
My heart is yours to break [BL]

Boy x Boy William a beautiful petite omega making his way through the unprecedented world with his aunt. However, when he starts working for the Powerful Alpha of the Harald family. What will happen when their realities collide?

DaoistWH0 · LGBT+
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43 Chs

Letting the world know


"Darling, it's a Photo shoot just wear anything that doesn't show skin because it's going straight to the company's News letter." I said.

William is freaking out because I didn't tell him about the photo shoot but only about the press release.

"What am I supposed to wear on such notice? I didn't get my nails done every one will see the ring and my nails and they're gonna say that my hands are ugly." William muttered while pacing back and forth.

"So we only take photo above the waist."

"Than they'll think I don't have a ring," William said while pointing at his ring.

I thought that he'd suck me off as soon as we finish eating. I shouldn't have said anything about the photo shoot. After he came to the office, we got to my house, and he made some delicious steak. I thought I'd get to fuck him in new positions, but when I said we'd have a photoshoot... Well, let's say things didn't go as planned.

I got up and hugged him from behind, "If you don't wanna do a Photo shoot than we'll not have a photo shoot."

"I'm not against the Photo shoot just postpone it for now, I'll need to get my hair done and get my nails done."

William pressed his hips against me; surprised, I said, "you're playing a dangerous game future Mrs. Philip."

"I just wanted to play the game to keep you satisfied."

William said while grinding against me, sudden heat rising from him at first I didn't think of it much but I realized that it wasn't...

He grabbed my hands for support gasping for air. I knew what was happening. It was his heat cycle.

I settled him down on the couch, "William where are your suppressants?"

His pheromones were everywhere, and the heat in his body kept rising.

I asked him again, "William tell me where are your suppressants?"

"I don't have any, my heat cycle wasn't suppose to come until the next week."

An Alpha can only subdue his heat cycle. I lifted him in my arms and took him to my room; many things were going around my mind. I couldn't make up my mind about what to do.

"Philip it's okay I trust you." William said.

I kneeled beside him and asked again, "Are you sure?"

He took my hand, gesturing for me to come to bed.

"I'm sure." Said William; he was aroused because of his heat cycle.

After hearing him, I also released my pheromones. The heat cycle made him a lot more sensitive than he already is. Every touch makes him moan.

I, too, was hard, and I tore his clothes apart at that moment I stopped. I didn't want to take his virginity before the wedding, but I didn't know what to do now.

Things didn't have to be like this; I changed my mind and went out of the room, leaving William behind.

I called my security and said, "Get some high power suppressant for an Omega also pick up my personal doctor call him and tell him that it's an emergency."

I hung up the phone, straightened myself, and returned to my room where William was lying; his body was releasing pheromones for an Alpha desperate for touch.

I took off his panties and started to masturbate him while I sucked his breast, biting and sucking his nipple, making him cum in my hands. While I did this to take his heat down for a while, I know these methods won't work in the long run.

His moans were cute; I wanted to do things, but not now.

I continued sucking his nipples while masturbating him by the hand.

After 10 minutes buzzer for my front fate rang, and my security returned with the doctor and Suppressant.

I took the tissues, cleaned William for now, and covered him with sheets. I quickly got to the door and opened it.

I took the Suppressant from my security hand, the doctor was trying to greet me, but I took him by the hands and said, "We'll talk later you need to move faster."

"Okay... Okay. Where's the patient?"

"He's in my room."

We arrived at my room, and the doctor said, "Mr. Philip you could've just avoided this if only you two fornicated."

"You don't think I know this genius."

"I didn't say that as a joke. Give me Suppressant in your hand."

I gave him the Suppressant. He took out the injection and a syringe from his package.

"This will do the work. You don't have anything to worry about."

He injected the injection into the syringe into William's arm.

"Okay, I injected the suppressant I'll monitor his heart and pheromones for 30 min that'll be all, but Mr. Philip you should know high power suppressant are risky in both Omegas and Alphas during heat cycle and rut."

"I know but he's all that matters."

"If he mattered than I wouldn't be here."

Did he say that to me? He doesn't know that he's my fiance.

"He's my fiance. We haven't done anything and he doesn't want to do anything before the wedding."

"That's your choice but sometimes you have to change take drastic measures."

I stayed silent while the doctor checked his heartbeat and pheromones every minute.

After 30 minutes, the doctor got up, packed his suitcase, and said, "he needs to rest, also he won't wake up until tomorrow if the situation changes get him to the hospital immediately."

"Okay, I will."

I took him to the front door, "Thank you for coming."

"It's okay Mr. Philip this is my job."

I bid him goodbye; I got to the room and lay beside William, hugging him.

I'm sure the heat cycle changed because of my pheromones.

I realized his aunt didn't know about this situation, so I called her.

The phone rang for a few seconds, and then she answered, "Hello, who is this?"

"It's me Philip."

"Philip where is William I was worried sick."

"His heat cycle started suddenly..." Before I could finish, she said, "Did you two do it?"

"No we didn't, I called the doctor and administered a high dose of Suppressant. He'll need to sleep here tonight I'll drop him off in the morning."

"Okay." There was silence, and I knew why.

"I know you might be thinking of the worst case scenario but I can assure you that it didn't happened."

"Okay I believe you. Take care of him I'll be waiting for him."

"Okay, thank you for trusting me Mariam. Bye"

I hung up the call, and then I called my secretary; he picked up the phone and told him to cancel the Photoshoot and only announce it in the company's Newsletter.

I looked at William, sleeping now; his heart cycle had gone completely. I removed my clothes, only wearing my boxers, and hugged William tightly.

I'm sure that our future will be alright, and I'm sure that he and I will be fine.


Meanwhile, outside the city, in a rundown warehouse, two men are chatting.

"Why did you call me here?"

"The orders have come to Kill Philip Harald."

"When do we kill him?"

"They just want us to be ready anytime they'll call us."

To be continued...

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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