
Village Night

Characters: Grandmother, Ruth and Alex

(Grandmother converses with Ruth and Alex in the room)

Grandmother: My in-law I hope you will stay quite long

Alex: Eeeerm (He stretches) we would have loved to stay for quite a long time. You see it's been a very long time we came here.

Grandmother: Very true ooooh. I don't even remember the very last time you people came here to visit.

Alex: We can't over stay for long due to the nature of our work. Things will really get bad if we don't go back to supervise.

Grandmother: True though.

Alex: eeeeheeeee so we intend going back God's willing tomorrow to check on a few things.

Ruth: We miss you Ooooh mom. That's why we even had to squeeze ourselves to come. We should have come with your grandson but....

Grandmother: But what?? (She inquisitively asked)

Ruth: He'll go to school tomorrow.

Grandmother: Talking about my grandson have you spoken to him when you arrived?

Ruth: eeeerm no (She squeezes her face) Alex quickly takes his phone and calls Antoinette)

Alex: Honey please let me have Antoinette's number.

Ruth: Okay let me get my phone. (She picks her phone on the table)

Alex: Alright, can I have it?

Ruth: Sure. 0244758759

Dialing....Dialing..... Dialing.....

Alex: She's not answering. I don't know why

Ruth: How!!!!! Are they asleep? Please try again.

Alex: Yeah let me try dialing again....

Dialing.....Dialing... Dialing.....

Ruth: Is it going through? (She patiently asks)

Alex: Hmmmm no answer...

Ruth gets worried. Worry draws on her face.

Ruth: Let me also try and see

Alex: Yeah try and let's see.

Dialing..... Dialing.... Dialing... Dialing....

Grandmother: I hope all is well?

Ruth: I'm sure. Maybe she's not by her phone. She's not answering.

Antoinette comes from the bathroom and sees their missed calls and calls back.

Dialing... Dialing....Dialing.....

Antoinette: Hello Ruth

Ruth: Hi Antoinette. We've been calling you for a while now but you aren't picking the call.

Antoinette: Sorry I went to the washroom. Just came and saw your missed calls. Hope all is well?

Ruth: Yeah all is well. How is my boy?

Antoinette: He's doing perfectly fine.

Ruth: Okay. Can I speak to him?

Antoinette: Eeeerm at the moment, he's asleep. We had dinner not long ago.

Ruth: Alright. My husband is here do you want to talk to him?

Antoinette: Yeah why not.....

Ruth: Okay hold on... Honey please....(He hands over the phone to Alex)

Alex: Hey!!!! How do you do?

Antoinette: How do you do. (She responds with smiles on her face)

Alex: I hope everything is fine.

Antoinette: Yes oooh Mr. Alex just that we are missing you.

Alex: Don't worry we will be back by tomorrow.

Antoinette: Okay. We'll be expecting you then.

Ruth signals her husband for the phone.

Alex: Hold on your friend wants to have a word with you.

Antoinette: Alright

Ruth: Antoinette please make sure you take him to school on time for me God's willing tomorrow.

Antoinette: Sure. I'll do just that.

Ruth: Thank you bye....

Antoinette: Bye.... Good Night.