
Chapter 3

A large, deserted building. The site looks abandoned, but deep inside the industrial space lies a spiffy hi-tech lair, lined with expensive computers and state-of-the-art gadgets. Somebody's turned a dusty concrete box into a veritable bachelor pad.

Inside it, a young, fit man plays a game of virtual tennis (and gets his butt kicked by his computer opponent). We aren't given a formal introduction yet, but for convenience's sake let's call him by name: SEO JUNG-HOO (Ji Chang-wook).

Jung-hoo ignores his cell phone, and moments later his tennis game gets hacked and a cartoon squiggle bursts in. A woman's voice cuts in, cackling and chiding "oppa" not to ignore her calls, while he reminds her not to hack into his stuff.

Jung-hoo snaps to attention when "Ajumma" mentions a new job, although he's skeptical at her description of it being "really simple"—nothing Ajumma's called simple has ever been simple. She retorts that meeting a contact and taking a package is easy-peasy, and gets him going on the gig.

Jung-hoo pauses to look up at the wall-sized screen sporting the image of a beautiful island, his narration telling us that he dreams of buying a deserted island off of Panama. But for now, work.

The hand-off point is in a subway station, and Jung-hoo keeps a low profile as he scopes out the scene. Decked out with an in-ear line to his hacker partner—she's JO MIN-JA (played by Kim Mi-kyung)—he notes the security cameras in his sightline, and Min-ja deftly hacks into the system to divert the footage.