
My Heart Beats Only For You

[WARNING! THIS BOOK HAS MATURE CONTENT] Veronica Lopez, a young 26 year old independent girl. She is the heiress of one of the most richest families of Country K and her parents love her a lot.. Though she is the daughter of a famous businessman, she chose another path for her career. She is an employee of a famous Multimedia Company.. But the question is…..Is she really just an employee or something more?? Reuben Smith, a handsome man of 28 years, rules the business world with the tip of his finger and he is the most powerful man of country K. Everyone fear him while every girls dream of becoming his girlfriend but he only bow down to one girl…the love of his life…… On the other hand… Alonzo Brown is a 28 years old CEO of a famous company in City B. Handsome, talented but betrayed by the only person he had ever loved. Now he is in city S for revenge of what happened 5 years back. But will he ever be succeed in it?? How are the lives of this three persons fated? Will they be able to handle the twists and turns that are going to hit on their lives?? ------ “I wanted to hate you after what you had done to me back then and how you broke my heart by leaving me without any word; but still I can’t feel the hatred in my heart for you as my love for you is more powerful than my hate.” He said to himself. Right then, his assistant informed him that the girl he was finding for revenge would also be attending the same party as him. With both hate and love emanating from him, he brushed the girl’s photo for the last time as he dozed off.. ------ “What do you have in your heart for me?” He asked looking into the eyes of Veronica.. Veronica stayed silent for sometime and then she looked at him with pure fondness in her beautiful dark brown eyes, as she voiced out the love she had for him... “My Heart Beats Only For You…” Then the man and woman kissed each other passionately, while the Moon witnessed their love all through out the night..… ------- "This time I'm going to please you and you are going to sit here patiently, allowing me to work on devouring your luscious body. And most importantly... You are not allowed to touch me.." Veronica whispered in his ears, giving him a seductive wink which earned a devilish grin back from him. "I'm eagerly waiting for that babe.." He said as he planted a kiss on her lips. "Nah.. No touching, remember. Today it is all about you and I'll be the only person who will please you. My hands will roam all over your bare flesh and my tongue and lips will cover every nook and corner of your delicious body..." Saying this, Veronica started kissing him from his chiseled face to his well toned chest and then….little down… ---- You can join me and talk to me in my discord server... https://discord.gg/AscctQj

Sree_ExoL · Urban
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456 Chs

Lots of Ifs…


Veronica had just finished her lunch and she was browsing through her phone gallery, seeing different kind of pictures.

As it was still not the end of their lunch break time, she thought of looking through her gallery so that she could bring back some old memories of her and Reuben's.

She saw a photo of her and Reuben, in which both of them were looking at each other passionately while Veronica was sitting on Reuben's lap horizontally..

Both of them had plastered a smile on their face and their facial expression clearly showed that how much these two are in love with each other. The picture was taken two years ago when both of them were lazing out in their balcony on Sunday evening, enjoying the sunset.

Another picture came to her notice which brought a big widening smile on her plump lips. And the picture was like that…

Reuben was wearing a brown sweatshirt which had a print of one letter on the chest portion and the letter is a big….. W..

Whereas, Veronica's sweatshirt was deep red in color and the letter on her chest was a big… E..

So if you join both of the letters W and E.. it will create the word WE..

As they are one by their heart so this WE sweatshirts were just a sign of them being together.

They both were wearing black jeans and black caps. They were hiding their face from the people there by wearing a black mask and goggles.

The photo was shot in front of a big aquarium, filled with different types of dishes. They were both holding their hands and looking at the fishes.

She remembered that it was their first date after proposing their feelings to each other and the photo was taken exactly four and half years ago..

The two figures in the picture were not so intimate as they were now. As this photo was taken at the start of their relationship, they were still very shy that time.. even they held each other's arms awkwardly that time..

Thinking about all of this past memories, a sweet sensation erupted in her heart and she couldn't help but smiling wider.

She started to wander what would happen to her, if Reuben was not by her side in those most difficult days of her life..

What would have happened if he hadn't helped her through out all those hard times and gave her courage to strengthen up herself more..

She would never be what she wad right now and never would be able to smile like how she was doing right now.

If he hadn't become her boyfriend four and half years ago, she would never feel the safety she was feeling in his arms. She would never live her life with calmness and peace like how she was living now..

There were a lots of 'IFs' in Veronica's mind, but the truth was that she was now with the love of her life, her Reuben who stole her heart unknowingly and now this heart only belongs to him..

Every single happiness, every single reason of her smile and joy was all because of that one person who supported her through out these past years and had been loving her unconditionally..

He was really her knight in the shining armor.. her love.. her angel.. her everything..

She was so much busy in her thought that she hadn't heard the knock from the outside of her office. She only notice her assistant when Willa waved her hands in front of her eyes..

"Hey girl, Where are you? Come back to earth." Willa said.

Veronica jumped out of her chair in fright when she noticed Willa's face suddenly right before hers..

"Oh.. When had you come?" Veronica asked.

Willa sat on a chair and replied, "Just now. I was knocking the door continuously but when you didn't response, I just barged in and saw you dozing out.

Veronica said, "Leave it.. Tell me why have you come here?"

Willa smiled cunningly and said, "Well I'm here to give you a good news."

Pausing for a while she added, "The work is done that you had told me to do."

Hearing this, Veronica also smirked wickedly and muttered, "So now the right time has finally come."

Willa asked, "Yup. So.. are you going to complete the task now?"

Veronica looked at Willa and nodded, "Yeah. Let's go." Before getting out of the office with Willa.

Some intense chapters are coming in the next few days..

A big mystery going to be revealed soon..

And I'm sure, all of you guys will like the revelation..


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