
My Hero!

this is a story where enid becomes a superhero and developing some powers not soon after and then wednesday comes into the picture and they fight crime together side by side , there will be a lots of drama and much fluff and in a few chapters maybe smut,my friend suggested this plot to me and im very happy writing this story and i hope whoever reads this story will like it just as much as i do

something_ye · Urban
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22 Chs

you can do this

It's been a week and Enid got use to her powers, and she was having fun with it, but she hasn't told Wednesday about her powers, she's doing it tonight

The people call her spide-girl, Enid bought a phone so she can call Wednesday with it "detective Addams"

The girl said into the phone "hey babes" Enid replied

"So your alive" the goth girl said and she felt a light smile on her face "I am, can you meet me?" The blonde girl asked and there was a little silence

"Sure, where?" Wednesday aasked with a sigh at the end "the usual spot, bye" Enid said and hang up the phone

She jumped down from the building

And swing away to their spot, and for her surprise Wednesday was already there, she jumped up to the building and right in front of Wednesday

"Hey babes" Enid said teasingly "you are spider girl" the goth girl said she was a little surprise by this "I am" Enid replied and smiled, even though she couldn't see but she was smiling

"The phone you called me from " Enid walked to the end of the building and crouched down "what about it?" She asked softly "nothing" Wednesday said quickly

"I just thought it would be good if we can communicate" Enid explained and stood up, the goth girl nodded "spider-girl,15 avenue zeus is there" Ajax said

"I've got to go, zeus is terrorizing the city again" she was about to jump off when she heard Wednesday "wait! Let me go with you" she said and Enid laughed a little, then walked back to the goth girl

"Hold on tight" Enid said and put her left arm around the smaller girl, and she hugged Enid by her waist and she was holding on tightly, then she jumped off the building

And began swinging away, Wednesday was holding onto dear life a few minutes later they arrived at their destination and Enid put down the smaller girl "I regret asking you to take me " Wednesday said

And Enid laughed lightly they were at an old factory "girls, you upgraded to spide-girl so I thought I do the same" Zeus said as he walked in front of them

"I made a serum, that makes me strong, stronger than you and I gave it to my people too, have fun " he said and he just walked away, Enid wanted to follow him but they were surrounded in a few seconds

"Wednesday get out of here" Enid said in a serious tone "no hell no I'm not leaving you alone" she replied and stood a little closer to the taller girl "bullseye I could use your help" Enid said and Xavier said he's on his way

"Are we doing this boys or what?" Enid asked she felt Wednesday getting closer to her "you can go" she whispered to her but she shook her head as a no

The fight began, they were really strong Zeus didn't lie he did make them much stronger than Enid, the blonde girl tried to protect Wednesday as much as she could

But at the same time she had to take care of herself too, they were winning until a big guy walked in ten times bigger than the others, Enid swinged and kicked him

But it was like nothing, he gripped her feet and throw her across the factory

She fell through a wall and now she was outside laying there, trying to pull herself together

She stood up struggling to stand but she went back inside only seeing Wednesday fighting, but she was out of bullets "shit" she heard her saying Enid quickly went there

And grabbed the smaller girl, she swinged outside and put her down gently "your staying out here end of discussion" Enid said then turned back around

Only seeing the big guy is running in her way "run Wednesday!" She yelled and the goth girl did what she was told to do, she ran as fast as she could

Enid got thrown away again, they were now on the street people running away While the blonde girl trying to fight this guy, but she was failing to do so

The police was there now, trying to kill this man, but bullets didn't work Xavier was finally here too but he's arrow was like nothing "what do we do?" He asked and before Enid could answer

She was grabbed by him and throw her in a building, she fell unconscious

Wednesday saw this happening and snuck inside the building that was now falling apart

"Hey, wake up " she said to her it was tempting to pull her mask off and see who it is but she didn't do it "spider-girl come on " Wednesday said shaking her body

She pulled her mask off just a little so her lips were showing, she leaned down and kissed her, after a few seconds she felt Enid kissing her back

But they quickly pulled away, Enid pulled her mask back down "you didn't see it but I winked at you" she said while standing up, and walking back out to fight