

Mariat_Muhammed · Fantasy
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8 Chs

The Hunt II


..."these competition this night, I must win it. I have to be with my family. I have been in this hunting game for too long now, I must be promoted to the leader of the hunting game this time."(he said this in his mind as their truck start moving) _hunting leader doesn't go hunting he only look out for them like giving instruction, directives to follow.

After a while they reach the Naminsa forest where their hunting will commence that night. they all came down, nodded to themselves as the remembrance of their instruction and then went straight inside the bush where the wild animals reside. they entered the Naminsa bush with their guns and bullets and the hunting begins.

After a while of hunting, seeing no larger animals like antelope yet; he continues his search. all of a sudden Zathrion head started spinning, everything was now moving in cycle; his world started spinning around him, "what's happening.. why am I feeling this way now, Gosh"... he sat down behind a tree and palm his head

"there is no way I will not win this competition, I have to, it's very important I do, my family needs me and this is the only way to have their time and also put enough food on the table. I can't go back now. I shouldn't." he said to himself

"[How did I even forget my Bp medicine..?]." he thought

Zathrion stood up from behind the tree and staggered then balanced himself. he bent down to pick his bullets and sighted a huge wild animal, he smile to himself.... "finally I got hold of a huge one for sure I have won, yes!." he said excited meanwhile he was suppose to run for his life as it is a grown wolf (a lycan) he sighted, unfortunately for him he positioned his gun and shot the wolf in the most deadly place.

the wolf shouted and slump on the floor.

"what was that sound..? it seems like somebody have shot a wolf... who is this person that is in a rush?? did he get blind because of the competition?? the wolf's will not let us out of here alive today." the hunters mumured to themselves

"wait was that a wolf??" zathrion asked himself, "Gosh! what have I done!" he exclaimed. As per what they where taught when a wolf is mistakenly killed; they have to find the spinosa leave, shook it in the mouth and hide in any full leave-length plant, but before they could do that.. they already start hearing stumbles of wolfs


"Thud! Dubum! Dubum.

the hunters just have to hide like that and save themselves anyhow, zathrion was not able to get the leave as well and he hid in a covered plant where nothing can be noticed, the space was really tight but he has to manage to save himself. they all hide hoping to get out even they will be injured



fellow wolfs and lycans running to one of them that was shot, reaching the spot where the wolf was lying on the floor they all transform into humans(lycan) only the young ones that cannot transform to humans yet remain in their wolf form.

"Humans are at it again!" the lycan leader Bryan said boiling, although he is the youngest of the lycans he becomes the leader of the pack due to his hard work his father the formal leader of the lycan stepped down for him after seeing that he is capable.

"Yes Bryan I heard the gunshot." tracin Bryan cousin said. tracin have lived with Bryan family ever since she lost her family to the first battle between human and lycans.

"they must pay for this."...

"Tracin take 20 subordinate and search for them, you must not miss them. zul checkout the lycan and try to identify it so that we can report to his or her family."Bryan ordered

"yes Bryan. yes master." tracin and zul answered.