ended, I had simply left the battle center and then met up with Mina at the entrance.

On my way out, the examinees at Battle Center B had been looking at me with awe and admiration reflecting in their eyes, since they had witnessed or at least heard about my feats from others, which somehow turned out to be more annoying than I had thought.

Mina seemed to have crushed the exam as well. She was very confident about her end results and she didn't worry about not passing the entrance exam at all.

If nothing unexpected happened, we should have passed the whole exam. With unexpected I meant like for example that we had terribly failed in the written test which we had taken prior to the practical one.

But it was very unlikely for that to happen, because the written exam wasn't actually that hard and even Mina believed that she had done quite well in this test. And if even Mina was saying such words with confidence, I was even more so unworried about my results..

So, during the past week, we were just waiting for the announcement of our exam results to arrive.

Right now, I was lying on my bed, relaxingly listening to some music on my phone.

Suddenly, the door to my bedroom was violently opened by an incredibly angry-looking mother. I immediately took my headphones off in a hurry, clearly bewildered and scared by my mom's angry appearance.

"W-w-what is it? T-this time, I-I swear I didn't do anything th-that should have made y-you this angry.." I nervously stuttered with a scared expression on my face while also sweating profusely.

You might think that I was clearly exaggerating with my reaction, right? However, believe it or not, you would've definitely reacted the same way as me if you would've experienced what I did, and knew what she could do if she came at you with that kind of expression on her face..

I still vividly remembered that day a few weeks ago when I had accidentally broken my mom's favorite flower vase during some experimentations with my Quirk.

When my mom found out about this, she went completely berserk and beat the living hell out of me.

It was at this moment I finally learned about the true reason why my dad and grandpa were so afraid of her.

"Shut up! I've called you for the thousandths time already and you brat continuously decided to ignore me, huh?! I already told you many, many times that when you are listening to music with your headphones on, you should put the damn volume down!!"

"H-Haha, right. I'm sorry about that. I promise I will keep that in mind from now on. S-so, what exactly did you called me for?" I nervously tried to switch the topic.

My mother still glared at me for a few seconds before sighing to herself, "Your exam results are here. Come down to the living room. Everyone is already waiting for you to open the letter sent by U.A. High."

I was surprised at first but then immediately nodded my head up and down like a woodpecker, and quickly followed my mom to the living room.

Arriving at the living room, I could see that the others were already seated on the couch, impatiently waiting for my arrival. I just embarrassingly scratched the back of my head and decided to not waste any more of our time.

I walked up to the letter sent from U.A. which was lying on the table and immediately opened it. Inside was a circular-shaped device which after contact produced a projection onto the air.


Surprisingly, All Might himself was responsible for telling me the results of my exam in this projection.

[Kuhum.. Jin-shounen, you really continue to surpass my expectations I have for you. As you already know, I'm going to work as a teacher at U.A. High School. And I must say that many teachers were visibly amazed by your performance in the practical exam. You've really outdone yourself there, HA-HA-HA-HA..]

[Anyway, now let's get to the real important things, shall we? First and foremost, you've passed the written exam with flying colors. Aaaand..]

*Drum Rolls*

[..You've also passed the practical exam perfectly! Congratulations! You placed first in the exam ranking, and with a huge gap between you and the second place as well! With an astonishing number of 92 villain points, you have scored huge 25 points more than the second place in the exam. BUT.. What we didn't tell you examinees was that the entrance exam was not only graded by Villain Points!]

[No, no, no! What is the most important characteristic a splendid hero should have? It is.. The will to risk your own life in order to save others! That means, that aside from Villain Points, you were also graded by what we call 'Rescue Points'!! And not only do you have an amazing amount of villain points, you similarly have earned an incredible amount of rescue points! 88 rescue points to be precise!]

[While fighting the villain bots, you also displayed a marvelous judgement over the whole situation. Helping and saving others that were in trouble while also not slagging off on dealing with the bots.]

[Truly a splendid performance of you, Jin-shounen. And again, congratulations! You have passed. This is all I wanted to say. A new chapter in your life is about to start! I will be waiting for you at your new Hero Academia, Jin-shounen! Goodbye!]

[Go beyond. PLUS ULTRA!]

After a lengthy speech from All Might, and the familiar catchphrase from U.A. at the end, the projection finally turned off.

Right now, I was silently standing on the spot without immediately reacting to all of this.

Although I had already been quite sure that I would pass, which also meant that I normally shouldn't have any particular reaction to it, however, when it was actually, officially confirmed, I couldn't help but feel somewhat excited inside.

Not only me but also my family were very happy about my acceptance into U.A. High.

"Congratulations, Jin-chan! Now you're really going to start your path towards becoming the greatest hero of all."

"Brat, you better not disgrace our family when you get there, you hear me?!"

"Son, good work! First place, huh? As expected of my son, huhu."

"Oooh~, my baby has finally grown up. I'm so proud of youuu~!"

Everyone in the family excitedly congratulated me which made me kinda proud and happy. The days that I had been alone by myself were already long over. This new life of mine was really amazing and I was immensely grateful that I had gotten the chance to experience it.

Looking at their happy expressions, I promised to myself that I'll definitely not disappoint their expectations.

Afterwards, we had a little celebration party that ended with the grown-up men getting drunk and the women beating the hell out of them, while I was just sitting on the side, enjoying this happy family moment.

The love and the happiness of my family.. No, of all of my important people -- I will definitely protect them.


Later that night, I had also gotten a text from Mina, in which she told me that she had also passed the exam.

Naturally, she was extremely excited about it and was getting really hyperactive on the phone. In order to stop her, I proposed to celebrate by ourselves on the next day and do something fun, to which she cheerfully agreed.

I also texted Kirishima and asked him about his results while also telling him mine. Unsurprisingly, he had passed as well.

He was also quite amazed by my results in the exam, even though he wasn't that bad either, placing third in the ranking.

I had also invited him to the little party between me and Mina, which he unfortunately, politely refused, saying that he still had stuff to do and that we would be seeing other in U.A. High again when school will officially start.

Well, I had no problems with that, and I simply told him to take care of himself, as well as to hang out with us more often when he was free.

Seeing him kinda avoiding us in these past few weeks, he probably wanted to surprise us with his new self at U.A., where our journey to become full-fledged heroes will truly begin.

After a long period of time of texting with my friends, I was already super tired and thus quickly fell asleep at an earlier time than usual.

I must have to be in perfect condition if I wanted to survive the next day with a certain hyperactive pink girl.

Right now, it was still peaceful and all, but once the school actually start, there will be almost no end to problems after problems for me and the others.

Not that I was afraid, though.

My strength was enough to be able to deal with the upcoming problems. But this didn't mean that I'll simply underestimate them. I had to be prepared for any unexpected situations that may or may not arise due to my influence.

But, this was something I should worry about in the future.

Now, I needed my beauty sleep..