
My heart's Liberty.

Sapphire on the verge of total depression.. Unknown to her a path or direction to follow .. Memories of her past and sadness flood through her mind .. Walking down the nicely scented streets of Washington might help ease the pain as she comes across a bridge.. The pain, the guilt all flood through her mind . Her entire thoughts scavenge her 'End the pain .. And all the guilt you wont have to feel it anymore just jump . No one cares and no one will even if you disappear end all your fears' My eyelids are heavy and I'm so tired the last thing i remember is when i jumped in the river on the attempt to kill myself, Where am i? Sapphire Tiffens an 18 year old young adult, who lost her father at the age of 10, due to a homicide. After the loss of her father, she has a drunk for a mom, who just could not get over the fact of losing her husband and always felt insecure of her husbands love. Ever since the death of her father, who was the only one that showed her parental love, sapphire was forced to live 8 years of her life in guilt, agony, depression and pain having a mom who made her life miserable and never showed her love or affection. She was driven by depression to commit suicide, but was saved by Erick Thompson a 24 year old successful career man, who is a big shot and runs his retired fathers company. Erick an adopted son of his big shot parents, who has lived his life trying to be the perfect son, knowing fully well they are not his parents. The two meet and bond and begin to feel emotions for each other, as Erick tries bringing Sapphire out of depression, he begins to feel love towards her and she does too. But she constantly denies the fact of falling in love, considering that she only feels Erick has pity for her, and looks down on her. Will the two of them be able to realise their love towards each other? And be able to fight away the depression, and every other obstacle that comes between them?

Teejaaymorris · Urban
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13 Chs


'Somewhere in our hearts, between the deep valleys, openly stands bridges'

Sapphire's Pov

Lissa's been calling nonstop, i'm so sure she's excited about us leaving today for the university.

Lissa's mom would be dropping us off, at the university with her car.

While i wait for them to arrive, i just need to make sure everything is in order, and that i have everything that I'll need.

I hear a knock on my room door, and i know its mom.

"Come in mom" i said.

She came in and stood beside the door, We didn't speak to each other, she just stared at me and watched me slowly, and i did same too, because at that point i just wanted to spend a few minutes with her, knowing we wouldn't get to see more often anymore.

She walked closer to me and finally spoke up.

"So, your about leaving now right?" she said.

"Yeah i am, Lissa's mom will be dropping us both at the university, and the best part is i just got a new job, Bruce got it for me, at least i don't need to worry about getting a job anymore and i wouldn't have to worry about my expenses." I told her.

She came closer, and sat on the bed beside me and said

"Sapph, i know i'm not in the best position to tell you all these, nor am i a good example, but put your heart out in whatever you want to do and study hard, i didn't get to finish my studies, but I'll love it if my daughter did"

"Of course i will mom, i'm not going to throw all my efforts down the drain and i want to make dad proud of me as well, so don't worry mom i am not going to disappoint you" I told her

"I remember your dad once, he was always happy knowing that he'll be able to put you through school and then one day you'd be very successful" She said, feeling a little sober, but she kept on talking.

"He was a hard worker and he loved you a lot, sometimes i got jealous of the immense love he had for you that i'd think he loved you much more than he loved me, and i'd always ask if he truly loved me".

I knew Dad loved mom, he always did sometimes when he'd read my bedtime stories to me he'd always tell me to never argue with mom because she always wanted what was best for me.

And he'd always say that mom was the best thing that happened in his life, that he wasn't sure of living a life without her.

But when Mom and Dad argued sometimes, and Mom always questioned Dad of his love for her i always wondered why, because Dad loved Mom, but Mom never thought he did.

"Mom, Dad loved you, he loved you so much, i think its just that you had a difficult time believing in his love for you"

"He always told me he did but deep down, i always considered the fact that he got married to me due to circumstances that had no other option but marriage" She said.

"What circumstances?" i asked.

"My parents belonged to the society of high class, and they had doctrines and principles which were a female shouldn't have any communications with a boy till it leads to marriage. "

" And knowing just how my parents are, they had already set me up to get married to someone of high class and high standards. "

" But then I met your dad, he lost his parents at a young age, and saw a different version of life, he was a very independent man, and we met and fell in love, nothing mattered to me at that time, all I just needed was your father, I grew deeper and deeper in love with him, and I got pregnant, your father was very excited with the news but my parents were not and as a result, they disowned me because they rather not have any children than according to them be a laughing stalk. It actually hurt me to know my parents cared more about society and what society thinks than their own child".

I was surprised mom went through all of these, it only shows how much she loved dad and what she was ready to go through and face simply because of her love for dad.

"Mom, I'm sorry you had to go through all of that, my grandparents were really harsh, I can't believe they did all of that simply because of society, but I know dad loved, cared, and cherished you with all his heart, don't ever doubt dad's love mom, because he truly loved you." I told her.

I could sense mom was trying to come close to me, and I am happy about it, of course there's nothing I would want more than this, but at the same time it's still difficult because it's been a lot of years, she drifted away from me for 10 years, it wouldn't be easy getting those years back, but I am ready to give it a try.

"Thank you sapph, for not giving up on me, I don't usually say this much but I'll miss you"

I got so excited and hugged her as tight as I could.

There's a car horn bumping outside and I know it was Lisa's Mom I think this is my que to leave.

"Mom, that's Mrs Stephen, Lisa's mom, I have to go now, I love you mom" I said. And walked out with my bags and boxes.

Mrs Stephens helped put everything, in the car trunk, as much as the years I've spent having Lisa as a best friend, I would say Mrs Stephens is a very jovial and nice person, it's so obvious Lisa got her right, jovial, and funny attitude all from her mother.

We finally arrived after hours of a long drive, we reached the university and it was so big, all I just need to do is to look for my room and sort myself out.

I thanked Mrs Stephens for the ride, and agreed to meet up with Lisa when we are both sorted out at the school café .

The walk to my hostel was a long one but I finally reached my room, which was room 36, I opened the door, and saw 3 girls but I didn't know amongst the three of them who was my roommate.

"Ummm, Hi I'm Sapph the new roommate, I'm new here so which one of you is my roommate?" I asked.

A girl in the middle looked up at me she seemed to be the snobbish and the arrogant type, she was pretty and strawberry blonde, a bit tall, I would say she had a model like figure, but her mean look gave me creeps, she walked up to me and spoke up.

"My name's Loren, I'm your roomie, welcome to Washington University, make yourself at home, and if you have any questions about here, feel free to ask me" She said in a mocking tone.

"Ummm, Thank you Loren" I said to her.

It looked like what I said didn't matter because she ignored me, and continued to chat.

I just ignored the whole situation and just sorted myself out, it looks like I didn't have the best of luck in getting a nice roommate, apparently this one is rude, mean, bossy, and selective.

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