
Chapter 69 Su Nian persuades Jin Yanzhao


The door opened with a "click", and Tan Chaoyan looked at the picture of the two embracing each other, and immediately covered his eyes and said, "You continue, I didn't see anything." Then he closed the door.


Su Nian immediately got up from Jin Yanzhao's arms ashamed, Jin Yanzhao got up, tidyed up the pleated clothes, opened the door, and said solemnly, "What's the matter?"


Tan Chaoyan thief smiled and said, "Jin Shao had a very moist afternoon..."


Jin Yanzhao leaned against the door, put his hands in his pockets, and narrowed his eyes. "Believe it or not, I will immediately transfer you to Africa for mining."


Tan Chaoyan immediately accepted a smile and complained: "I just talk about it casually, don't take it seriously, don't take it seriously..."


"What's the matter?" Jin Yanzhao asked again.


"The drawing is complete." Tan Chaoyan handed it over.


Jin Yanzhao took a look, "Immediately give it to the construction staff so that they can get acquainted with it as soon as possible."


"Okay, I'll go later." Tan Chaoyan said, "In addition, it is not Yang Min who has been in contact with Lin Zhiyuan recently, but Gu Weiwei."


Jin Yanzhao narrowed his eyes, "Gu Weiwei, the daughter of the Gu Group."


"Yes, it was her. I didn't know when I came to Lin Zhiyuan. It's really hard to defend against, but this Lin Zhiyuan actually helped her." Tan Chaoyan said angrily.


"Okay, I see, you go to solve the problem of the drawing first, as for Gu Weiwei, I will talk about it later." Jin Yanzhao ordered.


"Well, okay, then I'll go ahead." After Tan Chaoyan finished speaking, he left in a hurry.


Jin Yanzhao pushed the door in, and Su Nian stood up, "Did something happen?"


Jin Yanzhao shook his head, "It's okay, let's go, it's off work."


Su Nian looked at him, and then at the laptop that was still on his desk. "Have you finished your business?"


Jin Yanzhao put her arm around her, and said solemnly: "No..."


"Then, then why are you still leaving?" Su Nian looked at him.


Jin Yanzhao smiled, "I'm the boss. I can leave if I want to. I can get off work whenever I want. Is there anyone blocking me?"


Su Nian lowered her head, and the annoyance in her heart could just fit a box.


Suddenly raised his head, held Jin Yanzhao's hand in his hand, and said with earnest words: "Yanzhao, I know that you have lived in a rich family since you were a child, have your own ideas and personality, and have always lived as you please..."


Jin Yanzhao laughed and listened attentively, letting Su Nian keep nagging in his ears.


Finally, I asked the question from the bottom of my heart, "Niannian, what do you want to say? No need to rack your brains around..."


Su Nian sighed and said, "Okay, I'm exhausted. I guess so many of my brain cells are dead."


Su Nian smiled and used both hands to compare a circle larger than his own head. Jin Yanzhao grasped her hand and said, "So, what do you want to express?"


"I want to say that Yan Zhao, be gentle with employees in the future, only if you treat him well, he will be loyal to you and do things well for you, so there will be no such things as the leak of the sea room Penguin building project drawings. Sometimes your temper will be tempered a little bit, don't get angry easily..."


"Isn't there a saying, you respect others, and he respects you. You said that the whole company, if the person who leaked the drawings of the Haishi Penang project is all the same, then what do you do? No? Has the crowd betrayed? I don't want you to endure such despair and pain..."


Su Nian wanted to continue saying that Jin Yanzhao lowered her head fiercely and kissed her lips, prying open her teeth little by little, invading it, and occupying the city that belongs to her little by little.


Su Nian's eyes widened, blinking and blinking, not knowing what the situation was, could it be that he was stimulated by what he said? I blame me for talking too much. How can I say that? It should be said at the right time and with the right words, but I have tried my best...


God bless you, don't let Jin Yanzhao get angry, please... Su Nian closed her eyes in despair, and Ren Jin Yanzhao asked for it from her mouth.


For a long time, Jin Yanzhao touched her forehead and said with a smile: "I will follow the teachings of my wife. I will be better with the people in the company in the future, and there will be no such thing as the Haishi Binlou project."


Su Nian looked at him, "That's it? Is this an confession?"


Jin Yanzhao raised his head, thought arrogantly for a while, then looked down at Su Nian's eyes, "Well, admit your mistakes, admit your mistakes to Mrs. Jin."


Su Nian stood on tiptoe, raised her head and patted him on the head, her smiling eyes were narrowed, and she said, "It's so good, Mrs. Jin forgive Mrs. Jin."


Jin Yanzhao's eyes were gloomy and unclear. He was a little at a loss for Su Nian's actions. He could only remain silent. The corners of his mouth were drawn into a line, and his face was also extremely stiff.


"What's the matter?" Su Nian asked nervously.


"No, it's okay." Jin Yanzhao coughed pretendingly, concealing the inexplicably tense and stagnant atmosphere.


Su Nian tilted her head and looked at him, "Is it really okay? I think your face is very bad."


"It's okay, let's go home." Jin Yanzhao said, holding Su Nian's hand.


"Alright, maybe I'm too tired, go back to rest, and leave work until tomorrow." Su Nian said with a grin.


Jin Yanzhao smiled at her. The two embraced her and went downstairs in the elevator. As a result, no one was seen in the lobby.


"Why is there no one?" Su Nian said.


"After get off work, naturally there will be no one left." Jin Yanzhao replied simply.


"The employees of the Jin Group have always been so punctual, don't they need to work overtime or something?" Su Nian asked suspiciously.


"Unless special circumstances, employees of the Jin Group will not work overtime. This is my rule. I hope they can complete the prescribed tasks within the prescribed time. Overtime takes up personal time, which is an unacceptable existence for me. "Jin Yanzhao said concisely.


Su Nian sighed for a while, "I haven't been to work. I married Luo Weixin immediately after graduating from university. I became a full-time wife at home and revolved around him all day. I really don't know what a workplace is like. , I heard people say it's cruel, isn't it?"


Jin Yanzhao was taken aback, "I haven't met, so I don't know."


Su Nianmeng patted his forehead, and asked who is not easy to ask Jin Yanzhao, is Jin Yanzhao like the kind of person who started as a small employee? Even if it is, no one will play any tricks for him...


"Why hit yourself, doesn't the head hurt?" Jin Yanzhao raised his eyebrows.


Su Nian smiled and concealed: "It doesn't hurt or it hurts..."


After a long time, Jin Yanzhao suddenly asked, "Are you interested in coming to work in the Jin Group?"


Su Nian looked at his profile, and Jin Yanzhao, who was driving seriously, was still handsome and charming.


"Me?" Su Nian asked in surprise.




"I still don't want it, it's all about my age, and then I go to work in the company, it's still a big company like the Jin Group, I..."


"Niannian, if I remember correctly, your major in college should be fashion design." Jin Yanzhao said without waiting for her to finish.


"Well, yes, it's been two years since I graduated, and I haven't painted before. I feel that these hands are not my own. I feel a little timid and scared when I see the paintbrush." ​​Su Nian said self-consciously.


However, Jin Yanzhao's expression became more and more gloomy, and he slammed the brakes, and the two rushed forward. Fortunately, they fastened their seat belts, or both had to go to the hospital.


"Yan Zhao, why did you stop? Not leaving? Isn't it there yet?" Su Nian kept asking.


"Niannian, you are my wife of Jin Yanzhao, do whatever you want to do in the future, even if you make a great disaster, I will take care of you, Jin Yanzhao." Jin Yanzhao looked at her and said seriously.


Su Nian replied after a long time: "Okay..."

Hualan Night Show Boxes.


Lin Zhiyuan was wearing a white shirt and sitting on a leather sofa, next to his briefcase and suit jacket.


He folded his hands together, looked at the door from time to time, and turned to drink. A glass of water almost disappeared quickly.


Obviously, he was waiting for someone, and he was nervous and eager.


Finally, the door opened, and the beautiful figure walked towards him step by step and sat in front of him. He hesitated to get up and looked at her.