

Gold! Gold! Gold! Give me more Gold! In the world of magic and classes. Everyman is defined by his class and those without one are considered irrelevant to the society. But then within the classes ranks are some classes hardly heard of and spitted upon. So when a young lad gets a thief class, what do you expect from a thief ? to always steal cause when he stops, he ain't a thief anymore. Now imagine a thief with a heist system ? folks hide your money cause a kleptomaniac is in town. And it ain't just the humans he's stealing from, even the goblins(the kleptomaniac of all races), the dwarfs(the smartest beings of all) and the dragons(the most feared of all) shall feel the wrath of his slippery fingers.

neat_writer · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter Three : The Thief Class (1)

I closed my eyes as I allowed the memory that I had been pushing from entering into my head to flood in. I didn't know how I could do that, perharps it was my own personal super power in this world. 

I slowly opened my eyes to see my class and stats, the information in black letters. 

[Class : Thief]

[Stats ]

[Strength : 10]

[Agility : 10]

[Endurance : 5]

[Mortality: 10]

[Stealth : 15]

[Intelligence: 10]

[Charisma: -10]

"Fuck! This is bad, I'm fucked!" 

I screamed as the old man held me close .

"It's okay son, we don't always get what we want ,and that's fine. But what ever we have been given, we must make good use of it, to fulfill our purpose in this life." 

'Purpose ? Is this man kidding me ?'

"Fuck I'm fucked!" I said as I began to see all my dreams as being a better person in life going down the drain. I even saw myself holding the 'good holy book' preaching to people, telling them to repent and sharing my own testimony as a repentant thief.


"It can't be that bad son" 

"Oh yes! It can." 

"Tell me ?" 

"I'm a thief" my voice calm and broken. Shit I sounded like a sobered old man who just spent his last dime on an ale. The good ol' doctor paused for a second as I could feel his grip on me get tighter.

"Oh son, you truly are fucked. " 


"Alright, everyone file in, quickly" Miss Gloria instructed us as my classmates and I quickly moved in. As usual seated in the back with my chins in my hands, I looked bored with my sleepy weary eyes partly opened. But this time I was serious about getting some knowledge on what comes next. 

"Alright class, I can see some of you are very happy and others look a bit sad, but then you should know that having a class you didn't want isn't the end of the world. No class is bad. " 

'Say that to my thief class then .'

"I bet someone got a thief class in here ." The red haired boy who seemed to be the self acclaimed leader of the class jested again, to no one in particular though. 'What was his name again ? Raphael? , yeah Raphael.' 

Of course I didn't forget his name, how could I after tasting one of his vicious punch the other day. I bet he was a Knight. 

"Ugh" I sighed in disgust at Adele staring at him with loved up eyes.

'Her Knight in shining armor, makes me want to puke.' I scrunched up my face, my eyes inadvertently locking unto Miss Gloria eyes. 

"It's your turn Dave, what was your class ?" 

"Umm...am I allowed to say it ?" 

"Don't ask stupid question dummy! We all said ours." Adele said with a hiss as I stared at the numerous pairs of eyes focused on me. 

'Ahh shit, I was lost in my thoughts and didn't pay attention to theirs.'

'Wait, if I can recall correctly, Raphael is a knight, Adele is a healer, Jake is a mechanic, Josh is a Barbarian, Cynthia is an assasin, Ruby is a hunter and Micheal is a healer. These were the ones I could remember when I was paying attention.

If I could also remember they were basically seven classes in this world. Namely:








You see, of this seven, two were rare and that's the Barbarian and Thief class. Josh and I were the rare ones. They were so rare that it was like one in a thousand or some sorts. And because of that the roles they played in the society was limited. But to an extent, such condition wasn't really a problem for the Barbarian class, though they were brutes and difficult to work with cause of the influence of their class on their attitude. Now you see that influence on attitude I talked about, is the reason why everyone knew having the thief class was fucked. Because who want to work with a thief or employ one knowing he or she could steal your property at anytime. It gets worse as one progresses his stats as your class would heavily influence your personality and character. Now tell who wants to employ a renowned thief, an outstanding kleptomaniac ? No one. But at the end, I was grateful that at least in this world I had a class. Remember when I said there was equality for all ? I was right, but you see, that equally ends once you turn eighteen. Its either you have a class or you don't. And those without a class know that a thief class was better than nothing, and they would do anything to get one, just to getaway from the discrimination of being classless.

With this mental conviction, I smiled at not only Miss Gloria but my other classmates. I was privileged to get a class, no matter how bad it was, it was still a class.

"Ma'am, I got a class, a thief class."