
My Half-Vampire Mate

His eyes traveled all over my body, from head to toe. It made me self-conscious for some reason. "The dress fits you well," then he paused and murmured, looking at the floor. "I was wondering if you'd like it or not." "Huh?" His head turned to me again as if he was freed from a trance. "So now will you tell me what I have to do for you, sir?" I said sarcastically. "What?" He looked at me with surprise. "What? You have to have some purpose for keeping me here by force," I said, pressing on the last two words. He paused for a few seconds and then the lamest thing I could have ever imagined came out of his mouth. "Yes, you are here to serve me," he stated blankly. "What? Did I hear you right? You knocked me out, kidnapped my sister, and blackmailed me into coming here just to be your servant?" I cried out in disbelief. A smirk began to settle on his face as he took in my reaction. He was enjoying this absurdity even more! "Yes, dear. You are here to serve me. From now on, you will be with me 24 hours. All matters regarding me are your responsibility from now on." This is insane! Is he really a pervert? What is he trying to pull? "But you already have a lot of servants!" I protested. 'And they're always at your beck and call too! Why the hell would you have me kidnapped for this? And who gives new clothes and breakfast in bed to a servant?" This was driving me crazy. Was he playing with me? Probably, a rotten rich vampire prince playing for fun. But I was not going to play hooky with him. No way! He kidnapped her sister and forced her to be with him. She waited for the right time to get herself and her sister free. But when the time will come, will she want to get away from him?

NewEraCulture · Urban
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26 Chs

Chapter-9: Damon

Alice's POV:

The company's building was situated in a busy district. There were many other buildings there too, some shopping plazas and malls. Cafés and restaurants were a must of course. I thought Aaron would take me someplace fancy since he had all that prince thing going on, but damn!

He took me to a café right in front of the building! No effort was put in at all. Even if I hated his guts right now, I couldn't help feel a bit disappointed and it made me feel ridiculous. We entered the café and my eyes roamed all around to have something to nitpick at. Surprisingly, the café was quite good looking from inside. The design was elegant and comprised of light colors, giving a relaxing feeling to the eyes. The sun had gone halfway done outside which meant more people would be soon shuffling in for suppers and dinners. Several people clad in business suits walked in and out of the café. A full busy hour in all honesty.