
Chapter 252 Jin Lingyi

"If, if anything happened to his health because of me, I would take care of him for the rest of his life, without any regrets." Wood let said firmly.

"What about Ling Yi? Have you thought of him?" Wood mother said excitedly.

Wood let silence, eyelids low mask, let a person see what she is thinking about, but Su read some frightened, such words, wood let exactly is what kind of struggle, to be able to say.

"Just because I thought about him, so, really to that point, I will divorce with him, I will not become a drag on his burden, this life count me negative him, the next life to return his friendship." Wood rong low say, but lift to look at wood mother's eye light, but full is firm.

"Sister-in-law, don't think so. If you do this, we can solve it together. How can brother stand it?" Su read not persuaded.

All of a sudden, the door was pushed open and Jin Lingyi's angry face appeared in front of them, her eyes shining deeply and fearfully.

"Murong, if you ever think of that again, I'll break your leg first, and I'll see how you can take care of him."

When Jin Lingyi was in a rage, his words were especially frightening. How could ordinary people say or do such cruel things with such cruel tone?

But Su Read absolutely believe, if the wood rong really did that, he must not hesitate to break her leg, let her a lifetime rely on him, the real never abandon.

Mu Rong looked at him stupidly. Jin Lingyi changed his clothes and shaved his green stubble.

Only, the haggard between the eyebrows, difficult to cover the body of pressure and boredom.

Jin Lingyi put her clothes on the ground and turned around and went out without hesitation. With the closing of another door, Murong could not stop crying.

Wood mother put her in her arms, softly comfort, "Rong er, don't cry, lovely, Ling Yi he didn't mean to say so, it's ok, soon we will be ok..."

"How could he be so mean to me? If I had any other choice, I wouldn't have chosen it. Does he think I wouldn't have heartache? How could he? How could he?"

Su Nian could not bear to stay any longer and went out. Jin Lingyi did not leave, but leaned against the wall outside, listening to Murong's crying and smoking a cigarette.

Su Nian looked at him blankly, not to go, not to go, not by some dilemma, but still closed the door.

"If you care about her, why don't you go in and comfort her? She needs you now." "SUSIE said softly.

Su nian waited for a while, feeling that Jin Lingyi did not want to answer her intention, shan Shan pinched his hand, ready to leave the low pressure around, it was too cold.

'I came out afraid I might hurt her. How could she say such a thing?' Jin Lingyi spoke suddenly. Su was so frightened that she did not dare to move.

But still summon up courage, looked past, I saw this usually high man, at this moment, should show such a fragile expression.

He leaned back against the wall with his head thrown back, his eyes blank, his expression deserted like that of an abandoned child.

Su Nian was a little soft and walked over to him with great care. She held out her hand and jin Lingyi's body shook obviously.

"Brother, we are all here for you. Everything will pass. Don't lose heart.

Su Nian spoke in a low voice, jin Lingyi listened silently, they were silent, Su Nian quietly accompany him.

Su read does not know exactly how can let him no longer sad, so can quietly accompany him, let him no longer feel helpless and lonely.

Jin Lingyi released her hand, smiled at her and said, "I know."

She walked past him and into the room, where She was still in a daze, looking at her hands in disbelief, and then at nothing.

It turned out that Jin Lingyi was not such a terrible person. She was not just cold to everyone.

Su read a little smile, suddenly the mobile phone rang, Su read out, is a strange number, Su read always do not like to answer strange phone, then hung up.

As soon as she took one step, the phone rang again and Sue answered. "Hello, may I ask who is calling?"

"Is that SUSIE? I am jiang LAN, do not know you still remember me?" Sweet voice, through the mobile phone spread out.

Su-nian smiled and replied, "Of course I remember, why? What can I do for you?"

Jiang LAN hesitated for a while, then said: "I have a few design drawings here, I always feel there is something wrong, I want to ask you to help me have a look, just don't know you have time?"

Su nian looked at the ward and hesitantly said, "I may not be very convenient. I think you have heard that something happened to the wood family. I may not be able to leave now."

"Wood house? What happened to the wood family?" Jianglan some doubt of ask a way.

With a slight frown on her face, She said, "Don't you surf the Internet or read the newspaper?"

Jianglan plaintive of say: "Su read ah, I just come out from the design room, design room, all communication equipment don't let take, come out after heart read you, haven't time to get online."

"Well, go and have a rest. As for the design drawings, you can send me pictures, and then we can communicate by video. I will go back to Puxi tomorrow." "Said Sue Slowly.

"What? You're going back tomorrow. Why so fast?" Jianglan some reluctant to say.

"Yes, because the long written exam is about to start, and I have to go back and get ready." Su Nian leaned against the wall and said leisurely.

"No, if that is the case, we must see each other more. I have only seen you once, which is so precious. If you regard me as a friend, you must come and see me today."

"Jiang LAN, it's not that I don't want to see you, but the matter of the wood family, I really can't go, really have no way." "Said Sue.

Su read actually not only because wood things dont go to see her, more because Jin Yanzhao let her be careful jianglan, although in her eyes in the heart, Jianglan is just a beautiful and kind little girl, nothing worth careful.

But after the wood things, plus Jin Yanzhao people have always been very poison, and Jianglan and he grew up together, unless there is what she does not know, otherwise Jin Yanzhao will not let her beware of.

In short, the heart of preventing people can not be without, so, Su Read just some hesitation.

"Su Nian, I finally have a friend who I can confide in. My brother ignores me, and my family has entrusted me with the huge family property. I feel very stressed and depressed every day, I really want to have a friend who can talk with me and go shopping.

"Suellen, just think of it as me begging you, okay? Please, accompany me, I really want to find someone to talk to, you just, just pity me, ok?"

The voice on the phone with a trace of crying, listen to the Su read especially some can not bear.

"Well, where are you? I'll come for you." After a fierce struggle, He agreed.

In the past, she also hoped to have a friend, can accompany her to talk, but filled with her childhood, only rejection and tease.

At this moment, Su read suddenly special miss Qiao Yue, do not know her in a foreign country how, drug addiction in the past.

Her phone, Sue read every other period of time, will call once, but every time can not hit, this time Sue read just found that she may really do not understand Qiao Yue.

In addition to knowing this name and this person, she knew nothing about her, but even if she knew nothing, she would not regard Qiao Yue as a stranger in her heart.

Instead, she felt that qiao Yue in front of her, is the most real.

After listening to jianglan said the address, Su read hung up the phone, put his hands up, push the door in.

Mu Rong did not cry any more. Mu Mu's mother held her in her arms. Jin Lingyi leaned against the window, looking calm and pursing her lips without saying a word.

"Elder brother, where is Yan Zhao? Is he at the woodhouse?" "SUSIE whispered.

"No, a friend of his has asked him out. I don't think he'll be back until tonight." Jin Lingyi's deep voice came over.

Su said "oh", hesitated for a moment, then said: "I have a friend asked me to come over, I want to tell you."