
My Handsome Psychopath Husband

Of course, two choices in his life, of course, are not that easy. He had to give up his ribs to regain Mother's health. But the path led him to the man. He is a man with a million charms and mysteriousness, a scary man, but he needs medicine to heal himself. "Mr. Kim, please don't do that...." Kim Seojun couldn't help but think that a girl would resist his touch. Though he thought, by showing all the things he had, the girls would approach and try to get him. But unlike Choi Karin, he's special, he's hard to touch because he already bought it, and the girl agreed to the deal; like it or not, Karin has to bow to this handsome mafia who is rich and has the nickname of this psychopath.

Elfira_AG · Urban
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16 Chs

He's Looking For You

Karin had just finished preparing breakfast for Seojun, but what annoyed him when the man came out of Jungho's room, he had just left. Karin was holding the man off before he ate and drank his medicine. A small commotion broke out in the living room to make matters worse.

"You have to have breakfast and take your medicine," Karin said as she handed her a lunch box and some medicine capsules that she had brought for Seojun.

Seojun, who felt restrained in his steps, hissed softly. He grabbed the lunch box, causing Karin to smile.


Karin's eyes widened when Seojun's hand dropped the food scattered like trash on the floor. Very deliberately, Seojun stepped on the food to continue his steps. Jungho, who saw the incident, gawked with an innocent face. At the same time, Karin blinked before walking after the man.

"Karin," Jungho called, who was very elegant and grabbed the girl's arm.

Karin glanced at Jungho, and his eyes were red. Karin's fists clenched as Jungho glanced down. This girl looked very angry. "Free!" Karin said in a low voice but sounded hoarse.

"Karin, forgive Seojun's behavior." Jungho immediately grabbed Karin's shoulders and turned the girl towards him. Meanwhile, Karin still looked annoyed that her knuckles turned white.

"He dropped the food I made..." Karin said quietly, pointing at the floor.

"I'll help you clean up everything," said Jungho, who immediately bowed. "Auntie..." Jungho also called Aunt this housekeeper.

"Yes, sir," said Aunt, who immediately ran into the living room.

"Please help clean this food," said Jungho politely.

"Okay, Mr. Jungho."When Auntie cleaned the floor, Jungho immediately pulled Karin to sit on the sofa. "Calm down, and you don't need to think about it. That's how he behaves, and I have to catch up with him. Can you stay calm and stay in this house, don't make any more mistakes, okay?"

"Did I do something wrong to make him angry?" Karin asked while looking at Jungho closely.

"No. You're innocent, don't think bad. Let her calm down because she is in a bad mood," Jungho said as he looked at Karin seriously.

"But still, he didn't appreciate the food and stepped on it. He shouldn't have accepted the box if he didn't want to eat it," Karin muttered as she lowered her head, looking frustrated.

"Karin, you've done a good job. Thank you for trying. If you feel unappreciated, you should remember that you have agreed to the agreement, which means you have to give your whole life to him. You don't need to be afraid and get used to it. To accept and understand her attitude and nature. Later, I believe your life will begin soon. This is where your real story is; I hope you will find your happiness as soon as possible. Be patient," said Jungho as he patted Karin's shoulder after saying those soothing words, then left the house with long strides.

After Jungho's death, Karin was pensive, thinking and absorbing Jungho's words in her mind. "Jungho is right, and it's not Seojun's fault. It's my fault. Why do I have to accept if I don't like him? Even I accept his kindness, even though I don't want to live like this," said Karin, who seemed to be in a monologue with her tears.

Outside, Jungho immediately entered his car, which was in the yard of this house. He glanced at Seojun from the mirror above him.

"Too long, you made me wait too long!" Seojun grumbled while looking at Jungho in annoyance, and he took his eyes off the tab, which then looked out the car window beside him.

Jungho took a deep breath; he didn't want to make matters worse by saying something that disturbed Seojun's mind. So he prefers to drive the car immediately.

On the way, Jungho kept an eye on Seojun. The man sighed a few times slowly while looking at his tab. I don't know what he's doing. "What's my schedule for today? You haven't emailed me yet. Have you arranged a meeting with the five of them?" Seojun said that broke Jungho's mind.

"Evaluation meeting, as usual, meeting clients at lunchtime, then proceeding to the Kim hotel in downtown Seoul to meet with several big officials. Meanwhile, the seven of us said it was better for the children to come to your mansion. Doctor Sekjin said, " All right, want to check on your condition," Jungho explained while looking at Seojun's expression.

"To my mansion? Tell Sekjin I want us to get together at a normal club. It's not very nice to be together but check on my condition. Do you think I'm still feeling sick?" Seojun snapped, which suddenly made Jungho roll his eyes in annoyance.

'You are so stubborn, you!' Jungho thought, just as annoyed. He didn't wholly blame Karin because his best friend was sometimes very stubborn.


Since Jungho said that Seojun didn't sleep in this room last night, Karin thought the man must feel guilty and chose to avoid him. Karin, who had initially been too excessive to think negatively, realized that she had to return to carrying out her duties here. He got up and grabbed his phone, and walked out of the room to the kitchen. It turned out that there was already an Aunt who was always ready with some reliable chefs who worked here only specifically for cooking.

Sometimes when she learned this fact, Karin couldn't help but wonder how much Seojun was spending in a month and how much income he was receiving until he could hire someone who wasn't even that important. Karin immediately helped them tinker with the kitchen, and she intended to make Seojun's breakfast. The girl had not taken a bath on purpose, knowing that if she had to take a shower for a while, then Karin felt that it would be too late to cook Seojun. Once the food was finished and served on the pantry table, Seojun didn't come out of Jungho's room until he finally left and walked straight without paying attention to his surroundings, when Karin chased after him to give him his homemade food. Seojun broke Karin's heart and threw the food on the floor, then stepped on it before leaving the mansion.

"Excuse me, Non, this cell phone is in the kitchen," exclaimed someone in this room and interrupted Karin's daydream.

The girl blinked slowly, and she looked at the mirror in front of her before looking at Aunt, who was standing by her side, holding out Karin's cellphone. "Auntie, thank you," Karin spoke softly with her voice still hoarse.

"Yes, Non, you're welcome." Aunt smiled politely, and then she did not leave from there. "Non's been crying since earlier?" asked Aunt.

Karin just nodded while wiping the remaining tears that were on her cheeks. "Hehe, Karin's just sad, Bi. I don't know what Karin wants."

"Auntie, I feel sorry for you, Non," said Aunt as she stretched out her hand. She rubbed Karin's head with her right hand while her left hand rubbed Karin's shoulder. "Non must be patient, and understanding Mr. Seojun is quite difficult. But actually, he is a very kind, warm, and caring person."

"Is it time, ma'am?" Karin became interested because Aunt suddenly talked about Seojun's attitude, which she couldn't see.

"Yeah, he's a very caring and understanding person." Aunt looked at Karin seriously; there was no lie in her eyes.

Karin let out a long sigh. "But why did Karin see the opposite?" he asked curiously.

"Because since everything seems to betray him, Mr. Seojun changed, and those around him feared that change. Many people attacked Mr. Seojun, and his enemies made Master have to kill them back in his way. In public, he is very different. You can see for yourself when you get to know him better, and he's like a chameleon; sometimes, his dark side is horrifying. And you have to be the wind that blows him slowly." Aunt explained while smiling occasionally, but she erased the smile at the end of her sentence.

Karin, who didn't know how else to respond, just muttered quietly. Then, Aunt was permitted to leave this room because she still had work to do.

When Aunt came out, Karin, pensive while holding her cell phone, reminded her of Mama. He immediately contacted his mother before being forgotten again.


"Jungho, get the car ready. I'm done." Seojun, who walked out to the elevator, immediately contacted Jungho. He checked the Rolex watch on his wrist several times.

Today is very tiring, Seojun needs rest time, and the way to rest sometimes is not by going home and sleeping. He hadn't visited the nightclub where he hung out with the others in a long time. The group conversation on their cellphones was lively again; they said they had arrived at the place and were ordering drinks. Seojun did not answer. He just read the message and chose to come there immediately.

As soon as he arrived at the lobby, he immediately stepped out and entered his car. This time Seojun didn't sit at the back. He sat beside Jungho and cut off the work mode between Master and his assistant.

"You were asked what message you want only you read?" Jungho asked.

"Lazy typing." Seojun only replied briefly.

"Tch, what would you like to order? They've rented the club's place, so there will only be seven of us. There are no other residents, but Jimon still asks for facilities accompanied by beautiful women. Ah, damn, that guy is still like that. Can't live with just one woman," said Jungho, who was very different when he didn't turn on the mode as Seojun's assistant. Now they are like two lovebirds who are spending time having fun.

"Just the same as you. Our tastes are not the same?" Seojun said in the end, which made Jungho immediately send a voice message in the chat group.

The two of them arrived at the club premises at precisely ten o'clock. Immediately greeted the two of them in a friendly manner without asking for an identity, and they already knew who these two men were.

"Jungho, Seojun, here woi!" It was Jimon's voice calling the two of them.

Jungho and Seojun walked toward their friends. There were already plenty of drinks on the table. Even where they sat were surrounded by women who seemed to massage their backs while occasionally teasing the handsome men.

When Seojun's turned by one of the women, he didn't refuse when the woman started massaging his back, groping his body, even clinging to his feet. All his friends who witnessed it couldn't understand it because Seojun, who was touched, seemed untouchable. His expression was flat and cold, and he didn't even touch her when she touched him.

"I apologize." Seojun opened his voice.

"Yeah! You're a stupid man, Kim Seojun! Why don't you trust us who never betrayed you," Minyongie snapped, who immediately poured out all his annoyance at Seojun?

"Yes, I was stupid and wrong. My trust seems to with just one incitement," said Seojun flatly."Don't make a fuss. Now that we're back, there's no more misunderstanding. Don't get emotional too quickly. Fix everything that happened in the past. We wouldn't be where we are now if we were still the same. I salute you. Kim Seojun, and I'm proud of all who finally met under different circumstances." Namjonie opened his voice, and if he were already twittering, then everyone there would listen attentively.

"How are you?" Now it's Doctor Sekjin's turn to ask about Seojun's condition. "Are you taking medicine properly?" he asked again.

"No, he ignored your medicine," said Jimon when Seojun asked. "If you don't believe it, ask Jungho, who lives with him. Is he having trouble taking care of this big stubborn baby, huh?!"

Seojun looked at Jimon sharply, and if it's like this, the two men would start fighting. They were all just happy to be spectators and started grabbing the wine they had ordered because they were waiting for Seojun and Jungho to come.

"I've recovered," said Seojun as he poured wine into his glass. Then the seven of them raised their glasses before taking a sip.

"You two are still fussy. It makes me dizzy," Minyongie snapped.

"Hey, your phone has an incoming call!" said Jayhop.

Seojun glanced at his cell phone lying on the table with another phone. Hesitantly he picked up the phone call. But in the first second, there was no sound.

"If it's not important, I'll kill it," he snapped."Wait..." Seojun didn't hang up the phone right away. He heard Karin's voice on the other end and waited for the girl to say the following sentence. "Are you mad? Why don't you go home? Are you working this late?"