
My Heart Belongs To You, Mr. CEO

A high school bully, a sexy billionaire ex, a wicked mother and a hot work colleague all entangled around a sweet young lady's life, what could go wrong?! Ariana, a young and sweet lady, lands herself a job in a big company, and life seemed a little too good for her...until she found out that her boss is none other than her ex, Mason Beckham! Mason hates the fact that his ex works at his firm now, but is this because he hates her or secretly, he misses her and wants her back? However their fate will be, there is danger to come as well as secrets that were meant to remain in hiding. Will this change their love for each other, or will it ruin everything?

Blackrose_9388 · Urban
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5 Chs

We're On The News.

I didn't hear her well. Date her son? Me?

My brows were arched as I bombarded her with questions.

"Me? Of all people? I don't believe you. Especially after what happened the last time, when you told me to leave your son because I wasn't the right one for him."

My face had squeezed in anger, raging from the insides. Two years ago, this woman was the cause of our breakup. And I never hated her for it.

In fact, I agreed with her because I would always end up choosing my career over love, even if it meant loosing Mason. But now, she's calling me back?

She leaned back in her chair. "Well, you weren't the best option for my son. Now you are, so what's the big deal?"

"The big deal? How am I suddenly the best option for Mason when years ago, you strictly insisted that I moved on?"

I scoffed in disbelief. "You know, I always thought that you brought me back here because you felt bad for what happened years ago. Instead, you're here to mock me."

The woman heaved in a loud sigh. "My dear, all I'm asking for is nothing huge." she crossed her legs and stared down on the ground like it had suddenly gotten more interesting.

"When you left, my son became...that. He grew cold to everyone, started clubbing, following stupid little girls and became...well, so irresponsible! He doesn't tell me but his nightmares have worsened."

"Now who's fault do you think that is? Yours of course. If you had fought for your love back then," a wicked grin tugged on her face. "But you left my poor boy alone."

"Now you have a chance of making this right. So, why are you hesitating?"

I frowned, biting my lower lips in frustration. This woman was a smart one and I wouldn't want to loose my job in this process.

"Mason doesn't like me. And what if I've been married! What do you ...I mean,"

"But you're not married. I have my eyes all around you all the time. Why do you think I brought you here? Because I'm stupid? Ha!"

The coldness in her eyes was everything! Compared to an ice burg. My mouth hung open as I tried for the right words to say.

"My dear,"

I got irritated as she called me 'dear'.

"My name is Ariana." I said through gritted teeth.

The woman smiled, a mockery type that showed me she didn't give a fuck!

"Ariana," she said, and when she called my name, it sent a shiver down my spine. "I know you are a smart one. You always choose your career first, before love. But now I'm offering both to you. What's it gonna be?"

I shut my eyes tight, knowing I might be making the worst decision of my life. I didn't want to loose Mason, but this would be a really wrong means of getting him back.

"I can try to be his friend, stay closer to him and support him. But dating him? I don't think it'll be possible."

The look on her face suddenly changed. "Look here, woman! Why would I offer you 10 million dollars just so you can be friends with my son?? Are you stupid? I'm loosing my temper..."

"And you can't choose to keep your job and refuse the money, or choose money and loose your job. No! It has to be both." She added again.

I was loosing my shot. Be Mason's girlfriend against his own will? This was too much!

But she was right, this was too much of an offer to miss.

"How's your mom doing again? If you decline this offer, will she be alright?"

My hands balled in a fist. She was really monitoring me! How dare her! But she was right...what do I do? What do I do??

"I--I will get back to you."

"Don't try to get up. You're still receiving treatment."

"But I'm fine ma'am."

"No you're not. You'll stay here, future daughter in law, until further notice. You do as I say if you don't want to loose your job." And with that, she got up and walked out.

Daughter in law?? What the hell?


I was stuck at the hospital till evening, even after trying to persuade Williams to let me leave! But he had orders from Mrs. Beckham to keep me in there.

Williams went out for work leaving me all alone in the hospital room. I texted my sister that I would be late and she replied with an angry sticker. Immediately, I felt bad.

I promise to make it up to you, mom, sis. Once mom was out of the hospital, we would be a happy family again.

We had to. No matter what, even if it might take a while to earn their forgiveness...

A figure walked in standing tall and upright. Looking up to see who it was, I saw it was none other than Mason.

I sat up straight. "M-Mason? What are you doing here?"

He folded his hands beneath his chest, examining me carefully. Finally, he sat next to me on the bed.

"You seem fine, then why the hell have you been here all morning!" his green eyes glinted and I feared I could see actual fire burning in them.

"Well...I, I'm not still feeling well." I lied. I couldn't tell him his mother was keeping me here all day? "Besides, Williams wouldn't let me go!"

Mason sighed, then returned his gaze to me. "I was worried sick, Ariana." he said, calmly now.

My stomach churned and guilt wrapped my insides tight. Worried?

I smacked my lips and paused, thinking of the right response to give.

"Mason, do you think there's a chance you and I can get back together?" I asked at last, and as the words replayed in my head, I realized what I'd done. But it was too late now.

And...unfortunately for my broke ass, 10 million dollars was a lot. An actual lot!

Mason blinked, eyes glaring at me like I was a fallen alien object from space. He blinked again, lips pressed tight. I used to know the things going on in that head of his, but now, I could only guess.

Was he about to say yes? Did he really...miss me? Was he--

"Who loosened a bolt in that head of yours?" was his reply.

"Bolt, what?"

"Ariana, this is actually why I've come here. You need to resign right now. I can't afford working in the same company as you. I can't!" He was still shaking his head as he rejected the idea of us working together.

This brought a pathetic frown to work up on my face. I just couldn't help myself from getting angry. "Mason, I just think that--"

Before I could finish my statement, a roar of loud chattering flooded the entrance of the room. We exchanged perplex gazes, then before any of us could make any sentence, the door flung open and a hoard of people stormed in.

Reporters, to be specific with cameras flashing from every angle. The look on Mason's face made it obvious it had nothing to do with him.

"Wow, are you feeling better, miss Radley?" one of the reporters asked.

"Can't you see she isn't? But it's nice to see her fiance with her." another one said.

More murmuring was heard now as they argued foolishly.

Fiance? What the hell??

"How long have you been together?"

"Guess what Mrs. Beckham calls herself now? Future mother in law!"

Williams rushed in, frowning at the scene playing out before him. He came in with some hefty men and slowly, they began to tame the crowd. Williams then turned to face Mason and I.

"Have you seen the news? You guys are everywhere on social media!"

My eyes flung open. News? What?

"What are they saying, Williams?" Mason asked. "And where's my mom?"

Williams blinked. "Uh...she was behind this. I mean...just check the news."