
This man, who is he

"please, please" the man pleaded

"Silence, do not utter one more word" deadpanned the man standing broad and tall with his back facing her as she was peeking by the tree

She wasnt able to see his face or the person who was pleading with him

"Just who does he think he is" she thought to herself

As if sensing her presence, he looked over his shoulder

Lila quickly hid herself behind the tree afraid of what her eyes were going to meet, she was breathing heavily with sweat streaking down her face, she tried to steady her breathing

She tried to leave before


"And where do you think you're going?" The man said fiercely

"He noticed me!!!??? Bu.. but how" she thought

Lila's heart was pounding with fear unsure of what to do

"Uhhh, uhhh I..." she tried to speak

"Come over here" he said

Lila walked over to him slowly and steadily not wanting to make a wrong move

She lowered her head when she got to his front, not wanting to meet his gaze

"What are you doing here?" He asked calmly

"My car got broken and I heard someone over here, I.. I wanted to ask for help that's all" she stated her whole body trembling

"Who.... who exactly is this man? Such intimidating aurora", Lila thought