
Chapter 15

(Recap : The mothers , fathers and children sit in a circle while picking up a name from the hat that is being passed around, to tell a memory about the chosen name).

Stanley p.o.v

Mom why did you have to tell all those embarrassing thing I used to do? Anyway now is my turn(Stanley) why is my name here again? Well you see son the only names that are in the hat is yours , Alice, Karen and Jason so each person only talks about themselves/child says my father Jack. Okay dad, I want to tell the story about the day I met Karen.

Karen, Jason and a few of their friends came to my restaurant for lunch one day. Karen loved the food that I cooked and she requested to see me but at that time I received a call from a supplier so I told the waitress to tell her that I was unavailable if she has any complains, to please email me. Since then every day when it was lunch time she would come to the restaurant , eat and ask to see the chef . Every time I kept declining until one day I got a letter saying: I require your help, your food is amazing and I wanted to find out if you could do the catering for my parents anniversary party which is next month? Here is my number I hope to hear from you soon kind regards Karen Smith. I decided to call Karen so that I could get more details on what to cook. Soon we started seeing each other more often, she was drawn to my cooking while I was drawn to her wonderful personality to a point where I asked her to be my girlfriend. I soon realised that I could no longer imagine life without her, I was planning on proposing today but once I heard what she said I realised that I needed to bring the family together but I always feared that she might now reject me because we are related so after I saw Jason proposing (he must have been thinking the same as me) I also proposed

Popcorns ready, so what did I miss? You missed the story I told about how we met babe I say to Karen. (Karen blushes ) Okay who is next? I pass the hat to my adopted father John.

John P.O.V

I picked Alice. The story that I would like to share is the day I had to pretend that I was sick for my 10 year old daughter. Alice was dressed up in this doctor’s coat when I came home from work so I made up a story telling her that I was feeling sick. Alice came with her bag with made up doctors equipment, she even had a toy hammer that she hit my leg with to see if my legs work(everyone laughs) So I began telling her thatj I ate this green salad that Stanley made for my lunch. After I said that she quickly run out of the room and pulled Stanley by the ears scolding him back into the lounge where I was seated. I winked at him so he knew that I was only pretending. That was the first and last time I said I got sick from what Stanley cooked, as much as we had a good laugh about it we decided that its best to pretend that I was hungry instead. As Alice grew she still wanted to be a doctor, I turn to Alice I am proud of you sweetheart you are a wonderful doctor.

Jack P.O.V

Since John spoke about Alice it is only fair that I speak about my daughter Karen. When Karen was smaller she used to love playing sports, her favourite was basketball so every weekend Karen and I would have a match outside no matter how many times I tried, I even once cheated just to get the ball she always won. I remember Taylor telling her to dress more like a lady since Karen only used to love shorts and jeans. The one day suddenly Karen goes to Taylor asking for help to buy a dress for her high school prom. I remember that was the happiest day of Taylors life they went shopping at 9am but they only came back 3pm with so many shopping bags. On the night of prom when Karen walked down the stairs with Taylor holding her arm. For the first time I felt like an over protective father Karen looked like a princess that just walked out of a story book with magic and glitter around her. We took so many photos that Karen started complaining that she was going to be late just to get away from us. I turned to Jason and ordered him to keep every boy away from my princess. I was grateful that Jason was her date for prom, they decided to go as siblings because all the boys thought Karen wasn’t going to come no one asked her. Karen I just want to tell you that you filled our lives with so joy even though we never found Stanley we loved you as if you were ours and it will be an honour to now be your father in law nothing has changed only the relationship name. You will always be my daughter first. We love you baby. Alice I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you into our family. John and Margret we promise to never treat Alice differently from her sister, just because Karen grew up with us does not mean that Alice should feel like an outsider so Alice from now on you will be my other daughter call us mom and dad just like Karen does.

Karen and Jason p.o.v

Dad we want to tell a story from both of us. When Jason and I used to go on camping trips the two of us always liked to go exploring before supper time. This one time when we were waking on the tails we found this cave since it was still early we decided to investigate so we followed the path. Suddenly we came in front of an entrance that said welcome to the castle of Duke Donovan the third. When we entered it was if we went back in time to that era, everything was the same as if time stood still. No one was around but the pace was well maintained maybe a care taker looked after the place. I quickly took out my phone to Google who this Duke was. It said that in the 1760’s king Donavon ruled with his beautiful wife and had 4 children. When the war broke out the king had his private castle covered away from the world. His family lived there for many years. No one knows of the location but it is said that the family still visit their home on holidays. Jason and I knew at the moment we made the discovery of the kings home but we decided to not tell anyone in case someone tried to destroy this families heritage. Sometimes we still go back there to visit and relive our childhood.

Karen p.o.v That is amazing getting to know more about each other, since it is getting late lets meet up tomorrow with all our friends and tell them the good news. That would be wonderful. Taylor and Jack thank you having us here we should also meet up sometime also thank you for watching over Karen for us says John. Margret and John she is a wonderful young lady it is an honour to have raised her as ours, thank you so much to taking care of our son all these years and making him this wonderful gentleman that stands before us. See you soon the parents say to each other.

The mothers take a step back as they watch their children, the laughter and joy on their faces, Taylor turns to her friend I am so sorry for being angry with you, we lost so many precious years. Yes but if that didn’t happen we would not be experiencing this joyous moment. What a journey who would have thought our kids would grow up together and we would be their mother in law (the mothers hug and laugh) At least we won’t be known as the wicked mother in laws