
Chapter 71 The Haishi Binlou progect Started

Jin Yanzhao squinted his eyes, Tan Chaoyan saw the threat in it, and quickly changed his words: "Master Jin Yanzhao, the little one is wrong."


"Seven days." Jin Yanzhao said indifferently after putting away the violent storm in his eyes.


"Seven, seven days...too little Jin, it's not enough for me..."


"Five days." Before Tan Chaoyan finished complaining, his indifferent voice revealed cold and ruthless facts, leaving no trace of affection.




"Three days."


"Damn, you give me another day to try..." Tan Chaoyan shouted threateningly.


"One day." When Tan Chao banquet finished roaring, Jin Yanzhao's voice came out, not even a single wave.


When Tan Chaoyan was defeated, he said in a convincing manner: "Jin, I was wrong. For the sake of my lack of credit and hard work, please don’t be harsh on my vacation? I’m really wrong. I think it’s seven days. It's already very good, really."


Jin Yanzhao looked at him aggrievedly, "Will you yell at me in the future?"


That look, that tone, that's called a grievance Baba, talking about the banquet of a big man's heart is almost adorable.


Jin Yanzhao was aggrieved on his face, but he was aggrieved in his heart when talking about the banquet.


"Don't dare, boss." Tan Chaoyan said decisively, holding his head.


"Then... for seven days." The sudden change made Tan Chaoyan surprise.


I can only silently say in my heart: This is the cold and cold Jin. The poor and wronged person just now must be blind to him to think that he is his wise and martial Jin.


Tan Chaoyan became more and more confused when he thought about it, "Jin, why can't I win once?"


"If you can't win, it's better not to let you." Jin Yanzhao's take for granted expression completely made Tan Chaoyan lose confidence.


Since the two became good brothers, it has been about seven or eight years. They have never won a bickering contest or Tan Chao banquet. Jin Yanzhao's domineering and poisonous tongue have always made him willing to bow to the wind, but he is still not convinced.


"Dong Dong..." The knock on the office door sounded, interrupting the conversation between the two.


Tan Chaoyan also sat up solemnly, upright, although the traces of fatigue and fatigue were still clearly visible between his eyebrows, the appearance of the hippie smile was still revealed.


"Come in." Jin Yanzhao said indifferently, his voice tight and calm and easy.


The door was pushed open, Lin Zhiyuan looked sunny in his casual clothes, walked in with a natural expression, and handed the resignation letter in his hand to Jin Yanzhao.


"Mr. Jin, the Haishi Binlou project has started successfully, and I should go now." Lin Zhiyuan said in a low tone, a little trembling in his tone, reflecting his unwillingness to give up.


Jin Yanzhao took his resignation letter, glanced at the resignation letter, then looked at him, "Regret it?"


These three words touch the pain in the heart like a needle stick, "I regret it, don't regret it."


With an ambiguous answer, Jin Yanzhao laughed, "Everyone will make a lot of choices. Most of them give up this choice for another choice, I understand."


As for Lin Zhiyuan, he was grateful for Jin Yanzhao's kindness to meet, but he was more willing to choose the latter than his love with Gu Weiwei.


Perhaps soon he will discover how absurd and wrong his choice was, but at this moment, he doesn't regret this choice, and he is desperate.


"Thank you for your understanding." Lin Zhiyuan lowered his head, feeling very sorry for Jin Yanzhao.


"Lin Zhiyuan, you will go home as soon as you get off work and never stay outside. I have always been curious about how people like Yang Min, design director of EMI Group, met." Tan Chaoyan leaned on the sofa with his legs up. Said very lazily.


Lin Zhiyuan became nervous again, and his heart was lifted up, hanging in the air.


After a long silence, Lin Zhiyuan said, "I, I, Miss Yang Min came to me."


Tan Chaoyan laughed, and said disdainfully: "Yang Min came to you, no one knows in Puxi. Yang Min is a woman who is more man than a man. Ask her to condescend to come to you, reveal the secrets of the drawing, and bring it down. Jin Group?"


Lin Zhiyuan looked at Tan Chaoyan's uninhibited smile, always feeling furry in his heart.


"You fucking fart, I tell you, even if I talk about doing something like this at the banquet, Yang Min will not do it. That woman, with a higher heart, will overthrow the Jin Group, and she will compete openly. Instead of playing these little tricks that are not on the stage." Tan Chaoyan said sharply.


Taohuayan was full of anger, and all the anger over the past few days was vented at this moment.

Lin Zhiyuan was dumbfounded, "I..."


"Lin Zhiyuan, how the hell my mother and Jin treated you badly? If you want to treat me like this, I tell you, if I was to deal with this matter today, I would have you go to jail for three or five years."


Tan Chaoyan got more angry as he spoke, and stood up as he spoke, pointing at Lin Zhiyuan's nose and yelling.


"Lin Zhiyuan, I fucking put it down today. I will see Lao Tzu walking around in the future. Don't let Lao Tzu see you. Otherwise, if I see you every time, I will have to spend so much effort on this project. It will be easy for you. Sold out..."


"Tan Chaoyan..." Seeing that Tan Chaoyan's rogue temperament had risen again, Jin Yanzhao couldn't help calling his name loudly as he scolded him.


Tan Chaoyan stopped, poked Lin Zhiyuan with his hand, and then turned around, facing the French window, calming the anger in his heart.


Jin Yanzhao looked at him, "If you walk out of me today, I will no longer pursue the paper leakage problem of the Haishi Binlou project map, but one day, I will definitely benefit my company and my brother. I want to come back."


In Jin Yanzhao's eyes, there were vortexes that were getting faster and faster, as if they could swallow people. Lin Zhiyuan saw his figure in it, and his whole body trembled in surprise.


Lin Zhiyuan didn't know what to say, but lowered his head in silence. He had no face to see Jin Yanzhao again.


Jin Yanzhao quickly signed his name, approved his resignation letter, then stood up and handed the letter to him, "Good luck."


"Thank you, Mr. Jin, goodbye." Lin Zhiyuan said hoarsely, and did not look at Jin Yanzhao again before leaving.


"You shouldn't be so polite to him." Tan Chaoyan immediately said to Jin Yanzhao as the door was closed.


Jin Yanzhao sneered, "The show has just begun, what are you anxious for?"


Tan Chaoyan was puzzled, tilted his head, and suddenly looked at Jin Yanzhao, "Sure enough, he is an old and cunning profiteer. Does my sister-in-law know about this?"


Jin Yanzhao stood next to him, looked at the tall buildings through the window, and slowly said, "I have everything in my life, so I don’t ask for anything else. Just protect your sister-in-law, take care of you, and fight hard. It’s enough to manage the company."


Tan Chaoyan made a "Tsk Tsk Tsk" sound, and looked at him contemptuously, "A person in his 30s says something like an old man in his 70s or 80s. I really convinced you."


Jin Yanzhao glanced at him with a smile and did not speak, but the threat in his eyes meant that Tan Chaoyan could see clearly.


"Beep toot..." The office public phone rang, and Jin Yanzhao calmly walked over to pick it up.


"Mr. Jin, EMI Group has a reception tonight. Business elites will go there. I wonder if you are going tonight?" said the soft voice on the phone.


"Go." Jin Yanzhao replied decisively.


"Do you have a female companion?" The soft voice hesitated.


Jin Yanzhao hesitated for a while before he said, "Take it, I have my own plan."




After hanging up the phone, Jin Yanzhao glanced at him with a scowling smile on the face of the Chaoyan thief, "What are you laughing?"


"I laughed that there was a good show tonight. Jin, who has never brought a female companion, is afraid to steal the limelight of the EMI Group tonight."


Jin Yanzhao didn't follow his words, "If you stare a little bit today, I will leave first."


"Go, remember to dress your sister-in-law better." Tan Chaoyan shouted.


Jin Yanzhao ignored him, opened the door and left.


Su Nian was teasing Jin Yichen boringly at home, and suddenly heard the sound of the door opening at the entrance, which surprised Su Nian.


Seeing that Jin Yanzhao was back, he patted his chest and smiled and asked, "Why are you back?"


Jin Yanzhao sat next to her, hugged his son in his arms, with his arm under his armpit, and took him to jump a few times before he approached Su Nian and said, "I will come back if I miss you."


Su Nian glared at him with a smile, and murmured, "Not serious."