
My heart's Liberty.

Sapphire on the verge of total depression.. Unknown to her a path or direction to follow .. Memories of her past and sadness flood through her mind .. Walking down the nicely scented streets of Washington might help ease the pain as she comes across a bridge.. The pain, the guilt all flood through her mind . Her entire thoughts scavenge her 'End the pain .. And all the guilt you wont have to feel it anymore just jump . No one cares and no one will even if you disappear end all your fears' My eyelids are heavy and I'm so tired the last thing i remember is when i jumped in the river on the attempt to kill myself, Where am i? Sapphire Tiffens an 18 year old young adult, who lost her father at the age of 10, due to a homicide. After the loss of her father, she has a drunk for a mom, who just could not get over the fact of losing her husband and always felt insecure of her husbands love. Ever since the death of her father, who was the only one that showed her parental love, sapphire was forced to live 8 years of her life in guilt, agony, depression and pain having a mom who made her life miserable and never showed her love or affection. She was driven by depression to commit suicide, but was saved by Erick Thompson a 24 year old successful career man, who is a big shot and runs his retired fathers company. Erick an adopted son of his big shot parents, who has lived his life trying to be the perfect son, knowing fully well they are not his parents. The two meet and bond and begin to feel emotions for each other, as Erick tries bringing Sapphire out of depression, he begins to feel love towards her and she does too. But she constantly denies the fact of falling in love, considering that she only feels Erick has pity for her, and looks down on her. Will the two of them be able to realise their love towards each other? And be able to fight away the depression, and every other obstacle that comes between them?

Teejaaymorris · Urban
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13 Chs


"With the steel of meekness, it's foundation will be set up, gentle and soothing, yet unable to blow air."

Sapphires pov

I walk back into the house, moms not home and she might come home late, my thoughts ponder if mom truly thought about my absence.

It was evident she didn't care about me.

I head to my room, exactly the way i left it and i lay on bed, my phone rings and it was Lissa, i know she'd skin me alive if i tell her about all that happened, and how my emotions led me to do what i did, i grab my phone and pick the call

"Hey sapph, are you home right now?" she asked.

"yeah i am, just got home and i'm home alone" i said

"oh moms out, i'm coming over right now just wait for me" she said and she hung up.

Lissa's home isn't far from mine, it's just a few blocks away and i know she'll be here in a few minutes.

I remember when Lissa and i met in high school and when she first approached me, i avoided her at first i preferred to be alone and unnoticed.

But she'd always come around and make an attempt to come close to me, and all the funny jokes she'd crack to get my attention and i always laughed .

With a few more of her attempts i gave in and we became friends, she knows about my dad and how he died, and my mom always getting drunk due to his death.

The doorbell rang , and i get off bed to get the door.

It's Lissa, i can never get used to her warm smile and hugs too .

" Hey sapph" she said and gave a warm hug .

"Hey" Her hug was so tight i literally forced myself to say hey.

"Lissa i think the hugs too tight" i said with my face getting red.

"Oh i just missed you"

"Your sweet, okay come in and what can i offer you?" i asked

"Juice is fine, Guess what?" she said with so much excitement, clapping her hands while jumping up.

" The universities admission list is out and we were accepted in, and our place of accommodation which is our hostel rooms are out , and the good news is we are not too far from each other because i'm at room 27 and your at room 36, we might not be at the same room but our rooms are closer to each other which is good news" she said excitedly

" wow, which means we get to see each other everyday, although we are going for different courses but we'll still stick around" i said with a smile on my face.

Lissa would be going for Business Management, there isn't much difference between the the course and Economics, so we could see each in other in some classes

" Yeah, and school opens next week, which means we need to get ready and pack up i got all my things ready, but if you don't i'm ready to assist you and help you out in all you need"

"All my things are ready, i just need to get my salary at the coffee shop and I'll be good to go" i said while giving her a cup of mango juice.

" OK then, gosh i'm excited moms been crying ever since she heard about it, it's like she doesn't want me leaving" she told me

"Your lucky at least your mom cares about you and is worried about you, on the other hand i have a mom who doesn't care at all and even wants me gone from her life" i said with a sad expression on my face .

"sapph, don't get like that, i know your mom loves you but she just lets her emotions and regretful past get the best of her and that's why she acts the way she does around you, anyways i don't want you crying now so i'm changing subjects. Your leaving your job at the coffee shop right?" she asked

" Yeah i am, actually i already did two days ago and I'll be going for my last salary tomorrow, and luckily, Bruce the owner of the shop was so nice to get another one for me at crumble and flakes pastry shop in advance, all he did was to refer me to the lady and she accepted, its close to the university, so all i just need to do is to go over to the pastry shop and know what I'm going to work as, but i will do all of that next week when we are in the university already" i told her.

"Wow, i'm happy for you at least you wouldn't need to worry about your expenses, although i am here to help you out in all you'll need" she said excitedly

I heard the door open and it was mom she walked in, it's a miracle she wasn't drunk this time and it gave me relief. She was surprised to see i and Lissa at home judging from her looks she didn't expect anyone to be home.

"What are you doing here Sapph?" she asked

"Mom this is my home, i just went out to clear my head" i lied

"After what happened earlier, i didn't expect you to come back to this house ever, but on seeing you now it's like you just don't want to give up on me" she said to me.

Lissa was lost but just kept quiet while watching the two of us speak to each other.

"Mom i know i will never give up on you no matter how hard you make it for me, all just because i love you and i care about you" i said with so much concern

"Sapph, i was drunk and after all that happened, i'm trying to work on my drinking issue because i began thinking after you left, and i came to a conclusion that i'm only pushing you farther away from me every day, your dads death wasn't easy for me when he left us, it was like a part of me died with him that's why i haven't been the best mother to you"

she came closer to me, and for the first time in my life i felt a connection between i and my mom, i don't know what was happening, but i wished this moment would never end because its all i ever wanted, my mom speaking to me without getting drunk, without nagging or scolding me, but my mom talking to me with love in her eyes.

"Sapph just know that i love you, even if i don't show it sometimes, and even if it seems like i don't care about you, after you left earlier i was worried you would never come back, i was so depressed that i just had to look for you anyhow i could and anywhere i could, but i'm surprised and happy your back home it means a lot to me"

She said.

I just couldn't hold it anymore, i couldn't hold it back and i hugged her as tight as i could with all the strength i had, at that moment i felt the clock should stop ticking and it'll just be i and my mom hugging for hours and hours and hours for as long as it'll take.

Tears fell from my eyes as i spoke up and said

"mom, this means a lot to me, i wish we could stay like this forever, dads death was difficult for both of us, but it shouldn't spoil our relationship because we still have each other"

She looked me in the eyes and i could see that she cared for me, and now i don't regret the fact i didn't die, because if i died i wouldn't experience this moment right now.

"Alright continue your conversation with Lissa, i'm going up to my room"

She patted my back and walked up to her room.

"Oh my gosh Sapph, this is the biggest shock of my life right now and its so sweet, i told you your mom loved you its just her emotions that gets the best of her sometimes" Lissa said.

"i'm surprised and happy myself, it makes me happy, and i don't regret the fact that i didn't die earlier"

I forgot the fact that i didn't tell her about all that happened and i know she'd storm me with questions this time.

"Sapph, what exactly happened earlier that you haven't told me about?" she asked with so much concern

" I committed suicide Lissa, and by now i would have been dead, i know i was foolish but i had a huge fight with mom and she acted so emotionless towards me, it was like she hated me and i got fed up there was no point living a life where no one loved me and i was all alone" i told her

"But i am your friend, and i love you, if you had any problems you could have come to me"

" I know and i was carried by my emotions, i was depressed and i didn't want my life anymore"

"So how were you saved?" She asked

" I fell in a river to drown myself, and i was already unconscious at that point, but someone saved me"

"And do you know who saved you?" she asked

"It was a guy he's name is Erick and the first time i saw him i felt comfortable and secure with him and he was nice"

"Wow i'm so sure he was cute, your so lucky when you decided to do something stupid you just had an angel right there to save you, how many girls have that?, but girl don't ever try that again, killing yourself is no joke" she told me with seriousness in her eyes.

" I know and i wont, i promise but don't mention any of this to mom please"

"I wont tell her you don't have to worry, anyways i spoke to Ace lately and he's been acting really weird ever since he got into Bellevue university we've been trying to stay in touch but i always feel something is different" she said with worry shown on her face.

Ace is Lissa's boyfriend they've been dating since high school, then Ace got into Bellevue university but they've been trying to stay in touch ever since and i know she loves him a lot.

"Sorry to hear that, I've never been a relationship type, but i know it's not easy for you but don't lose hope yet, if he's meant for you he'd stay" i told her and she nodded.

I walked Lissa home after our conversation, and while we were on the street Ace showed up in his car looking for her and he spotted us.

"Hey Love" he waved at Lissa

Lissa was excited at seeing him she went over to talk to him , and i followed behind her.

"Babe your here, were you looking for me? I came over to see Sapph"

"I know i had a feeling you'd be here, Babe i have a special picnic i prepared for just you and i, and i'd love to show you, i was free today with not much classes so i thought about it and would you love to come?" he asked Lissa

"Isn't he sweet sapph?, of course babe i want to spend more time with you" she said.

I know i had to say goodbyes now because Lissa needs to be with her boyfriend right now, and there's no way i want to be a third wheel.

"Lissa i think I'll head home now, i don't want to be a third wheel for you two love birds" I said.

"No you wont but, yeah this is for i and my bae and i jus want to spend as much time as i can get with her, but don't worry Sapph next time i would plan a get together for us three" Ace said to me.

"Not a problem Ace, bye Lissa"

I and Lissa hugged and she got into Ace's car while i headed home .

I just kept wondering and i know that after all that happened with mom earlier.

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