
My Heart For you

He believed a love as pure as his should have no barriers or restrictions but would it be that easy? how did he prove it to her when barriers were all around them?

Deborah_Golden · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

Wouldn't stake her A on it.

Gracie held her papers in both hands close to her chest as she stared at the building before her. It looked nothing like the places she had been applying, what was Lori Anne thinking? She had a lot of experience working part time but not as a secretary. Lori Anne had assured her that she didn't need it so she'd thought it might be some shabby place but this? She took in a breath suddenly feeling underdressed. She swayed on her feet causing a young man to narrowly miss bumping into her. He didn't stop but she heard him mumble something about standing in the middle of the street

"Sorry!" she called out after him then turned back to the building. There was no harm in trying and she wasn't one to back out on an opportunity so she gave herself a little mental cheer before she walked right in.

Meanwhile Will in his office couldn't seem to keep his butt on his chair. He glanced at his watch again as he paced his office floor. It wasn't exactly time yet but he was worried she wouldn't come. She might have gotten a call and decided to take another job instead. He wanted to call Lori Anne again but it would be too suspicious especially since he already confirmed from her that morning.

"This is driving me crazy." He muttered and stepped outside the office. Eddy and Emily were busy with their work

"She would be here anytime now." He said trying to compose himself as he slid his hands into his pant pocket "you should direct her right into my office."

They lifted their gaze to stare at him. He had told them he was doing this as a favor to Lori Anne and they believed immediately as he was one to do anything for her but the look they were giving him now was suggesting something else

"This is the third time you've said that." Emily pointed out

"Ah…" he scratched the back of his head. Had it been three times already?

"Will are you nervous?" Eddy asked suspiciously "I'm not sure you know how this works but you aren't the one in the position to be nervous."

"I'm not nervous, it means a lot to Lori Anne." He couldn't risk anyone knowing anything right now especially not Eddy. The man had been watching him like a hawk. Besides, he didn't want to scare Gracie so early. He would make sure she was his before anyone knew anything "just don't speak to her." He said and retreated back to his office.

Gracie couldn't believe how nice the receptionist had been to her. She'd greeted her politely and when Gracie stated her purpose, she had given a wide smile saying that they'd been expecting her. She had been flustered at that because she hadn't called in advance and Lori Anne just told her to go there. Maybe Lori Anne knew someone there or they saw a vision concerning her. It was probably the former.

She was directed to the elevator and told to go straight to the top floor. Now, alone in the elevator, she took a breath of confidence as it beeped and came open. She stepped out. It was a nice beautiful space with three work space and a door leading to a private office and another one which said 'store'. It was clean and neat.

Two pairs of eyes were on her, a sandy blonde-haired man who stared inquisitively and a dark-haired woman with welcoming green eyes who gave a soft smile. She smiled back

"Hello, my name is Gracie Anderson. I'm here for the job."

They just nodded and pointed towards the door that led to the office. They didn't seem to be as chatty as the receptionist. She just nodded and walked towards the office. She knocked twice

"Come in."

She heard the deep voice from inside the office. She couldn't help but think it sounded familiar but she couldn't pin point it exactly. She didn't give it much thought but pushed the door open. She stepped in and closed the door before turning to introduce herself when she caught the sight of the man. Her eyes flew wide and she almost dropped her papers. 'Professor stone cold?' she suddenly remembered all the things Christie said about him. She didn't pay heed to it at the time but standing right before him like a rat caught in a trap with his eyes watching her, she wouldn't stake her 'A' on it.

She suddenly lowered her head down, just in case he indeed gave F's for making eye contact. Yes, she liked and admired his work but it was only from a distance, did she dare walk any further? But if she suddenly left, wouldn't he give her an F too? Someone like him must have photographic memory 'I'm so going to kill you Lori Anne' she thought in her mind.

"Are you okay?" Her eyes snapped up to him as she heard his voice. She thought she saw worry in his eyes but she had averted his gaze before she could confirm it. Her throat suddenly seemed dry so she just nodded. She had answered too many questions in his class for him not to recognize her

"Miss. Anderson?" She winced, he even knew her last name. This would be bad for her "take a seat." She heard him say. She willed her feet to move towards the offered chair and sat on it. She toyed with her fingers and bit her lips hard to curb the nervousness she was feeling. She needed to stop fidgeting like this.

"Are you okay?" he asked again. She noted the frown of displeasure on his face. Was he going to throw her out? After all, he was known for his harsh and cruel nature for anyone who as much as stared at him

"y-yes." She winced at her stutter. She never stuttered. She took in a deep breath "Professor King…"

"Sir is fine." She noticed his frown had grown bigger. She should be careful because this was dangerous ground filled with mines and traps for the likes of her who dared thread

"Sir, I'm Gracie Anderson and I'm here to apply to be your part time secretary."

He nodded and she almost smiled. At least she did something right "do you have any experience?"

She shook her head "not as a secretary…but I learn very fast and I'm also a hard worker. I can do anything you want." She noticed an expression pass through his gaze for a second, it was gone before she could decipher but it looked like he was amused? She shook her head "This is my resume," she handed him the file "it contains my details and previous work experiences."

She watched him as he went through the file, she had not been privileged to be so close to him like this before. She could see why Christie was so obsessed along with the members of her fan club. The man was flawlessly breathtaking. He had dark hair properly brushed and piled on top of his hair, the sides led down to a soft beard. It suited his face completely. He had calculative dark green eyes and a masculine face. He had all his muscles in the right places. Gracie wasn't one to day dream though unlike Christie. She just appreciated his good looks and looked away, there was no need to disrespect him by thinking otherwise

"You seemed to have worked a lot." He said with a slight frown "aren't you a scholar student?"

She nodded "yes sir but I need to save for when I leave school and also support my family."

He lifted his gaze to her "your parents?"

"Its just my mom and I have two younger siblings in high school."

"What does she do?"

"She's a baker but she also spends her free time babysitting houses, she could also bring the kids to the store sometimes and we could help her out too." Back then, she never lacked friends because her mother was always babysitting at the store, it was fun for her and she smiled at the memory. She looked up to find the man staring intently at her and suddenly remembered she was at an interview "that's what she does."

"Do you also like to bake?" he asked

She wasn't sure how that particular question related to her work as a secretary but she nodded anyways. Maybe they did charity baking once in a while "I do sir."

He nodded and then went further to tell her about his work and what he expected of her. It wasn't something so hard then he pointed a working desk at the corner of his office and she blanched. She was supposed to work right next to him

"That will be my desk?" she asked in horror

"yes, its temporary but until we can set one up outside."

She swallowed. Couldn't they just take this one outside? But she didn't dare voice her thoughts, only nodded. She wasn't in a position to disagree especially not when she saw the salary he was offering. She would be making twice as much in one month so she just sat and agreed with everything he said.