

Wealthy Huang chenguang falls in love with poor Tan xiaofan, both want to get married, but Huang's family objects and instead get her married to equally wealthy Tian Donghai, who lives with his uncaring step-mother and siblings. Huang finds out that Tian is not respected, but does not care as she does not love him. Tian continues to be affectionate toward her and his family, but Huang cannot get Taa xiaofan out of her mind. Then things change, when Tian decides to assert himself and asks his family to leave him and his wife alone. Huang starts warming up to Tuan, when Tan xiaofan shows up - this Tan is not the poor Tan xiaofan that Huang once knew, this Tan is a multi-millionaire, scheming, and devious, and a Tan xiaofan who will try to win Huang chenguang over by hook or by crook.

Lilyishere · Urban
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25 Chs


Some say he's related to a politician.

My principle is eat, drink,

be merry and get out.

He's the flavor of the month.

I knew you'd definitely

come if I called you.

He's been waiting for you for so long!

"Often strangers meet in the world. "

"They meet on strange paths

and then wander away. "

"But they always come to mind. "

"They talk through the eyes. "

"The heart beats together. "

"Nobody understands

the words of love. "

"Gradually they fill up the heart. "

"Gently they steal the heart. "

"Till someday they separate. "

"This heart only asks for love. "

"It wants a true lover. "

"Who knows where and how

one will find love. "

"When cray lovers

meet in such nights.. "

"Their eyes meet and

the hearts beat. "

"And stories are made. "

Come in, please.

Why are you standing?

Take a seat.

Why are you sitting down?

That is my place.

How is mother?


She died.


When you left me, I lived.

But mother died.

- She passed away?

- Yes.

And took her dreams along.

But I lived on.

I thought of you every

moment and stayed alive.

Do you know when you left me

I didn't have 50 yuan with me?

But today I have 5 billion!

5 billion!

Do you know how I traveled

from 50 yuan to 5 billion?

You can't even begin to imagine.

I'd walk everyday.

I would get exhausted walking.

I'd fall and get up.

I'd wound myself.

I would bleed.

I'd fall again.

But your voice would pierce through

my heart like the sun and call out..

One more step, Tan. One more.

Then matching steps, I went

from 50 yuan to 5 billion.

Shall I say something?

None of this has any value.

All this is trash!

Everything is meaningless

when you are not with me.

But I can't be yours.

I belong to somebody else.

Don't forget you were

forced into the marriage!