
Going Somewhere?

Feng Xiaoli boarded a taxi taking her to the airport. She looked outside the window as scenes of the previous night replayed in her mind. She was broken. Her heart was shattered into tiny pieces.

Tears welled up in her eyes and started falling down to her hands. After sometime, she wiped her tears and brought out a paper from her purse. She looked at the paper, reading every word.

Her eyes were filled with tears again even though she tried hard to stop herself from crying.

'Don't worry....for your sake....I'll try my very best because you're all that I have now' Feng Xiaoli said to her self as she closed her eyes.

"We're here" the taxi driver said sharply. Feng Xiaoli quickly opened her eyes and took her bag from the boot. She paid the taxi driver and went into the airport.

In other parts of the city, a man sat comfortably in the dark holding a cigarette in one hand while holding his phone in the other when the door suddenly opened.

"Sir... Miss Feng sent this for you" Lin Jie said as he walked towards his boss holding some papers.

Lin Jie almost choked from the smoke that engulfed the room but he dared not complain about it and stood in front of his boss. In an instant, the lights were switched as the man took the papers from him.

His hair was a little messy and his face showed all proof of tiredness but that did not affect his handsomeness in any way. His slender fingers held the tip of each page. This man was a living evidence that some men were born better than others. His deep brown eyes read every word in the page. Lin Jie silently blamed the heavens in his heart from being unfair.

After reading all the words, Xie Jian's face remained expressionless. He took his phone and made a call.

"Find Feng Xiaoli right now" Xie Jian said as his voice became even more cold and dangerous than his normal voice. Lin Jie who was standing in front of him subconsciously took a step back out of fright.

He wondered what Feng Xiaoli had done. Xie Jian placed the papers on the table in front of him and put the cigarette in his mouth and stood up from his seat and faced the window. Lin Jie could see his reflection on the window. He could tell that his boss was not happy. He walked towards the table silently and looked at the papers. It was clearly written 'Divorce Papers'. Lin Jie's eyes almost fell when he saw it.

He wanted to shout but then he realized Xie Jian was still in the room.

Not quite long, Xie Jian's phone rang. He answered it and placed it in his ear

"She's at the airport" a clear voice said. Xie Jian looked at the sky for a second before looking towards the window.

"Hold her off and wait for me" Xie Jian said as he grabbed his car keys and threw it at Lin Jie and walked towards the door. Lin Jie quickly followed him.

In the airport, Feng Xiaoli was just got her boarding pass and was going to get her luggage checked when she saw a man standing in front of her. She quickly recognized him and took a some steps back. In the blink of an eye, she was surrounded by some men in black.

"Miss Feng...please come with us" the man in front of her said. Feng Xiaoli tried to guess who he was and wanted to ask him but stopped when she saw the dragon like emblem on his suit. She looked at the other four men who were standing behind her, they all wore that same emblem.

Feng Xiaoli's face became pale as she looked at them. She closed her eyes and clenched her fists tightly. All she wanted to do was to get away from him as far as possible but no matter how hard she tried, there was no escaping him. Even if she tried, it was impossible for her to out run all if them and right now, she was concerned about her health. What if she faints while running or what if she tripped?. Thinking about it made her scared. She quickly gave up the idea of escaping and just followed them.

She was led into the parking garage where a black Maserati was waiting for her.

A man ailighted from the car and stood in front of her. Feng Xiaoli bones became stiff as she looked at the man whose shadow overwhelmed her. His eyes showed a glint of an immeasurable amount of anger. She quickly looked away and lowered her lashes.

His deadly aura made her break out a cold sweat. He looked at man who was holding her luggage before turning to her. He raised up her chin as her eyes met with his. Feng Xiaoli blinked her lashes and tried hard not to look at him. In his usual cold voice

"Going somewhere?" he asked.