
My Half Mates

Esmeray is a beautiful kind and powerless human girl. The moment she met her Mates or in human word Soulmates, her world turn into an dangerous storm. She discover some thing which she never thought it's exist. What will she do when she discover her true self..?? Will she except her fate or is she going to lost her humanity during this process.???

Rukia_Debbarma · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Will you go on a date with me part -2

As I woke up from that window sound my thought directly ran to Fenris cause he is the last person who visit me with unexpected news. But why did Fenris came back did he forget something or is that about this mysterious date again didn't I told him that I would love to go on a date with him then what he want to discuss right now. So much for sleep today it's like the whole universe wants to interrupt my sweet sleep. As I look for Fenris my gaze fell on that beautiful ocean eyes again looks like I am not getting any sleep tonight. Ezekiel great now I have to deal with him which I don't want to do right now. I rise from my bed silently so in that way Daisy won't wake up from her sleep looks like I am getting an earful from her tomorrow morning but I can deal with her without wasting any time I immediately got up from my bed reaching towards Ezekiel I grab his arms and lean close enough to his ear so he can hear clearly I whisper ---

Esmeray - What are you doing here.?? Just go to your dorm room it's late.!! I don't want to get caught Zeke just go before someone sees you.

I try to pull his arm so I can leave him out of my dorm room not only that but from my heart too where he made a little place so I grab his arm and start dragging him but he didn't even budge he just stand there like a statue while looking at my eyes like I am some kind of miracle for him. It's like he have so much adoration for me as I am the only one precious thing in his life which he want to cherish everyday without blinking those beautiful ocean eyes. What's wrong with him why he is acting like that, no no no..!!! Telling myself don't fall for his charm again didn't even remember that I am holding my breath so long *sigh* gathering all of my courage I try to drag him again out of my dom room. As I try to chase him away suddenly my soft freaking slippers slip and lost my balance but before I embarrass myself falling infront of him like an stupid girl he caught my waist and pull my body towards him. Closing my eyes so I can forget about this situation he smile and fucking finally speak without removing his hands from my waist---

Ezekiel - *smile* You really are a clumsy girl my Skön. Are you trying to hurt yourself. Are you okay skön.??

Esmeray - I am okay Zeke it just slip that's all now let me go Zeke.!!

Ezekiel - Sorry skön I will listen every word you want to say or whatever you want i will hear it without any complaint but I can't let you go. Cause you are my Skön and if I let you go you will fall and I don't want you to get hurt again so ----

Before I could finish my word she just made a mocking smile while pushing my body so she can straight herself and answer ---

Esmeray - Your skön how am I your skön if you are forgetting something this time I will make you remember that you have a girlfriend Mr. Ezekiel so go back to her and don't come near me. Because if we both get caught then she will get hurt and I don't want to make anyone feel hurt it's not in my nature.

Ezekiel - You are misunderstanding the situation skön it's not what is look like we are actually childhood friends and she is even not my ---

She interrupt me again I guess I deserve that because I didn't tell her about that. It all started from my dark past whenever I feel too much pressure from everything I went to some clubs so in that way I won't remember a single thing but every fucking time I saw her face somewhere in corner. But it was the hardest stage of my life forgetting about the single person who was my whole universe. Was i indulge in that situation very much but often I have to make a run from that hookups and she was the only one who can help in that while pretending to my girlfriend so I can easily make a run or run for my life. That's all.!! We never had feelings for each other just brotherly, sisterly love even at first her fiance got jealous of our relationship too, but by the time he understand and except our relationship. That's why she did what she did at morning in campus but she didn't realise that she is not one of my hookups she is actually a serious and important person to me.

Esmeray - Oh then what she is your fiance or what worse can it be don't tell me she is your wife. Omg *shocking face* you are secretly married how can you cheat on her i thought you ar----

He kiss me just like that he fucking kiss me again and fuck why this kiss is so addictive like I am drowing in it. The way he taste ohhh my favourite flavour he taste like mint and lemon and his scent whenever his scent touch my nostrils it start giving me butterflies the perfect mixture of icy cold and leather. The way our lips collide together it's indescribable it's like we are meant to be together. But wait why am I thinking like that he has a gf who just got back and show him some of her lingerie fuck why am I jealous all of a sudden maybe because I start liking him. Omg I like him no no no I can't do it it's not a right thing to do. I slowly raise my hand and slap him so he can distance himself from me.

She just fucking slap me that's good I am not angry with her, I am glad she did that in that way I know that she have a nice heart she slap me cause she think I have a gf and she doesn't want to hurt her by kissing me. But oh devil isn't she taste so sweet like honey even honey can't be able to beat her. The way her smell circling around my whole body it's on another level. That's why I can't control my body when she is so close around me but that's not the only reason maybe it was number one reason but I want to make her stop talking while kissing but oh devil isn't my girl is a feisty one. She literally know how to kiss or how to defend from a kiss. But oh baby I am not leaving you today without explaining that I am single but if you gave me a pit of your taste I will be make myself unavailable for whole world.

Esmeray - Are you out of your mind.?? Why did you kiss me.?? You have a ----

Ezekiel - She is not my gf skön I even never dated her in my whole life. I was single until something happen in the past but after that I never got into an any kind of relationship. I know I have a bad reputation but believe me skön I really like you you're more important to me than the all girls I have sleep in past and I promise I am not telling you just because I want to get into your bed I do really like you. And she is my childhood friend and she is getting married this weekend she told me to invite you too as my date. She is so excited to meet you and give away my all secrets she just play with you skön there is nothing going on.

Here I am look like an idiot *ignoring the eye contact* seriously how can I judge him without hearing him. I was so stupid assuming things I should have talk to him and make things clear between us. But just like that I behave like a jealous bitch so so so stupid Esme it was a worse fucking move. *Sigh* If the ground will swallow me fully right now I would be a happiest girl in the world but I know it's not possible but what more I can do. I read all the worse articles about Zeke the singer but in that way I forget that he have a normal life too where he spend like a normal person not like some celebrity. I should be ashamed of myself for thinking like that and wait what did he tell me just right now he like me and having some dark past. I will get to that dark past later but boy did he just tell me he like me just like that.*ekkkk*

Esmeray - What what did you just say.?? You you like me.

Steeping towards more close to me he reply ---

Ezekiel - Yes or should I say it again.?? My Skön.!!

Esmeray - But ---

*Making me shush*

Ezekiel - Just say you like me too. *Cupping her face*

Esmeray - um i I I I wait i have an wedding to catch too.

Ezekiel - Yes and you will be my date .!! And about the confession take your time skon I am not going anywhere I will wait for your reply although I know what you gonna say but still. *Wink*

Esmeray - but I have a date with Fenris .!! He asked for a date and I said yes.!!

Ezekiel - I don't care skön if you go on a date with him, i even don't have an objection you dating two man at the same time, we both like you to the moon and back i realise it when we take you to the hospital. But we will play fair we will both have a shot make the best one win with your heart. If you choose both of us at the end then still I don't have an objection. The choice is yours skön but first will go on a date with me.?? As an official date.?? What do you say.???

Esmeray - I I I need time to think and I need to discuss this with Killer too. So .!!!

Ezekiel - As I said skön take your time in the mean time I will be here waiting for your response about this date. Don't make me wait too much skön cause I am a impatient man but for you I can be your everything you want baby. *Smirk*

Esmeray - I I I I okay okay now just go to your room it's late and I need a beauty sleep you know.

Ezekiel - du behöver inte en skönhetssömn.!! för du är redan vacker.. *blush*

Esmeray - What did you say Zeke i didn't even understand a single thing. *Eyeroll*

Ezekiel - Hmm *pulling her close* I can't let you have all my secrets baby skön sometimes I have to keep some words hidden too. But I know you will Google it just like you Google my words.

Esmeray - *playfully touching Zeke chest* how can I Zeke half of the words is out of my reach. Some i didn't even hear perfectly. Anyway tell me what did you say.??

Ezekiel - I said sleep then you need rest that's all. *Smile* Now go to bed little skön it's already late, and let me no soon about your acceptance. Till then I will wait skön.

Esmeray - I don't think that's what you say.!!! But I will hang into it. Good night now ocean eyes.

As I turn around to leave him he grab my arm and kiss me again this time I didn't resist I kiss him back. My arms going up to his neck I lock my arms towards his neck pulling him more close to my body without wasting any time he grab my waist so tight that it's going to leave a mark of i am not wrong. Then his other hand slip under my pajama while trying to grab my right breast but fuck his hand is cold as ice i guess he caught cold while we were talking cause the cold wind is blowing. Then he push my little body towards the wall while holding the back of my head with his palm so I won't get hurt. I am being pushed again towards the wall twice in a row but I don't mind unless it's Zeke or maybe killer. His tongue enter my lips testing all the juices from my lips as we kiss more desperately passionately we both became kinda out of breath. Without breaking the kiss i ask ---

Esmeray - Ze ze Zeke oc oc oce ocean eye eye you are catching a cold you hands are dead cold.

Then he stop the kiss without giving me any reply he just ask ---

Ezekiel - good night skön it's already past 3. See you tomorrow in campus skön. *Kisses forehead*

I have to leave it's late and she needs her rest she just came out from a incident i don't want to burden her anymore. But fuck this gorgeous lips I want to kiss her everyday but before that I have to control myself cause she needs rest now my kisses or much more can wait.*blush*

Esmeray - But ---

Ezekiel - No more buts skön you will catch a cold too so go get in the bed okay. *jag älskar dig*

Esmeray - Now what does that mean..??

Ezekiel - Nothing I said I Iike you now go off to bed. Oh before I forget Will you go on a date with me skön..??? *Kneeling infront of her*

Esmeray - I will give you the reply soon but for now wait for my response. Okay then Good night ocean eyes.

Ezekiel - I will hold onto that.

He nods and leave my room through the windows again. And I drifted off to sleep for the twice time.

Next update Thursday

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