
My heart belongs to the lycan king

Maya Lancroff blames the Lycan king for the death of her beloved parents, leaving her and her siblings to fend for themselves. The festival of seasons occurs once every four years, under the full moon, to celebrate the end of a fruitful season and the beginning of a new one. Maya uses this chance to exact her revenge but things don't go as expected. She ends up with a pregnancy and a heart that beats for the King. Scared and confused, she takes to the wind, taking refuge in the hands of the enemy. Four years later, there are no full moons and the Lycan kingdom isn't doing well. A seer prophecies about the King's missing child and it must be found before the end of that year, else the festival of seasons will not take place and chaos shall befall them. Determined, the King goes out in search of his child and finds more than he ever bargained for.

GraceEmma · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter One

It is a few days before the festival of seasons and a buzz of excitement could be felt throughout the Kingdom.

Even the forest animals and little children can sense it, although they will not be fully involved with the activities on that day for obvious reasons.

The closer it gets the more nervous I become even though I've been planning this for years now, almost a decade.

Ever since that life changing incident that happened 9 years ago, I have planned and put in place so much to exact my revenge. This festival is the only way I can get close enough to that bastard and finally put an end to his miserable life.

A slight impact on my leg brings me back to the present and I look down at a shock of blonde hair, red cheeks and wide eyes.

"Auntie Yaya," little Kelvin squeals with a toothless grin and latches more firmly to my left leg.

I place the bag in my hand on the floor and squat to his level. "You sweet boy, what are you running from? It's too hot to be playing outside," I scold lightly as I pick him up and tuck him on my left hip.

"Kelly!" His sister yells as she runs towards us with equally red cheeks which is probably due to the sun since we rarely get exhausted. Hair as dark as her brother is disarray with sweat soaking her armpits and back.

"Miss Maya, I'm sorry about him. I just need to give him a bath and get him to eat lunch but he's being so annoying," she explains as she scowls at Kelvin who just giggles and sticks out his tongue at her.

"Help me with my bag, Cherry. Let's go," I say and start walking towards the Pack House.

The house I share with my siblings isn't too far from the park house so it doesn't take us too long to walk into the compound.

"Miss Maya," Cherry calls to me as we walk through the courtyard.

I hum in response.

"They're staring again," She whispers, causing me to sigh.

Due to the festival being a few days away every lycan that isn't mated or in a committed relationship was hooking up with each other in time for the erotic night under the full moon.

I've had a few invitations but had to turn them down because I have one goal in mind for that night and I will do everything I can to make it happen. That doesn't stop them from trying.

We walk into the building through a large door that opens up into a very spacious living room with a high ceiling and a lot of sofas which makes sense since this is a three-story building that houses 90% of the Mateless and orphaned Lycan.

As we walk past, the chatter in the room dies down a bit and the stares could bore a hole through my skin but I'm already used to it, managing to wave and nod at the few I am acquainted with.

I know I stand out wherever I go because of my unique features but it still doesn't make it any less uncomfortable. It is one of the reasons I and my siblings had to move out of the pack house even though none of us had mates.

We match up the stairs all the way up to the second story and by the time Cherry gets the bath ready Kelvin is already snoring away on my shoulder.

I lightly tapped his cheek to get him to wake up and because he was still sluggish from sleep, It was pretty easy to beat him and talk him into bed.

"Thank you, Miss Maya. He just doesn't listen to me," she whines with a pout as she looks up at me, eyes filled with gratitude.

I smile and tuck a loose hair behind her ear before cupping her cheek. "Be patient with him, sweetheart. He's still a baby and you're all he has in this world. We are all here for you both but you're his big sister and no one can fill that space. No one."

She nods with teary eyes and embraces me, burying her face in my stomach. I wrap my arms around her, my eyes turn misty as I also reminisce about the loss of my own parents.

I was almost as young as Cherry when they were brutally taken from us right in front of my very eyes and leaving us to fend for ourselves. There is only so much the pack can do.

She sniffles and leaves my arms to go sit beside her brother.

"Why don't you rest a bit before he wakes up and starts running around like a headless chicken again," I tease lightheartedly, causing her to laugh which in turn makes me smile.

"Come on, let me tuck you in."

"But I'm not a little kid. I'm eleven," She says with bright cheeks.

"You're like a little sister to me."

"But you already have a little sister."

"That one is a little demon, not an angel like you." I pull at her cheeks causing her to giggle again, allowing me to tuck her in beside her brother.

I switch off the lights on my way out and hasten my steps as I make escape out of the building. Almost there…..


Spoke too soon.

Jason, my most persistent suitor yet, jogs up to me with a grin and an unnecessary bounce to his steps considering how rude I am towards him.

I don't mean to be, it's just the only way to make him stop.

I slow to a normal strut as I walk out the door and it doesn't take him long to catch up to me.

"Good evening beautiful," he greets.

I frown and glance down at my wrist watch. Is it that late already? The children at the Pack's daycare were especially jumpy today and calming a lycan infant is no small feat.

"Good evening," I answer evenly, hastening my steps again.

He matches my steps as expected. "How was your day? Must have been stressful but then again you love kids so I'm sure you enjoyed it."

I do love children but having a civil conversation with him is not on my to-do list for today, or any day until he moves on.

"Yes, Jason. I enjoy changing so many diapers that my eyes start to tear from the smell or maybe the chasing a 50-over excited like and babies for hours which would make any living being want to pull their hair out." I finish and raise a brow at him, causing him to cough and look away with pink cheeks.

I'm almost at my house now and if my brother sees Jason, he might actually punch a tooth or two loose this time. That man is so protective.

"Cut to the chase."

He clears his throat and takes a breath. Am I that hard to talk to?

"Well the festival is in a few days and…."

"My answer remains the same as always. Have a good evening Mr Beckett." I cut him off as we came to a stop in front of the small things that demarcated one cabin from another.

This part of town is reserved for the minted lichens but my brother was able to rent it from an old couple who wanted to stay with their grandchildren in another clan.

I open the latch on the small gate and walk down the narrow walkway leading to the front door.

Richard mowed the lawn today, thank goodness.

"I heard that you are still hoping to catch the King's eye this year. You want to be his chosen maiden." Jason yells, causing a falter to my steps but I don't stop as I climb up the stairs and onto the porch.

"You weren't picked last time. What makes you think it would be any different now? Get off your high horse, Maya and try to see..."

I slam the door shut behind me, cutting off whatever nonsense he was about to say next.

Last time was a fluke. This year, I'm bringing out the big guns.