
My Heart Beats Only For You

[WARNING! THIS BOOK HAS MATURE CONTENT] Veronica Lopez, a young 26 year old independent girl. She is the heiress of one of the most richest families of Country K and her parents love her a lot.. Though she is the daughter of a famous businessman, she chose another path for her career. She is an employee of a famous Multimedia Company.. But the question is…..Is she really just an employee or something more?? Reuben Smith, a handsome man of 28 years, rules the business world with the tip of his finger and he is the most powerful man of country K. Everyone fear him while every girls dream of becoming his girlfriend but he only bow down to one girl…the love of his life…… On the other hand… Alonzo Brown is a 28 years old CEO of a famous company in City B. Handsome, talented but betrayed by the only person he had ever loved. Now he is in city S for revenge of what happened 5 years back. But will he ever be succeed in it?? How are the lives of this three persons fated? Will they be able to handle the twists and turns that are going to hit on their lives?? ------ “I wanted to hate you after what you had done to me back then and how you broke my heart by leaving me without any word; but still I can’t feel the hatred in my heart for you as my love for you is more powerful than my hate.” He said to himself. Right then, his assistant informed him that the girl he was finding for revenge would also be attending the same party as him. With both hate and love emanating from him, he brushed the girl’s photo for the last time as he dozed off.. ------ “What do you have in your heart for me?” He asked looking into the eyes of Veronica.. Veronica stayed silent for sometime and then she looked at him with pure fondness in her beautiful dark brown eyes, as she voiced out the love she had for him... “My Heart Beats Only For You…” Then the man and woman kissed each other passionately, while the Moon witnessed their love all through out the night..… ------- "This time I'm going to please you and you are going to sit here patiently, allowing me to work on devouring your luscious body. And most importantly... You are not allowed to touch me.." Veronica whispered in his ears, giving him a seductive wink which earned a devilish grin back from him. "I'm eagerly waiting for that babe.." He said as he planted a kiss on her lips. "Nah.. No touching, remember. Today it is all about you and I'll be the only person who will please you. My hands will roam all over your bare flesh and my tongue and lips will cover every nook and corner of your delicious body..." Saying this, Veronica started kissing him from his chiseled face to his well toned chest and then….little down… ---- You can join me and talk to me in my discord server... https://discord.gg/AscctQj

Sree_ExoL · Urban
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456 Chs

The New Entry…

Top floor of Creation, The CEO's office…

The office was decorated in European style. A large table was placed at the middle of the room. A computer, some tablets, files, pens with penstands and some other important things were neatly organized on the table.

The backside of the table had some bookshelves with various kinds of books, many trophies and medals were placed accordingly in the glass shelves.

The right side of the table has a big glass window, from where the beautiful city S could be seen in the sunset. The mesmerizing view could really take one's breath out. The front side of the office table had big European styled sofas and a center table was placed right in front of it.

There was another door attached to the left wall and it was locked. Without this door, there was nothing more on the this side, except some beautifully organized painting on the wall. There was no name written on the painting, but a little sign could be seen there but one couldn't recognize the painter by those signs. The painters of all those amazing paintings were same, as those signatures were also same but he / she never sold their paintings to anyone except the CEO of Creation.


Suddenly the door of the CEO's office opened and the sound of clicking high heels could be heard. As the person was approaching towards the middle of the room, one could easily guess that there were not the sound of one pair of high heels but two.

Those two ladies came near the table and one of them passed by it and sat on the estimated seat of the CEO, whereas the other one sat right in front of the CEO.

"I've already done whatever you asked me to do." The person who was sitting in front of the CEO said. She was the very-trusted assistant of the CEO, who also hold some shares in this company.

"Good. So now the game begins." The CEO smirked.

"How dare they even think of backstabbing us? Do they think that the CEO of this company is fool? Do they take me as granted? Now is the right time to show them what I can exactly do.!!" The CEO slapped her hand on the table hard.

Right at that time, the door opened again, but the two of the ladies who were in the room didn't got nervous of being their identity got leaked to the person who just entered the room, as not only the CEO's office but the whole floor was secured by any anonymous guest. Only the persons who had a special card, could enter the floor.

The new entry was a man, who was as handsome as a sculpture. He has black hairs, sharp nose, cute lips and his body was also well maintained.

He came into the room and sat right beside the assistant and smiled at both of the girls, "Hey beautiful ladies. Seems like you are discussing something serious."

Both of the girls glared at him and didn't respond to the man and again started to discuss about their plans.

"Woah!! Am I getting ignored by both of you?" the man asked bewilderedly.

"So what can you expect for us to do? To worship you? Don't even think of it because you already lost the chance. And as usual you are two hours late, the so called Vice CEO of our company, Mr. Louis Morgan." The mocking voice was none other than of the CEO.

"Hey, don't say like this. After all I slept very late at night." Louis pouted.

"Don't fight both of you please. After all, we are discussing something important here." Now it was the assistant who eyed the other two person.

After that the trio indulged in their discussion without taunting each other.


Louis Morgan was also a big shot of country S. He is the second heir of the Morgan families, who won a exportation business. But Louis was not interested in their family business, so he studied Multimedia and built this company along with the anonymous CEO.

He is now the Vice CEO of Creation and everyone from the country knew him by his name. Though his family protested him at the first to not go in this line, but his elder brother and his cousin made his parents agreed to his choice.

He had a very charming personality and many girls were his fan. He also flirted with them but never crossed his limit. His family is one of the wealthiest family of this country and after his father retired, his elder brother was handling the company with a great efficiency. So he didn't get pressurized over more by his father, to join the family business and he could happily do his work as the Vice CEO of the biggest multimedia company of country K.

I'm really confused now..Who is the CEO of Creation?


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