
Class 1-A Rivalries

Walking into Battle Ground Charlie the class sees a gladatorial arena. "Like I said in the classroom today you will begin combat training to prepare you for the upcoming sports festival." Zip exclaims. "Today you will be fighting each other one on one. Now let's draw lots."

As the students step up and draw lots Micheal asks "There's thirteen of us sir. One person won't fight."

Zip laughs "Wrong Micheal. One student fights twice."

"But sir that seems a like a little too much for one student. Who ever it is will be at an extreme disadvantage." Blake says.

"But it's good training. It pushes the quirk to the brink. Makes it stronger even if that person loses." Austin says.

"Yeah I guess that's true. Still sounds like a lot." Blake remarks.

"Now who's got what number?" Zip calls out. "Our first fight will be number twelve and number one." Jason and Blake step forward. "The winner of this bout will fight who ever drew number thirteen." After this George steps forward. "Jason and Blake make your way into the arena."

"Yes sir." Both say and head down into the arena.

"The last man standing is the winner. You either get knocked out or you tap out." Zip exclaims.

Down in the arena Blake and Jason face off. "I'm not  gonna tap out. What about you Jason?" Blake asks.

"Not a chance man." Jason replies.

"BEGIN THE FIGHT!" Zip yells from the stands.

And with that shout both young men blast out their powers while running towards each other. As they come closer to each other the beams of power turn into a two handed war-hammer for Blake and a shield and sword for Jason. Blake comes out with a huge sweeping swing of his hammer and catches the top of Jason's shield throwing him back about five feet. Recovering rather quickly Jason sprints forward, ducking under Blake's next sweep, and punches out with his shield. With a shield in his gut Blake coughs out and stumbles backwards. Seeing his opponent winded Jason once more sprints forward. With a jump Jason cocks his shield arm back and throws a punch. As he's about to hit a steel dome comes out of nowhere and Jason's shield shatters.

With the sound of shattering hardlight Blake parts the metal and swings his hammer catching Jason by surprise after seeing his shield shatter. Jason barely catches the shaft of the hammer with his sword. Ducking under the hammer just as his sword shatters Jason has to fall back but his opponent doesn't slow down deciding to rush Jason. As Blake reaches Jason he swings down at Jason just as He creates another shield. Instead of defending against his opponents strike Jason goes on the offense and throws an uppercut that catches Blake under the chin. With a crack Blake is lifted off of his feet a few inches and hits the ground with a thud.

"That..." Blake says between coughs "...was a solid hit." He stands up and readies his hammer.

"You should've stayed down." Jason says as he creates a mace this time. The two boys once again rush each other and right as the reach one another Jason drops into a slide and trips his opponent.  Jason jumps up and turns around and swings his mace at the now prone Blake who rolls out of the way.  Finding that his mace only met sand Jason barely blocks the now smaller one handed hammer that Blake has. As the boys recover and circle each other Blake speaks.

"That was a dirty trick Jason." Blake comments.

"I fight to win. So I won't fight fair." Jason replies.

"That's a good philosophy. Maybe I'll adopt it."  Blake says as he steps forward and swings his hammer.

Jason parries it with his mace and sends a shield into Blake's faces not noticing the other hand held a hammer that now hits him in the face. Jason stumbles to the right and Blake stumbles back as both recover from some vicious blows to the head. "Your metal feels soft Blake. Running out of steam?" Jason remarks.

"Your light doesn't feel to solid either buddy." Blake shoots back. "Lets finish this." And Blake rushes Jason. With his shield forward Jason prepares for his rushing classmate. And as Blake reaches him Jason drops into a crouch and catches Blake's legs then stands and flips the other boy onto his back. He turns around and slams Blake with the mace. And with that Blake falls limply to the ground.

"JASON WINS!" Zip shouts out. And the other student clap as Blake is taken to the nurse by the medic bots. "The next fight will be numbers two and eleven." And with that Lillian and Remy step up.